Dating Bi Chicks


Aug 2, 2004
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I just started talking to this girl and today she told me that she dated both sexes. But she dosen't see herself as bi. At first I thought she meant she liked experimenting with guys but when I asked her what sex she liked better she told me she has only been with 3 guys and can't recall the number of women she has been with. She also told me she was 17 she dated her basketball coach who was in her early 20's and happened to be a woman. If you ask me it sounds like a lesbian who likes experimenting with guys. I know she is really into me but I'm kind of worried. Although we don't date at this moment, I already kind of have the fear that I'm going to having to compete against other women.

At the end of the day primary concern is getting some of her punani. J.K!
95% of my exs were bi, some are lesbians now, some are still bi. watching girls go down on each other in front of you is always awesome, but eventually lesbian porn and all of that becomes boring typical stuff. Have fun with it while you can.
Bi girls are fun.
Date a bi girl and your chances of having a threesome go up exponentially.

Plus, if things end with her cheating on you with another girl... Somehow it just doesn't seem as bad. Especially if I get to watch.
Hi guys, I'm from the internet, and I have sex with girls and everything. and they're hot. And they're bi.

Hi guys, I'm from the internet, and I have sex with girls and everything. and they're hot. And they're bi.



Well, bi girls are a dime a dozen.
I don't know if it is because of the way girls are raised, or the media encouragement of quasi-lesbianism, but there are an awful lot of girls who switch teams without to much trouble.

I definitely think its more of a sociological thing rather then a genetic thing.
Truth is, I don't know how dating a bi-girl would be so fantastic. Guys automatically think threesomes, but lets be real. Not all bi-girls want to do threesomes. Many probably just want normal relationships like everyone else, they are just open to dating either sex.
So do the chances of her cheating on you.

Well, not necessarily in either case.
She won't be more likely to go along with it, since its an individual choice, yet the possibility is greater.

As for her cheating, it comes down to the individual. There are some very faithful girls out there, regardless of their sexual appetites.

Girls that are bi just because its a rebellious thing to do... Well they are the types that probably won't offer much relationship security. So have a good time, don't get too involved, and go your separate ways.
Well I don't see why would downright avoid them, especially if your at a stage in life where your not ready to settle down.
I just started talking to this girl and today she told me that she dated both sexes. But she dosen't see herself as bi. At first I thought she meant she liked experimenting with guys but when I asked her what sex she liked better she told me she has only been with 3 guys and can't recall the number of women she has been with. She also told me she was 17 she dated her basketball coach who was in her early 20's and happened to be a woman. If you ask me it sounds like a lesbian who likes experimenting with guys. I know she is really into me but I'm kind of worried. Although we don't date at this moment, I already kind of have the fear that I'm going to having to compete against other women.

At the end of the day primary concern is getting some of her punani. J.K!
None of the red stuff actually matters.

I think you're trying to force a thread subject that really doesn't deserve one...

Truth is, I don't know how dating a bi-girl would be so fantastic. Guys automatically think threesomes, but lets be real. Not all bi-girls want to do threesomes. Many probably just want normal relationships like everyone else, they are just open to dating either sex.

Thats the sad truth many a man has learned
Bi doest equal threesomes :csad:

Also just because shes bi doesn't mean shes gonna cheat on you with other girls.
I dated a bi/girl in high school..started out nice,but it got messy quick.Cheated on me with a girl from our school's basketball team.
So do the chances of her cheating on you.

That's kind of a dick thing to say. Just because a girl is bi doesn't mean she's more likely to cheat on you, unless she would cheat on you regardless of which sex she thinks is hot.

If she's into you, quit whining and overthinking things. Just do her or something.
There is no such thing as bi. Either you're into chicks or you're into dudes. Bi people are just screwing around with one gender.
I have a friend who's bi(know her since high school) and one day i just asked her "how does it feel to be bi,i mean one second you wanna do a guy, then the next day you want a girl,how does it work"?. she replied " i get the best of both worlds". I just shook my head!
Bi = pay attention to me
EXACTLY! I'm in high school and freshman year, like some 67% of chicks said they were bi.
In Junior High i knew a chick who clamed to be Bi, but that summer she moved to finland, got a girlfriend, lost her virginity to her, got her haircut very short, dyed it orange, and started smoking, so there you go. Oh and she also wears business suits with pants from time to time, not kidding. I told her that shes setting lesbians back a billion years and she got kinda mad, so i dont know.
EXACTLY! I'm in high school and freshman year, like some 67% of chicks said they were bi.
In Junior High i knew a chick who clamed to be Bi, but that summer she moved to finland, got a girlfriend, lost her virginity to her, got her haircut very short, dyed it orange, and started smoking, so there you go. Oh and she also wears business suits with pants from time to time, not kidding. I told her that shes setting lesbians back a billion years and she got kinda mad, so i dont know.

Typical lez:o
Dating a bi girl is no different from dating a straight girl; you have to evaluate each one on an individual, case-by-case basis. Some are very interested in fidelity, some are not. Some are interested in sharing bed partners with their mate, some are not.


I've heard that same mindset from a lot of gay and lesbian people as well. They date people that are bi and they say it's ridiculous. Cake and eating it too scenario.
I've heard that same mindset from a lot of gay and lesbian people as well. They date people that are bi and they say it's ridiculous. Cake and eating it too scenario.

And Terry is a bisexual woman, so his word is gospel on this! :up:


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