Well, two things.
1). No offense, but if you judge the human race by this board, we should all be slaughtered for our absolute stupidity as soon as possible. IMO, at least. So really don't put too much stock into what people say on here.
I didn't think what I said suggested that this was something I'd learned exclusively from this board, but to clarify, it's something learned through life experience and consumption of media, not this board.
2). They are partially right. There is a level of envy, you can't make me believe any different. I know it's kind of totally different, but I hate the Yankees. I hate the Lakers. And do I have legitimate reasons why I don't like them? Sure. But I'm also envious as **** as well.
And I understand that, but believe me when I say, I think plenty of the sentiment you just expressed is motivated by the fact that you do live in America. Just as Moviefan's sentiment was motivated by living in Texas and total, complete faith in Christianity.
I believe most bigoted hate of Americans comes from a personal level, and is rarely motivated by "envy". Unless we stretch the definition of "envy". In my experience, there's a real belief in the fat, stupid, undeserving American stereotype that breeds the hate far more readily than some underlying, secret desire to be the coolest kid.
But yes, a lot of people do take it to far and become just obnoxious and ignorant. Of course, a lot of non-Americans can be pretty obnoxious and ignorant as well.
No disagreement there, but I hate this sort of thread because it's so completely... just warring generalizations.
It's why so often I think the sentiment that should honestly be expressed in them is "Well, yeah, man, if I knew THAT America you just described, I'd probably hate it too." or "Well, yeah, man, if I knew THAT America you just described, I'd probably love it too."
People are arguing about different perceived interpretations based on their experiences, which will differ person to person, yet they're arguing them for objective truth... it's a dumb argument, same as any that would arise from that moron Old Greg's gender threads.