Extra Terrestrial
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There has been a lot of speculation as to what will be happening with the movies that are not scheduled to release next year (ex. Iron Man 2) because they are in the spectrum of "safe" with the buy out of Marvel from Disney.
People say now the movies that arent in production and just in the screneplay/casting stages (ex. Thor Cap Avengers) will be in an ongoing limbo of struggle between budget with Marvel and Disneys true intentions with this buy out. They tell us now that they will play this like they did Pixar and let them do their own but Ill believe it when I trully see it.
I dont want this to start as an argument page the buy out. I want this to be a discussion on where you think the movies will be, where they will stand as release dates that wont interfear with any Disney/Pixar films and if you think as I read in one Blog "Disney will trash these movies because they are only targeted to a narrow fan base"
Keep this thread as a safe environment for bloggers to post whatever they feel and fun! Haha I dont want blood spilled here I've already seen the Disney Buy Out Thread.
People say now the movies that arent in production and just in the screneplay/casting stages (ex. Thor Cap Avengers) will be in an ongoing limbo of struggle between budget with Marvel and Disneys true intentions with this buy out. They tell us now that they will play this like they did Pixar and let them do their own but Ill believe it when I trully see it.
I dont want this to start as an argument page the buy out. I want this to be a discussion on where you think the movies will be, where they will stand as release dates that wont interfear with any Disney/Pixar films and if you think as I read in one Blog "Disney will trash these movies because they are only targeted to a narrow fan base"
Keep this thread as a safe environment for bloggers to post whatever they feel and fun! Haha I dont want blood spilled here I've already seen the Disney Buy Out Thread.