The Force Awakens Early Star Wars 7 Box Office Prediction Thread

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I have not had too much confidence in the opening weekend number. I just didn't think this was possible in December and I didn't want to here all the, "Star Wars underperformed" crap that would come with it. Happily wrong on that one. But I have always had confidence in this films legs.
I meant it was all a big joke about a cartoon Hype train lol, not a comment on your predictions. :woot:

I expected this to smash (maybe double) the December weekend record but not get near the overall opening record (far less to destroy the opening weekend record). And that after the positivity of the first trailer; if I'd predicted before that with even more uncertainty I'm sure I would have had a lower base case scenario. But all these predictions were made without knowledge of how good the film would be and how well it would review and be received by fans. Any mega-blockbuster would explode with that but of course Star Wars as the daddy of them all has the most capacity for explosion! :cool:
I meant it was all a big joke about a cartoon Hype train lol, not a comment on your predictions. :woot:

I expected this to smash (maybe double) the December weekend record but not get near the overall opening record (far less to destroy the opening weekend record). And that after the positivity of the first trailer; if I'd predicted before that with even more uncertainty I'm sure I would have had a lower base case scenario. But all these predictions were made without knowledge of how good the film would be and how well it would review and be received by fans. Any mega-blockbuster would explode with that but of course Star Wars as the daddy of them all has the most capacity for explosion! :cool:
Yeah, always been a question, how well it would review. Once it killed it, I felt so confident it would do really well.

Plus, here is another train:

And success begets its own hype. People I know who weren't interested in Star Wars previously are talking about it now that it's making the news big time, with their curiosity well piqued.
I feel kind of bad for Jurassic World. Normally you would get to keep your records for more than 6 months.
You feel bad for a film that had a super amazing opening weekend and total? :oldrazz:
57 million bones in one night. I smell a bomb.
Yeah, always been a question, how well it would review. Once it killed it, I felt so confident it would do really well.

Plus, here is another train:


Now this one is much more your style! ;)

I see it tonight in a few hours and then again early tomorrow. Lets keep this thing above 50 like Keanu and Sandy's bus. :cool:
Quick question, which review website is most likely going to likely indicate that a film has good legs for its run post opening weekend, Rotten Tomatoes or CinemaScore?
Whoa, I can believe the kind of money this is making, 250 Mil is not likely IMO, I would say it's making AT LEAST 250 Mil, seeing friday's numbres.

It makes sense, if Jurassic World made as much as it did OW, but it's an amazing ton of money nonetheless.
Domestic Opening:.....$250,000,000+
Foreign Opening: ......$400,000,000+
Worldwide Opening: ..$650,000,000+

Domestic Total Gross: ...$1,000,000,000+
Foreign Total Gross: .....$2,000,000,000+
Total Worldwide Gross: .$3,000,000,000+

Highest grossing film of all time. I'll bet my life savings on that.
We're closing in on that $250m+ opening weekend ;)
This thing is going to break 2B WW easily. When Jurrasic World which was merely an OK movie, that dubbed on the nostalgia market and the popularity of Chris Pratt, I had little doubt this was going to break the bank.
Quality-wise, this deserves the record waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than Jurassic World.
If is going to be well over $500m globally by the end of the weekend, and it hasn't opened in China yet.
So, going for the fastest to a billion. Without China.
So, going for the fastest to a billion. Without China.

This. Can't believe we have 250 ww already after one day or so. What on earth will it be after on Monday? Move over avatar there's a new king in town!
This is gonna spawn an even bigger explosion in Star Wars films, games, comics, figures, etc.






Quick question, which review website is most likely going to likely indicate that a film has good legs for its run post opening weekend, Rotten Tomatoes or CinemaScore?

CinemaScore is not reviews, it's audience exit polling, and therefore a better indicator for what kind of legs the movie may have. Because we've seen many instances of critics loving a movie that audiences just don't, and those movies won't have great legs. With an "A" CinemaScore from audiences, this should see a pretty strong box office run.
Yep, ask the people behind Steve Jobs why their film had poor word of mouth despite good reviews. It doesn't happen as often as some claim but sometimes the audience and critics don't see eye to eye.
CinemaScore is not reviews, it's audience exit polling, and therefore a better indicator for what kind of legs the movie may have. Because we've seen many instances of critics loving a movie that audiences just don't, and those movies won't have great legs. With an "A" CinemaScore from audiences, this should see a pretty strong box office run.
I think what is best for the CinemaScore is that women and people under 25 were giving it an A+. That could mean great legs imo.
Poor 20th century Fox, not only are they getting a kick in the crotch by seeing their former franchise do so well, but putting up Alvin and the Chipmunks the same weekend, along with the Blu-ray release of the terrible Fantastic Four movie the same week! Just a horrible year for them.
Poor 20th century Fox, not only are they getting a kick in the crotch by seeing their former franchise do so well, but putting up Alvin and the Chipmunks the same weekend, along with the Blu-ray release of the terrible Fantastic Four movie the same week! Just a horrible year for them.

Yea, well they deserve it. They're simply not good at what they do. i.e. hiring Paul W.S. Anderson to write and direct a big budget film, for example. Nuff said.
Disney will have made back all of the money they spent to acquire Lucasfilm with the box office, merchandising, video games etc in this one year alone. Holy ****
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