Aerial Fight Sequence vs. Train Sequence

There are a lot of smilies in this thread, what's your secret?
i prefer the train sequence because there are times when the Harry fight looks like PS2 graphics. Doc Ock fight had cleaner CGI


Spider-Man meets the Green Goblin in Times Square is hands down the best sequence in all 3 movies as it a moment straight out of the silver age of comic books right down to the Goblin's last line

"We'll meet again Spider-Man!"

I suppose I'm a nostalgic that way.

Choreography-wise, it's obvious that there was far more work done in the Spider-Man Versus the New Goblin sequence than any other scene shot in a Spider-Man movie thus far.

The moment that stood out for me during the Train sequence in Spider-Man 2 was when Spider-Man is thrown from the train and is able to recover using his webbing, this moment really got me pumped. Overall, the sequence is visually better than the Times Square sequence on the sheer basis that the camera was pulled back, making it seem much more "comic panel" like.

I guess this is also what kind of bothered me about the New Goblin sequence; it was shot very nicely and very stylistic as a movie. Very entertaining but not as iconic as say the full shot showing both Spider-Man and Doc Ock falling from the clock tower onto the train.

That being said, the shot of Spider-man swinging in circles while trying to throw the New Goblin off balance was cool in the way the camera followed the action.
i prefer the train sequence because there are times when the Harry fight looks like PS2 graphics. Doc Ock fight had cleaner CGI

True but didn't Arad state before the clip showed that, the cg was still unfinished?
True but didn't Arad state before the clip showed that, the cg was still unfinished?

He did, and I hope for once he was telling the truth. The CGI needs a lot of work before release.
I tried to post about this but it didn't go through apparently. The train fight was pretty memorable, but there are moments in this one that blow it way out of the water. The sense of vertigo and the cinematography are amazing. The CGI needs some work, especially when Harry looks like a video game character like someone mentioned before. All in all, a job well done, but Harry is sort of awkward to me in some aspects. Pete looks great, says a good line, and kicks some ass in this. Him swinging around the building is the balls. This is great, but i think the real memorable fights are yet to be revealed....(Spidey and sandman...spidey and venom...)

By the way, just how long is that alley? It goes on FOREVER!!!!
I just loved seeing Pete using both his arms to swing for once, that was 1 of the things that p1ssed me off with the other films.
Damn, the Ariel scene is kicking the Train scene's ass (even if you add the TIE to it). But of course, we are not talking about the biggest/best action scene in SM3. I'm sure Sony likes this poll...and those bastards are probably looking for a bigger bank. :O
Damn, the Ariel scene is kicking the Train scene's ass (even if you add the TIE to it). But of course, we are not talking about the biggest/best action scene in SM3. I'm sure Sony likes this poll...and those bastards are probably looking for a bigger bank. :O

Actually, if you put the tie vote and the train vote together, they're nearly 50/50.

Think of it like this. If they're willing to show us the Harry fight. Just imagine what they're holding back for the actual movie release.
That's what I want to see, the holding back part, but not in trailers or clips. :o
I, myself, think and hope that the final battle -- the construction fight -- will be the best fight in Spider-Man 3 and the best fight of all three movies...but HOPEFULLY, haha.
I, myself, think and hope that the final battle -- the construction fight -- will be the best fight in Spider-Man 3 and the best fight of all three movies...but HOPEFULLY, haha.

it has to be. 4 super powered beings going at each other.
it has to be. 4 super powered beings going at each other.

Sorry I must be thick. How do you people conclude that we are going to have 4 super powered beings fighting each other?

I just cannot see how this would happen.

Let's see.

We know Harry continues to hate Peter and is battling throughout the film to decide whether or not he ultimately wants to kill the only family he has left.

We know Sandman pulverises Spidey at the Construction Site and from the sniipet showen it seems as though he is on his own. We then conclude Sandy's daughter is going to intervene and stop him from killing Spidey. He then walks away. Spidey then must go after Venom (having previously asked Harry for help against him and being refused), Venom batters Spidey and Harry then decides..."No I am ging to help my best friend". He suites up and intervenes in the fight. This is a two against one situation where Harry probably ends up dying.

