Is anyone else getting a bad feeling?


Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Scott might die!
Rogue might take the Cure!
No Pheonix Flames!
Short Running Tim

I feel like they are taking the lazy mans route and not doing enough justice to the characters
Yes about the last two, not so much about the first two. How is it that the Phoenix bird we saw at the end of X2 won't be in X3??
eh a little, but as long as its better then x1, or at least as good.
Mr Garak said:
Yes about the last two, not so much about the first two. How is it that the Phoenix bird we saw at the end of X2 won't be in X3??
Most of the review seem to say no flames which i think is a copout if they dont happen
Is it just because they have no cash to produce it? What the hell?
Well, I did know a kid named Tim who was short and liked to run a lot... but I never had a bad feeling toward him :confused:
phantom47 said:
Scott might die!
Rogue might take the Cure!
No Pheonix Flames!
Short Running Tim

I feel like they are taking the lazy mans route and not doing enough justice to the characters

They've taken that route since X1.
i have a bad feeling abt it im dispoointed big time
The Original Bamfer said:
Well, I did know a kid named Tim who was short and liked to run a lot... but I never had a bad feeling toward him :confused:
really....cause i did...i tripped him when he ran passed me
The first one is the worst, imo.

I could live with Rogue taking the cure. It's kind accurate to her character (she's considered similar means before, although she did end up remaining a mutant)

No Phoenix flames I could live with.

And the runtime isn't a problem if that is all that's needed to tell the story.

Cyclops shouldn't die under any circumstances, however, and I'm very frustrated at his apparent death, despite the fact that I never believed it before.
If Phoenix weren't going to have a lot of effects worked on her, why does she have her own effects team?
They need to have flames, if we saw them in X2, unless the flames represent the "good" Phoenix, and the "black-eyed" Phoenix as Dark Phoenix???
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
The first one is the worst, imo.

I could live with Rogue taking the cure. It's kind accurate to her character (she's considered similar means before, although she did end up remaining a mutant)

No Phoenix flames I could live with.

And the runtime isn't a problem if that is all that's needed to tell the story.

Cyclops shouldn't die under any circumstances, however, and I'm very frustrated at his apparent death, despite the fact that I never believed it before.
i say if you have the flames in the end of the last film...they should do it in this!! But im the opposite i gues i really dont ming if he dies
One word: pacing.

Even if Ratner pulls the pacing off, its still taking risks for no reason. You want to be SURE you relay the scenes carefully to the audience with a more deliberate pace.. so as to avoid the slippery slope of a part 3. These are safety nets... and hes not using them.
phantom47 said:
Scott might die!
Rogue might take the Cure!
No Pheonix Flames!
Short Running Tim

To answer your question : yes, but not for the first three reasons you listed. I'm getting a bad vibe because this movie, at times, is starting to feel like Fantastic Four. And now that we know that it will have a similar running time, it's getting hard to stay optimistic. The FOX preview was impressive, so I'm feeling a little better, but I'm definitely not as excited as I was when, say, the trailer came out.
the only thing i'm woried about is that it might be really rushed
Sun_Down said:
To answer your question : yes, but not for the first three reasons you listed. I'm getting a bad vibe because this movie, at times, is starting to feel like Fantastic Four. And now that we know that it will have a similar running time, it's getting hard to stay optimistic. The FOX preview was impressive, so I'm feeling a little better, but I'm definitely not as excited as I was when, say, the trailer came out.

I believe the runtime will be the biggest weakness (unless you're a Cyke fan), but I doubt it'll be like Fantastic Four. I think that tonally, it's just too different. Now, that doesn't mean X3 will be awesome, but if it sucks, it'll be a different kind of suck than FF.
XCharlieX said:
One word: pacing.

Even if Ratner pulls the pacing off, its still taking risks for no reason. You want to be SURE you relay the scenes carefully to the audience with a more deliberate pace.. so as to avoid the slippery slope of a part 3. These are safety nets... and hes not using them.

Pacing is absolutely essential, so I hope it's done well. :up:

I think they'd be stupid not to include a Phoenix bird/ psi-flames in X3, because it was so obvious in X2. It'd be a really bad continuity error, IMO.
phantom47 said:
Scott might die!
Rogue might take the Cure!
No Pheonix Flames!
Short Running Tim

I feel like they are taking the lazy mans route and not doing enough justice to the characters

No, that was Singer's job, and he did it well.
the a1ant said:
Pacing is absolutely essential, so I hope it's done well. :up:

I think they'd be stupid not to include a Phoenix bird/ psi-flames in X3, because it was so obvious in X2. It'd be a really bad continuity error, IMO.

I don't necessarily agree. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the Phoenix effect in all it's glory, but I think the ending of X2 was just vague enough that they didn't have to reference it. Plausible deniablity if you will. The hurdle is that they're gonna have to (I assume) explain to the audience why Jean is projecting this kind of power effect.
Im starting to have mix feelings... and am upset about Phoenix's flames... still excited for Famke though. She's the main reason I like Jean and I know she can pull it off. Dark Famke + Dark Jean = DARK BADASS PHOENIX. and I wanna see flames... and if Kinberg doesn't hold true to his words about his posts regarding the firebird, I will ... take it like a man :o and do nothing about it. :p
Yes. The preview just made me confused towards these feelings. I really want to like it, but just can't get over the death of Scott. At least the way it happens. And if Rogue gets cured, I will have lost all faith in the movie. No matter how great any of the rest of it is.

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