BvS Batman's fighting style - new Batman, what should his fighting style be like ?

I'm glad that the fight scenes are a little more cartoony and stylized. It makes it more beliveable that villains like Clayface and Man-bat, etc exist in that same universe.
I practice and (sorta) teach both traditional and modern/practical martial arts. I help with formal martial arts exhibitions all the time, doing demos for events when requested. Most of the time I groan at the awful demos I see from excellent martial artists who simply have no idea how to do a good looking presentation or simply a proper representation of what their art does or can do. Sometimes I just ask a good fighter to do a free spar with me in those events and it looks much better than all the choreographed crap.

That does not mean I do not respect choreography. Quite the opposite. The problem is BAD choreography combined with poor martial arts. Since I am a bit of a jack of all trades, without being really good at anything but dabbling some in lots of stuff, I have a bit of theater experience plus having done some writing and drawing as well. So when I do a choreographed demo I set up a progression of events that showcases how things can work and I set up the conditions so the participants look good doing it, often by using the best and most effective techniques to do the real work while showing flashy crap techniques to fail.

So martial arts can work well in movies without being either offensively fake or boring as hell. It just needs the proper work to be invested.
Batman here looks like pure MMA fighting to me for some reason. Muay Thai actually.
Batman here looks like pure MMA fighting to me for some reason. Muay Thai actually.

It's a mix of a lot of things for sure, though I can't say it's Muay Thai exactly. Maybe Muay Boran, since it's got those leaps and jumps, though again, it's hard to tell specifically what techniques. You punch a dude in the face and what makes that a Muay Thai punch versus a Chines style versus Western boxing versus Panantukan? Certainly he's doing big body throws and tackles but unless he does a textbook Judo throw or something it's like, was that a Silat throw or a Western Wrestling throw?

In universe I would like to think Bruce approaches things from a Jeet Kune Do standpoint. Does it work? Does it allow me to move seemlessly to the next move? If it doesn't work can I easily adjust? And that would really be more about training than the actual fight. In a fight he would just "do". No time for thinking about which specific technique. Just go with the flow and let the training take over while still being in the moment and in control.
In universe I would like to think Bruce approaches things from a Jeet Kune Do standpoint. Does it work? Does it allow me to move seemlessly to the next move? If it doesn't work can I easily adjust? And that would really be more about training than the actual fight. In a fight he would just "do". No time for thinking about which specific technique. Just go with the flow and let the training take over while still being in the moment and in control.

Well put!
Well put!

When I was into the depths of my stick fighting training one of the people I really looked up to had a saying, "Nothing puts you more into the NOW than having a stick fly past your face at 90 miles an hour." :woot:
This defiantly inspired from the Arkham games, the takedowns are so very much similar.






:hrt: Pretty much what I've wanted. Quick, nothing fancy, and just brutal suits this weary and angry Batman.
Which contrasts against Superman. It's literally night and day between them.
Brings back memories of that fight scene between ozymandias and the comedian in watchmen. Loves it!!!!
It's absolutely Watchmen inspired but the reaction to being hit are a little less exaggerated here. Which is good.
People are literally defying physics and breaking down walls/floorboards, so I wouldn't say it's any less grounded than Watchmen.

It's more stylized than what I would've liked, but I'm not going to complain as I've been yearning for some spectacle in this regard.
I never said it wasn't as fantastic as the fighting was in Watchmen. Just a little less exaggerated I believe. I mean we're not seeing dangling limbs from being merely tapped as the alley fight scene showed in the movie. I guess that's probably more to do with keeping things PG-13.. but I like it.

And I'll also take physics defying action over weak and ghost hits any day.
When I was into the depths of my stick fighting training one of the people I really looked up to had a saying, "Nothing puts you more into the NOW than having a stick fly past your face at 90 miles an hour." :woot:

Dog brothers, Krypton?
His fighting style and abilities look a little exaggerated, and a ton of awesome.
A balance I'm ecstatic they decided on.
Let's not quibble over that if we're prepared to ignore how the hell he doesn't dislocate his shoulder when grappling away from Doomsday's (hopefully not Superman's) heat vision :D
Y'know all in all hasnt Bruce mastered near every form of fighting ? There's not really a specific style. He's using everything.
I could just imagine Batfleck's thoughts as he takes them down one by one,
Broken leg
Broken nose
Avoided artery, stitches
Three ribs, two fingers.

Jason (Joker laugh)

Wheelchair, 3 months, physio 6 months
Facial reconstruction, liquids only 6 months."
Dog brothers, Krypton?

Indeed. Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny. ;) My first instructor was a PFS guy that also was affiliated with Larry Hartsell. I then started my own journey with the DB approach. It's not for everyone but I loved it.
I like the fight by itself, but in the context of it being Batman I think it's way over the top. He's throwing guys 20ft through the air, puching them so hard they're violently faceplanting from standing position. It makes it look like either Bats has superstrength or they're fighting in low gravity.
That last guy getting his head stuck in the floor was a bit over the top, but it has a nice comedic vibe to it.

Or I am just a psychopath.
I like the fight by itself, but in the context of it being Batman I think it's way over the top. He's throwing guys 20ft through the air, puching them so hard they're violently faceplanting from standing position. It makes it look like either Bats has superstrength or they're fighting in low gravity.

It's comic booky. Like BTAS. It makes villains like Clayface and Man-Bat more likely to exist in such a stylized world.
It's comic booky. Like BTAS. It makes villains like Clayface and Man-Bat more likely to exist in such a stylized world.

I'm not seeing the connection. You don't have to make Batman superhuman to bring in Clayface or Man-Bat, or to have great fights.
Batman often fights like this in comics,animated shows and yes Batman indeed!
I'm not seeing the connection. You don't have to make Batman superhuman to bring in Clayface or Man-Bat, or to have great fights.

That fantastic fighting style often seen in cartoons and video games, makes it easier to place fantastical villains in the same world.

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