Hey You Hulk Movie fans please don't ruin the sequel

HoratioRome said:
Hey Jeet, for me when I heard about the rumors I did freak out and didn't trust Hollywood to do it right. Though the web shooters change didn't bother me with Spider-man I did think what they did to the X-men was a TOTAL disaster. (I'm not saying people didn't like the X-men, just that to ME what they came up with was a disaster)
I'd hate to disagree with you on this but I feel the x-men movies (especially the first one) did an even worst job than the Hulk movie.
It's interesting to me how many people overlook that. To me the x-men movies took even greater liberties with the characters and changed each character into a WAY watered down, alternate universe, nowhere near as exciting, version of themselves.
at least we got a good five minutes a HULK running around the desert in TRUE Hulk fashion. I find no such solace in the X-men. sorry.

to me Spider-man, the Reeves Superman, and Batman begins are the only ones who got it right (even though I wish Batman's costume was better).

then the FF got some things very right, but some things VERY wrong so it's 50/50.

I think the main reason I like the X-men movies is because they are good movies. I'll explain.

It was incredibly important to me that X-Men be a good movie when I was walking into the theater. The reason was I was taking my two nephews and a niece. I was very proud of the fact that one of my all time favorite comics was being made into a movie and I desperately wanted them to like it and understand why I liked the comics so much. I had tried to get my nephews to read some of the old comics I had (I have every issue I ever bought...and I read them...not "save" them.). They never bothered...it seemed too boring to them. The only "X" they were interested in was "X-box". I almost had to beg them to go with me to the movie.

Walking out was a different story. They were practically walking two feet off the ground with excitment. Even my niece was into it. They couldn't stop talking about each and every character in the movie. As soon as we got home, my nephews dove into the X-men comics. It was as dramatic a shift in perception as I've ever seen. Thank you Brian Singer/Hugh Jackman/Halle Berry/Ian McKellen/Patrick Stewart/Anna Paquin/etc...

Being an X-Men fan today is a completely different world than being an X-men fan before the movie came out. There is a sense that "we were right"....and "we were right before anyone else".

I sense no positive change in being a Hulk fan however....VERY disappointing.
Nolte might have over acted most of his scenes but in the scene where he tell Betty what happened with his wife, he was spot on perfect. Thats actually my fav scene in the movie
Cracker Jack said:
Actually all the way back in TIH #1 the Gamma Bomb was suppose to destroy buildings and things but thought not to have the fall-out of a nuke. It was an experimental bomb that they weren't exactely sure what effects it would have on humans.

Cracker I looked it up once again and nowhere in the TIH#1 does it say the bomb was supposed to not affect people. That concept came much later on. Can you tell me where you see that in the early Lee/Kirby issues?
JeetKuneDo said:
Well put. That is why the Hulk keeps reminding everyone that he is "the strongest one there is". That's Banner's frustration at being "weak" coming out.
yup, and that is why Hulk hates "PUNY" Banner.
That's what gets me...if Ang Lee (or whoever) wanted to make a psycho-drama, he had all the material he needed without making up some odd story about Bruce's father.

I think Thor has had some minor size fluxuations, but other than that, only Henry Pym has gone through more size issues in the comics.

...:) )

you're right about that, (though Thor's height varations weren't as dramatic, he certainly fluctuated in his height a bit. especially in the early comics)
JeetKuneDo said:
I think the main reason I like the X-men movies is because they are good movies. I'll explain.

It was incredibly important to me that X-Men be a good movie when I was walking into the theater. The reason was I was taking my two nephews and a niece. I was very proud of the fact that one of my all time favorite comics was being made into a movie and I desperately wanted them to like it and understand why I liked the comics so much. I had tried to get my nephews to read some of the old comics I had (I have every issue I ever bought...and I read them...not "save" them.). They never bothered...it seemed too boring to them. The only "X" they were interested in was "X-box". I almost had to beg them to go with me to the movie.

Walking out was a different story. They were practically walking two feet off the ground with excitment. Even my niece was into it. They couldn't stop talking about each and every character in the movie. As soon as we got home, my nephews dove into the X-men comics. It was as dramatic a shift in perception as I've ever seen. Thank you Brian Singer/Hugh Jackman/Halle Berry/Ian McKellen/Patrick Stewart/Anna Paquin/etc...