Now if this isd the scenario where does this so called Spidey and Harry VS Venom and Sandman come from? The Q&A?

Why would Venom team up with Sandy when we know that is against his character? Okay I have heard some of you say it may be a free for all, but how lame would that be? Since it would then turn into Spidey VS Harry, Sandy and Venom. Even Harry has a change of heart I cannot conceivably believe that Sandy would be beaten at a Construction Site of all places, also if he is asked by his daughter to stop wouldn't she be in a little danger with Pumpkin Bombs going off, a large tongued alien man and her dad who can make his sand as hard as steel?

I may be looking at the wrong end of the stick but I really cannot see how the Battle Royale could work without making the scenes cumbersome at best.

If someone has an idea how it may play out then I am all eyes. I would love to know, as perhaps I am going about it the wrong way.
Hmm, i'll have to re-watch the footage to see exactly where the pans of glass are in relationship to one another.

They were a floor apart. The Goblin was on the top floor.

however, his spidey sense wasn't going off during the fire, there was no noise, there was no sign of it what so ever. There's a correlation between the sound and the sense, no sound, no sense. Saying the fire is confusing something that isn't even operating is beyond me.

But we know from the comics his Spidey sense is constantly going when danger is afoot. But in the movie having the sound running endlessly would both be distracting and annoying.

spidey's senses in iminent danger don't have a learning curve, they react for him, like a reflex, similar to the way he jumps out of the way of the goblin glider or dodges the car being thrown at him, he has no idea what is going on, he just reacts. The same should have happened with the goblin under the sheet. With a proper character study, one can see that the goblin should not have been able to sneak up on him.

Peter's spider sense still requires his reflexes to respond, even once the warning is given. It isn't merely motor response. If it were, Peter would never be hit. Like anyone else, distractions and Peter's temperment are factors in how successfully he reacts to his spider sense.
Sorry I must be thick. How do you people conclude that we are going to have 4 super powered beings fighting each other?

I just cannot see how this would happen.

Let's see.

We know Harry continues to hate Peter and is battling throughout the film to decide whether or not he ultimately wants to kill the only family he has left.

We know Sandman pulverises Spidey at the Construction Site and from the sniipet showen it seems as though he is on his own. We then conclude Sandy's daughter is going to intervene and stop him from killing Spidey. He then walks away. Spidey then must go after Venom (having previously asked Harry for help against him and being refused), Venom batters Spidey and Harry then decides..."No I am ging to help my best friend". He suites up and intervenes in the fight. This is a two against one situation where Harry probably ends up dying.

Now if this isd the scenario where does this so called Spidey and Harry VS Venom and Sandman come from? The Q&A?

Why would Venom team up with Sandy when we know that is against his character? Okay I have heard some of you say it may be a free for all, but how lame would that be? Since it would then turn into Spidey VS Harry, Sandy and Venom. Even Harry has a change of heart I cannot conceivably believe that Sandy would be beaten at a Construction Site of all places, also if he is asked by his daughter to stop wouldn't she be in a little danger with Pumpkin Bombs going off, a large tongued alien man and her dad who can make his sand as hard as steel?

I may be looking at the wrong end of the stick but I really cannot see how the Battle Royale could work without making the scenes cumbersome at best.

If someone has an idea how it may play out then I am all eyes. I would love to know, as perhaps I am going about it the wrong way.

the construction is where it all goes down.

you can't seriously think that sandman beats the **** out of the HERO, then his daughter begs him to leave the HERO alone, and the villain just walks away? lol, how lame is that?

all i know is that 4 of them will make an appearance in that last battle. it could be sandman vs. spider-man at first, spider-man barely wins, then venom joins in at the end, then harry comes in finally to help peter, harry dies, then peter finishes venom off.
the construction is where it all goes down.

you can't seriously think that sandman beats the **** out of the HERO, then his daughter begs him to leave the HERO alone, and the villain just walks away? lol, how lame is that?

