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The Dark Knight Rises Anne Hathaway is Selina Kyle, Tom Hardy is Bane!

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On total excited-fanboy impulse, I just went to my local DVD pawn shop and blind-purchased The Princess Diaries 1 & 2, Havoc, Get Smart, Becoming Jane, The Devil Wears Prada, and Rachel Getting Married, all for under $30. I already own Brokeback Mountain, which is the only Hathaway movie I've ever seen. Project Hathaway begins tonight.

NOTE: I will not be buying Bride Wars. The trailer was enough.
What a happy day! We get Catwoman, Anne was MY choice and the casting thread was FINALLY closed.

While I am fine with Anne being cast as Selina, she certainly never came to my mind to play the character. She seems to innocent but should be interesting.
Lets just hope Nolan doesnt put him in a Mask with a suit lol it worked for Scarecrow but Banes gota look awesome. FIN! (Faith in Nolan) Thats gonna catch on, just watch!

If a mask is put on him, it needs to serve a purpose. I saw a manip tha caught my eye. The mask seemed to be an apparatus to pump gas like venom to make him stronger.
they're saying in her intro scene Catwoman rolls a decapitated cat head across the floor before her grand entrance. she is going to be a psycho, not a love interest. she's always in costume, and supposedly she smells like decomp!!!
While I am fine with Anne being cast as Selina, she certainly never came to my mind to play the character. She seems to innocent but should be interesting.

Watch Havoc.
who gives a s***?!

they're on the internet. chances are they've already come across pictures of naked women already.

Many people should care about it...because posting them will get a person probated or banned for doing so.
Anyone think that this will kind of follow Knightfall?

- Bruce and Selina are together
- Bane breaks Batman's back
- Selina assumes the role of Catwoman without Bruce knowing while Batman is disabled
- She gets out of hand with her vigilantism
- Bruce discovers Selina is Catwoman
- Batman has to stop her and Bane

Not exactly perfect, but just some thoughts of what we might see, with the additions of Batman on the run from the police and everything of course. Catwoman obviously taking a sort of Azrael role.
Excellent choices. Great actors. Can't wait.

The only negative thing I have to say is, I can't wait to see people claiming Bale and Hatathaway spewing out political ideology together will be better than the flirting and sexual tension in Batman: The Movie or Batman Returns.
On total excited-fanboy impulse, I just went to my local DVD pawn shop and blind-purchased The Princess Diaries 1 & 2, Havoc, Get Smart, Becoming Jane, The Devil Wears Prada, and Rachel Getting Married, all for under $30. I already own Brokeback Mountain, which is the only Hathaway movie I've ever seen. Project Hathaway begins tonight.

NOTE: I will not be buying Bride Wars. The trailer was enough.

The Devil Wears Prada, Rachel Getting Married, and Brokeback Mountain are great movies! :up:
Coincidentally, I just finished rereading everything from Venom, Vengeance of Bane through Knightfall.

Guess I'll be going through the rest of my Bane collection, and Catwoman, in anticipation. :woot:
I've always maintained whomever is cast as Catwoman should keep the long-established tradition of her undeniable sex appeal. Hathaway's casting has managed to teeter that edge of staying in line with that fact, or completely breaking it.

I will say this much: I think most would agree Anne's unique features present an unconventional look of hotness/ugliness, whichever it is you see. Personally, she's one of those girls who when made up and are looking their best -- absolute bombshell. On a bad day -- hot mess. I don't really think Anne is one of those natural beauts who can wake up any random morning and just automatically look stunning. I do think she does need a little help to get to that level.

Fortunately, this is Hollywood and blockbuster tentpoles tend to have the money and accessories to glam up their actors to the best they can possibly look. Nolan will be the driving force in how Anne comes off on-screen. I'm not expecting Michael Bay-esque sensibilities in which the girl will have a perfect 10 appearance even in the most boring scenes. But I'm hoping Nolan puts effort in making sure Selina is the one female in the room that everyone is sure to gawk at. At least give us that much.
I'm not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV, but doesn't it take months to recover from a broken back?
I've always maintained whomever is cast as Catwoman should keep the long-established tradition of her undeniable sex appeal. Hathaway's casting has managed to teeter that edge of staying in line with that fact, or completely breaking it.

I will say this much: I think most would agree Anne's unique features present an unconventional look of hotness/ugliness, whichever it is you see. Personally, she's one of those girls who when made up and are looking their best -- absolute bombshell. On a bad day -- hot mess. I don't really think Anne is one of those natural beauts who can wake up any random morning and just automatically look stunning. I do think she does need a little help to get to that level.

Fortunately, this is Hollywood and blockbuster tentpoles tend to have the money and accessories to glam up their actors to the best they can possibly look. Nolan will be the driving force in how Anne comes off on-screen. I'm not expecting Michael Bay-esque sensibilities in which the girl will have a perfect 10 appearance even in the most boring scenes. But I'm hoping Nolan puts effort in making sure Selina is the one female in the room that everyone is sure to gawk at. At least give us that much.
Lets just hope Nolan doesnt put him in a Mask with a suit lol it worked for Scarecrow but Banes gota look awesome. FIN! (Faith in Nolan) Thats gonna catch on, just watch!
I'm not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV, but doesn't it take months to recover from a broken back?
How this thread makes me feel:
Anyone think that this will kind of follow Knightfall?

- Bruce and Selina are together
- Bane breaks Batman's back
- Selina assumes the role of Catwoman without Bruce knowing while Batman is disabled
- She gets out of hand with her vigilantism
- Bruce discovers Selina is Catwoman
- Batman has to stop her and Bane

Not exactly perfect, but just some thoughts of what we might see, with the additions of Batman on the run from the police and everything of course. Catwoman obviously taking a sort of Azrael role.

Yea I can see them working those aspects of Knightfall in while working in some "Legacy" storylines in to keep the continuity going with the League of Shadows.
I've always maintained whomever is cast as Catwoman should keep the long-established tradition of her undeniable sex appeal. Hathaway's casting has managed to teeter that edge of staying in line with that fact, or completely breaking it.

I will say this much: I think most would agree Anne's unique features present an unconventional look of hotness/ugliness, whichever it is you see. Personally, she's one of those girls who when made up and are looking their best -- absolute bombshell. On a bad day -- hot mess. I don't really think Anne is one of those natural beauts who can wake up any random morning and just automatically look stunning. I do think she does need a little help to get to that level.

Fortunately, this is Hollywood and blockbuster tentpoles tend to have the money and accessories to glam up their actors to the best they can possibly look. Nolan will be the driving force in how Anne comes off on-screen. I'm not expecting Michael Bay-esque sensibilities in which the girl will have a perfect 10 appearance even in the most boring scenes. But I'm hoping Nolan puts effort in making sure Selina is the one female in the room that everyone is sure to gawk at. At least give us that much.

This is pretty much the most level headed take on the matter of Hathaway's looks which, whether one is for or against them, is the driving point behind most of the discussion on her at this point.
I'm not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV, but doesn't it take months to recover from a broken back?

Yep. There are different degrees to how bad a broken back can be....but my niece broke her back a couple of years ago and she wasn't allowed to do hardly anything for 6 months and had to be real careful doing anything for many months more.
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