Being an X-Men fan today is a completely different world than being an X-men fan before the movie came out. There is a sense that "we were right"....and "we were right before anyone else".

I sense no positive change in being a Hulk fan however....VERY disappointing.

I totally understand, andappreciate your POV. in fact I had a similar experience with the first Keaton Batman. when I saw it, there was SUCH a need for validation, such a desire to see this character come to life, such a fear that it would be campy, that when I finally saw the movie it was one of the most powerfull experiences I've ever had (at the movies).
I loved that movie and saw it 9 times (in the theatre). I hated and took it personally when some people didn't like it. I felt as though they were attacking ME personally when friends and family would "nitpick" about one thing or another.

HA I thought, this movie has made more money than ANY other movie that came before,..so THERE. I don't care what you say, or how much you playa hate,..My hobby IS legit. It IS smart, adult, and fun, and ANYONE would love it if they gave it a chance.

This attitude went on for over 6 years. SIX YEARS!

Then one day, after the initial excitment finally wore off, I watched this movie again. And I realize that it ISN'T that good of a movie. In fact, truth be told it's a pretty bad movie with many plot holes, weaks FX, poor action sequences, mediocre acting, and a ridiculously bad costume.

WOW! I thought. could I have fooled myself to THAT degree that I didn't allow myself to see the obvious. did I suspend my judgement to appease my wishes (something I find to be the most dangerous thing anyone can do. the thing most responsible for human atrocities),...could I have been THAT blind?

I vowed NEVER to let that happen again.

So when I saw the X_men for the first time. Even though I had a HUGE desire to see these characters come to life, even though (in light of the Batman 3,4, and especilly 5 debacle) I had a NEED to once again be validated, I saw the movie with open eyes.

What I saw was completely different from what the fans saw. I saw that first of all they COMPLETELY changed MANY things about the x-men. the obvious was the HUGE departure from the costumes, the powers, the origins, the relationships, the roles, etc. etc.

I recognize that there was a TOTAL lack of respect for the comic material. worst yet, there was a disdain for it (confirmed with the "what did you expect, yellow spandex" comment)

I saw that in addition to the lack of respect for the comic material, that the movie itself wasn't very good. the action was very lame (TV show level). The Wolverine Sabretooth fights were less exciting than the fights I'd seen on Buffy the tv show. The FX were lame and tame.

I saw that each character (save prof) was TOTALLY watered down in terms of their powers.

I saw that they TOTALLY missed the point with Wolverine by casting Jackman who is 6'2 tall.

I saw that it was an x-men movie in name only. (oh and in "spirit")

The best compliment I could give the x-men was that is wasn't a bad movie.

I then had to watch and listen to the fans praise it (much the same way I'd praised Batman). I had to argue with them all the OBVIOUS changes that they made to the source material. I had to point out, in vain mind you, that Wolverine is NOT 6'2 and that making him so takes the very essence of the character away from him.

I understood where they were coming from but I believed we could do better. I believed in the material.

I did not see the x-men as a VALIDATION of my hobby but rather as the CONFIRMATION that my hobby WAS silly, stupid, and beneath the intelligence of "normal" people. The fact that the movie took so many liberties pretty much said confirmed "hey as it is it's not good enough".

I was deeply hurt when the FANS of the comics themselves would actually say this. THEY would say, no yellow spendex would never work. or the powers are too much they would never work, and other such things.

Then along came Spider-man. Once again with OPEN eyes, I watched the movie. And THIS time I was blown away, FOR REAL. my Hobby WAS finally validated.

The origin, the costume, the powers, the relationships (most of them anyway except for MJ which was still very close), the "superheroness" of it ALL stayed the same. And it WAS a great film. I was fun film. And it MADE a gazzillion dollars. Finally I thought. Validation. THIS is MY hobby. and it IS good enough AS IS.

I hoped this would influence the x-men and other superhero movies, but alas the fans continue to fight against being faithfull and continue to accept Hollywood's disdain for these characters.

Worst yet, even MARVEL comics has agreed that these comics/characters/stories weren't good enough. the started to put leather jackets, and revamping characters IN THE COMICS.

and they've failed.