all i know is that 4 of them will make an appearance in that last battle. it could be sandman vs. spider-man at first, spider-man barely wins, then venom joins in at the end, then harry comes in finally to help peter, harry dies, then peter finishes venom off.
you have to remember though that Venom is the one who kidnapps mj and webs her along with the taxi above the construction site so I'm thinking Venom is the one spidey starts to face off with first and then sandman. I have a feeling sandman will arrive right after he forms back up after he was washed away or something. I don't know how sandman will arrive but I just want it to work out in a reasonable way so that I can, "wow that does make sense". speaking of what you said about sandmans daughter is actually the way I see it happening because sandmans daughter was said to be in tears (I think) when she was begging sandman to stop trying to kill spidey so I don't think sandman will be able to resist going home. wouldn't you? especially judging by the photo of sandman with a sand mace for a hand and sandmans wife and daughter in the background.
you can't seriously think that sandman beats the **** out of the HERO, then his daughter begs him to leave the HERO alone, and the villain just walks away?
There's actually a picture of this.
That's what I want to see, the holding back part, but not in trailers or clips. :o

Well prepare to be disapointed. I wouldn't be surprised that come mid to late April, we're going to get, access shows and behind the scenes stuff o this movie where they're going to reveal some major stuff like they always do, now, its just a matter of time.
But we know from the comics his Spidey sense is constantly going when danger is afoot. But in the movie having the sound running endlessly would both be distracting and annoying.

But we know from the comics his Spidey sense is constantly going when danger is afoot. But in the movie having the sound running endlessly would both be distracting and annoying.
We can't use comic book logic to describe aspects that occur on the film, they are both different characters with different points etc

comics can only be used as a reference and we know that in the films, his spider sense acts less frequently than in the comics, without the noise it could be anyone one of his other senses.

just like in the cartoons, you can't say it's going off all the time unless peter acknologes it in thought or if that sound and colour changes happen, you can only go by what you see.

Peter's spider sense still requires his reflexes to respond, even once the warning is given. It isn't merely motor response. If it were, Peter would never be hit. Like anyone else, distractions and Peter's temperment are factors in how successfully he reacts to his spider sense.
alright you can have this about the fire...

but there are two instances when pete is on a bike and either nearly gets hit by a car or gets kidnapped by peter and neither time does his reflex kick in.

my only rationalisation is that it goes off if someone or himself is in mortal danger

punch to the back of the head (could have killed him, it did dent the locker)
world fair (people did die)
Goblin glider (he was about to be killed)
MJ Cafe car (they would have been killed)
train crash (people would have died)

maybe, both the car/moped/scooter scenes, and fire goblin scenes simply weren't iminent enough danger scenes for it to be acknowledged
There's actually a picture of this.

no. there's a picture of sandman holding spider-man, and his wife and child in the background.

there isn't a picture of sandman walking away from spider-man. how anti-climatic would that be.
We can't use comic book logic to describe aspects that occur on the film, they are both different characters with different points etc

comics can only be used as a reference and we know that in the films, his spider sense acts less frequently than in the comics, without the noise it could be anyone one of his other senses.

just like in the cartoons, you can't say it's going off all the time unless peter acknologes it in thought or if that sound and colour changes happen, you can only go by what you see.

alright you can have this about the fire...

but there are two instances when pete is on a bike and either nearly gets hit by a car or gets kidnapped by peter and neither time does his reflex kick in.

my only rationalisation is that it goes off if someone or himself is in mortal danger

punch to the back of the head (could have killed him, it did dent the locker)
world fair (people did die)
Goblin glider (he was about to be killed)
MJ Cafe car (they would have been killed)
train crash (people would have died)

maybe, both the car/moped/scooter scenes, and fire goblin scenes simply weren't iminent enough danger scenes for it to be acknowledged

yeah, peter would've surely died when he saw MJ fall in the cafeteria and embarass herself.
Harry looks like an SsX-Rider from the video-game!... But he's waaay cooler looking then Green Goblin EVER was!!!

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