Of say raybia, didn't see you'd responded...
As for Jesus' pacifism...you bring up a whole other topic, which is, the Bible is a load of bologna eaten through with hundreds of contradictions, a mess of disparate volumes compiled by men centuries after the fact for their own ends.
You present Jesus as a pacifist, but there are parts of the Bible that contradict that view. So if what you say is true, the correct perception of Jesus will always be conjecture.
However I don't think anyone disputes the facts that Mohammed was a warrior and Jesus was never in a physical war, and that when swords were raised to defend him, he rebuked his "defenders" and healed his attacker.
Mohammed used violence, including assassination, to defeat and convert men to Islam.
Yes, Mohammed fought in 3 wars. His was a spiritual mission as the first 13 years after becoming a Prophet he taught his people the religion. The only distrubances came went the Makkan leaders would verbal attack Mohammed and verbally and physically attack the fledging members that accepted Islam. In spite of this, Mohammed never retailated and any fashion nor did any of the Muslims at that time.
His first war came around the age of 53 when he and the early Muslims were the Meccan pagans put together a force of 1000 to destroy the Muslims were migrated from Makkan to Medina in order to escape persecution and live in peace. Mohammed and the Muslims were forced to gather to fight and composed a force of 300 against 1000. Even then, they only did so after they received the revelation from G-d commanding them to fight against the attackers.
However Mohammed and the new Muslim community never forced anyone to convert to Islam as compulsion in religion was forbidden by the Quran nor did Mohammed assassinate nor ordered the assassination of anyone.
Jesus converted people by teaching, persuasion, and example. He never used force, nor would He allow His disciples to use force, even when His enemies attacked Him.
So did Mohammed and thats a fact regardless of your rebuttal. I don't know if Jesus used force personally but I already presented from the bible were Jesus told his disciples to purchase swords to protect themselves. The rebuttal that there are inconsistencies in the Bible does not take away the fact that its there and doesn't prove that this particular verse is false.
But anyway,
Correct. And it's your opinion that it IS wrong.
And just like you can state your opinion as fact ("It IS wrong to mock Jesus.")
I can state mine as fact. ("It is NOT wrong.")
You can ride that merry-go-round all day long by yourself.
And you always bring up the numbers of believers, which I don't get.
Totally irrelevant.
Not my fault that you are not able to comprehend the signifance of the numbers I mention. A person in their right mind would merely have asked for clarification.
In Nazi Germany, the vast majority of people thought Jews were subhuman.
Does it somehow make them RIGHT?!?, because they had more people with that like belief?
Of course not.
In the Middle Ages, women were treated like property, like animals, and had no rights...by EVERYone.
Does that mean it was the RIGHT way to go about things?
At one time, 100% of the population thought the Earth was flat.
That just meant that 100% of the population was ignorant.
I have no automatic respect for what "Most" of the people believe.
This entire rant was made possible by the very fact that you would rather look for a reason to ***** than to seek to understand before trying to be understood. Since you are so off-based with these remarks, this is the only response it deserves.
Yes. It is disrespectful. I have no special respect for either figure and actively have NO respect for what their teachings have done to countless generations of people. So if I speak about either figure, or the beliefs they've spawned, it will be with "disprespect", as is appropriate....as appropriate as it is for you to speak
with respect, since....you have it.
I'm happy that you can at least acknowledge that it is indeed disrespectful. Let your conscience be your guide.
I don't have respect for child molesters, and when I say, "That worthless inhuman dog should be tortured to death and raped for what he's done to that little defenseless girl."....people tend to have no problem with that lack of respect reflected in speech, beCAUSE, they agree.
Well, sorry, we don't all agree on who and what merits "respect". *shrug*
No we don't, but its not our responsibility to manage the affairs of each others. We have to manage our own life and actions. To each their own.
But again, you're stating a "fact" that isn't true.
You say that if mockery is allowed, it extends to believers and they are persecuted and discriminated against.
Nope. It CAN happen, but it's not the rule.
It can happen and it does happen, plain and simple and people need to be protected from it and its effects.
PLUS, people have used their religious beliefs to justify not only persecution and discrimination against non-believers, but even
Yes that is true and people have also used their religious beliefs to do alot of good in the world as well. I for one, will never advocate throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
So, by YOUR logic, religious belief is wrong, 'cause when people have too much reverence for religious mythology, it extends to those who do not share that reverence, and these non-believers are persecuted, discriminated against and murdered.
Flawed reasoning on your part due, in part, for merely wanting to spar than to engage into a real dialogue about this subject with an open mind.
Religious reverence is not the cause of persecution, murder, and discrimination, but it comes from a lack of reverence of G-d, ignorance of
divine guidance, and a perversion of man's original good nature among other things I'm sure.
You're funny.