Yes I know no one will agree with this. I know I will yet again be attacked for pointing out the many many flaws in the X-men movies. bUt I maintain that the REAL x-men, in movie format would make TWICE as much as the movies have made.
HoratioRome said:
Cracker I looked it up once again and nowhere in the TIH#1 does it say the bomb was supposed to not affect people. That concept came much later on. Can you tell me where you see that in the early Lee/Kirby issues?

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. :O Hmmmmmmmm I'll have to look. I'm not sure.
Katsuro said:
Yeah, I couldn't read past the second page because some of the arguing was killing my brain cells.

Hulk should not be a mute, but luckily, he wasn't in Ang's movie. Regardless of how often he talked, he did talk, therefore he is not a mute. But the idea of Hulk talking like a 5 year old in the middle of battles is ridiculous. I really dont need to see him saying crap like "Hulk smash helicopter!" Does that really add anything to his character, or come off as anything but cheesy? I think i'd laugh if I heard him say something like that during a big fight scene.

yep I think it's called novelty. Ultimately pointless but still "cool" cuz it's related to something from the comic. And as fanboys it's our job to be completely close-minded to anything that's not shot for shot like the comic like sin city. But where's sin city now? Certainly it made me wet myself with its coolness factor. but where is it on the list of good films in my book? very close to the bottom. I think Nobody really much liked that as a movie beyond that cool novelty of it being literally a live action version of specific comic panels. As a movie, I felt it didn't work. the episodic structure was meandering and tiring at the same time. And I know it's a comic move but that doesn't mean the actors shouldn't take it seriously. What was up with the hammy acting from some of them?

We all have o realize that's that's the reality of it. What works in comics sometimes doesn't work on movies too. I mean, that's why they're comics isn't it? So they don't have to deal with the restrictions of another medium like film does.

It didn't bother me that hulk isnt' mr. stereyotypcal cave-man when he talks. I like that. I'm not saying I'd throw my popcorn at the screen if he did start with the caveman thing Me want kill joo and all that either. But it's not vital to his character imo.
While Iam pretty 100percent sure that the CGI Hulk will stay in the sequel.
I thought the Hulk was a beautifully shot, unique, artistic, movie going experience. It was almost art house like. I think i'd know considering that's like it I ever watch besides superhero films....I think the reason it didn't do as great as some people where expecting was, well definately the time it was released and the demographic the steudio was targeting with its trailers. But eh, these kind of movies never make as much money as they should. Instead we get an xXx trilogy..and crap like that.

The general movie going audience sucks. We should be getting a hulk 2 before we ever get a sequel to the atrocious Fantastic Four.
Hades said:
The general movie going audience sucks. We should be getting a hulk 2 before we ever get a sequel to the atrocious Fantastic Four.

And we're getting the exact opposite.

that shows us how crappy this bussiness could be.
no one is forcing you to watch the films, if you dont like em stick to your comics and don't watch em...

Well, the movies do help bring a larger audience to the comic world.
MajinShenron said:
Well, the movies do help bring a larger audience to the comic world.

You're saying that's the reason to make them?
MajinShenron said:
Well, the movies do help bring a larger audience to the comic world.

They do, but let's be realistic. The primary focus behind making a superhero movie is to leverage the knowledge of a character from the comics and turn it into revenue...if they increase book sales that is a bonus. To that end, the movie is priority, as we've proven time and again with every book-to-screen translation we get (be it small things or major changes).
Lazlo Panaflex said:
Some change has to be done when translating comics or novels to the big screen in order to accomodate the flashier big spectacles that audiences expect from Hollywood blockbusters.

Real spandex in the X-Men films would've looked silly on the actors, same as the Batman suit being all rubber, there are exeptions such as the Superman films.

I'm fine with a few minor changes such as Banner's father being an absorbing man but I'm not fond of the Joker killing Batman's parents.
You call that minor!? That's like saying "I'm fine with the Joker being Bruce's father" Obviously that's a HUGE change in story. And for the record I believe you can put these people in "spandex" without it looking silly. You just have to do it right. Do you remember those old Spider-Man live action shows? He look terrible. But he looks great in the movies.

Also for the record I really enjoyed the Hulk movie. Although I'd really love it if they made him more like his comic book counter-part. "HULK SMASH!" and what not.
Same. I think they'll learn from what worked and what didn't.

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