The Dark Knight Batsuit Discussion Thread

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Oct 15, 2001
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Clould be cool new look.
You know, by the third film I wouldn't mind if that's what it looked like. Very cool!
That pic really looks like "The Batman" to me. I'd rather leave the suit the way it is. Why do we need all these different suits? That's one of my major peevs in the Burton/Schumacher franchise... too many different suits.
The Fallen said:
That pic really looks like "The Batman" to me. I'd rather leave the suit the way it is. Why do we need all these different suits? That's one of my major peevs in the Burton/Schumacher franchise... too many different suits.

I gotta agree, if it works don't mess with it.
Not bad, though I'm not a fan of the gold. I never liked the yellow on his suit in the comics. If there's any prominant metallic color I think it should be silver. Well, maybe the gold would be okay in the bat crest but not on the utility belt. On the current movie costume I feel it stands out too much and the bat crest doesn't stand out enough.
the Begins suit is just fine the way it is, they shouldn't mess with it, not yet anyway.
besdies, how would you suppose Bruce got the suit? Fox just happens to have another military survival suit lying around?
No oval, and no bat-thong, please. Otherwise, it's a nice design but I don't really like how slanted everything is, and I would personally make the grey much darker.
If they where to do the yellow/gold and black logo on the suit that's the way I'd want it to look design. Kinda reminds me of the new Superman Returns 3D logo.

Here is another version..
KingOfDreams said:
I've always wondered whose idea it was to put undies on the outside of superheroes' costumes.
I've got no problem with trunks--they look great in the comics. But those in the image above are too thong like.
No Golden Oval - it is......pointless. The black on black bat is 100% better IMO.
Great figure construction, by the way.
No yellow oval please. I dont care how writers justify it, it's just a bad idea. Batman's goal should be to not be seen as much as possible, it makes no sense for him to wear a giant target on his chest, regardless of any extra protection it may offer. Would you rather run around in front of a bunch of criminals with guns with a small metal plate covering your chest, or just plain not be seen at all? The black bat looks much cooler anyways.
Cool designs....but maybe a bit too artsy-fartsy for the Dark Knight. Heck of an artist though. Nolan should leave the suit pretty much alone. I have some nitpicks I'd like to see changed/modified, but the look as-is is great. It would make sense that Bruce would make some changes but they would have to serve a definite purpose. If I could change just one thing, it would be the ears. I would like to see them straighter and a bit longer. They look odd at certain angles. I think it would help reduce or eliminate the egg-head look as well.
Like the old saying goes.........if it's not broke, why fix it?
Saint said:
I've got no problem with trunks--they look great in the comics. But those in the image above are too thong like.

Yeah, I don't mind them in the comics either I'm just wondering when and why the trend started. Is it because the costumes looked too empty or something?
I think it was inspired by wrestlers.
Pardon my hijacking Wams, but your designs inspired me to whip off one of my own. Kind of buggered the body, but oh well. Did a wuit colour mock up, too.

Cool arts there. I dig it. But I rather good o' Batty not wear the yellow oval on his chest. He's suppose to be a Dark Knight, so no bright colors like yellow please. And I really dread the underwear on the outside look. That suit Superman fine instead of Batty. :p
KingOfDreams said:
Yeah, I don't mind them in the comics either I'm just wondering when and why the trend started. Is it because the costumes looked too empty or something?

I remember hearing that it was because of both wrestlers and the "strong man" weight lifters you would see at carnivals. The trunks were what they wore, and it was a symbol of great strength, so they included it on Superman, Batman, etc...
Very cool art, I wonder where it came from? Is there no way of finding out?

Anyway, the Begins suit is perfect for me and requires no further enhancements - the cowl is explained, the way Bruce acquires the suit and the Bat-gadgets is perfectly logical, and even the arm gauntlets used are taken from his days when he trained with Ra's al Ghul.

I never liked the idea of Batman changing his suit every five minutes either, or him having a wardrobe full of spare suits, for example as seen in Batman Returns.

It makes the image of Batman seem more powerful if he has only the one suit.
Dont mess with a good thing. It took 4 films about Batman to get that suit right for me.
LexCorp said:
Dont mess with a good thing. It took 4 films about Batman to get that suit right for me.

Quite Right, if it's not broke don't fix it!
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