Big Brother 7...


May 26, 2004
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Will be an All-Star version. Audience picks cast. Producers have final say. Should start on July 6 2006. Ghoulie er I mean Julie Chen is back as host.
We know the Spider-Man 3 villains and it doesn't open for over a year.
YES! I love this show, seeing the past house guests come will be awesome. I hope Shannon comes back!
So the guests this season will be from the previous six shows,how do the audience gets to pick them if the producers have final say?
The producers may make some changes if they feel the audience's decisions won't make for good tv.
chesslover said:
The producers may make some changes if they feel the audience's decisions won't make for good tv.

^So I guess all the bad guys will be in it.
chesslover said:
Will be an All-Star version. Audience picks cast. Producers have final say. Should start on July 6 2006. Ghoulie er I mean Julie Chen is back as host.

Past guests coming back? That's pretty lame :rolleyes:
As if they can't find more contestants to make the season interesting.
I've always dug BB, but I can honestly say I'll sit this one out. As hot as Janelle is, I don't care if she wins this time around. They can find someone new and hot. It's the reality TV way :D
All-star does sound like it will suck,because everyone will already know each other,they will know who lies,etc.
Survivor tried sucked because all the real all-stars good players got voted out before the jury and you were stuck with "Survivor: Barely made jury the first time we were on the show"

I mean, friggin Amber won for godsakes.
I bet Will and Alison will be on the show,and I bet they will be the first ones voted out.

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