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Guardians of the Galaxy James gunn fired!!! - Part 1

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Depends on if GotG3 gets a director soon and if they feel they can meet the prior established shooting date. If they move forward with Gunn's script as reported, should be easier to do. A lot of work is already done. So it may make the May 2020 date yet.
Bautista is doing himself no favors. I understand standing up for a friend....but this is more like destroying yourself for a friend. When studios talk about not using people any more because they are hard to work with....this is the type of thing they are talking about. Sure he's attacking Disney here....but it's sure to make other studios wonder how will he act if something doesn't go his way on a film being made by them.
Should Dave have worked for one of the liberal billionaire pro wrestling magnates?

Athletes can work for conservative billionaire owners without supporting their garbage politics. We see this every week with the brave souls kneeling to protest police violence against people of color. God bless folks like Dave that will put their careers on the line for principle.

And the use of MAGA is appropriate. Dave was specifically pointing out how Disney kowtowed to cybernazis that took issue with James' criticism of Putin's Pet. And were out for blood after Roseanne's cast and crew threw her under the bus. Disney's retroactive firing of a director who delivered two wildly successful films without a single inappropriate incident was disgraceful. Everyone involved with the decision should be ashamed of themselves.
Bautista is doing himself no favors. I understand standing up for a friend....but this is more like destroying yourself for a friend. When studios talk about not using people any more because they are hard to work with....this is the type of thing they are talking about. Sure he's attacking Disney here....but it's sure to make other studios wonder how will he act if something doesn't go his way on a film being made by them.

Exactly. Bautista doesn't know it, but he is actually burning bridges with the tweets that he sent out. With Disney about to acquire Fox and gain a large market share within the entertainment industry, if he's not careful he won't be able to find movie studios who are willing to work with him. He's a very talented actor and I hate to see him torpedoing his own career for a friend, however noble it may be.
Should Dave have worked for one of the liberal billionaire pro wrestling magnates?

Athletes can work for conservative billionaire owners without supporting their garbage politics. We see this every week with the brave souls kneeling to protest police violence against people of color. God bless folks like Dave that will put their careers on the line for principle.

And the use of MAGA is appropriate. Dave was specifically pointing out how Disney kowtowed to cybernazis that took issue with James' criticism of Putin's Pet. And were out for blood after Roseanne's cast and crew threw her under the bus. Disney's retroactive firing of a director who delivered two wildly successful films without a single inappropriate incident was disgraceful. Everyone involved with the decision should be ashamed of themselves.

Everyone who posts in the Politics thread knows how much I hate Donald Trump, but as much as I despise him, the group who launched the attack against James Gunn had nothing to do with Trump. Using MAGA in an attempt to group Disney with Trump was the wrong way to attack Disney; he could have ridiculed the Alt-Right instead.

Btw, I know Gunn was attacked due to his criticism against Trump, but once again Trump this time actually did not get involved like he did with the Rosanne incident. Trump also attacked Bob Iger for firing Rosanne; how is Iger or Disney suddenly a friend of Trump?

And because he has expressed interest in going back to WWE and work for Vince again, whose wife is currently on the Trump Administration, it makes his tweet even worse.
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I think there's a way Batista can go about supporting his friend without risking the good of his own career. I also don't think Gunn would want his friend to risk destroying his career for him. At least IMO that's what a good friend would do.
Yeah, I think it would have to be pushed back. The director search may become hard especially after the Solo aftermath. Even Ron Howard couldn't save Solo the way they wanted. Not every director likes being managed as much as Disney prefers and now they know that Disney won't have their back if anything happens as well as being quick to fire.
That's not exactly welcoming, is it?

Feige was able to get Waiki Waititi and others by having Disney ban Perlmutter...also a Trump BFF...from the MCU but supposedly, none of this had anything to do with Perlmutter and Feige still has to deal with all fallout.

Also, this is yet another mess that Feige has to clean up after. How many times does he have to put up with these situations before he decides to leave, too?
Exactly. So for Bautista to mock Disney by using MAGA is rather ironic. I applaud him for standing his ground, but things like this only makes him seemed hypocritical.

Whatever hypocrisy there might be, he is still not wrong to suggest that by capitulating to the alt-right Disney has emboldened them to continue to go after and attempt to destroy the careers of anyone who attacks Trump. They are playing their game now.
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Everyone who posts in the Politics thread knows how much I hate Donald Trump, but as much as I despise him, the group who launched the attack against James Gunn had nothing to do with Trump. Using MAGA in an attempt to group Disney with Trump was the wrong way to attack Disney; he could have ridiculed the Alt-Right instead.

Btw, I know Gunn was attacked due to his criticism against Trump, but once again Trump this time actually did not get involved like he did with the Rosanne incident. Trump also attacked Bob Iger for firing Rosanne; how is Iger or Disney suddenly a friend of Trump?

And because he has expressed interest in going back to WWE and work for Vince again, whose wife is currently on the Trump Administration, it makes his tweet even worse.

Just as Dubya will forever be linked to the neocons, so too will Trump be always associated with the alt-right. Those are our garbage president's boys even if he didn't have any direct comment on Gunn's disgraceful treatment. Whether they meant to do it or not, dismissing a strong critic of Putin's Pet was a wet kiss to Trump and his deplorable base.

And a pro wrestler wanting to work for the world's largest pro wrestling outfit does not a hypocrite make. People shouldn't be expected to weigh the boss's political leanings when taking a frikkin job. An awful lot of professional athletes would be out of work if that were the case. Dismissing Dave's righteous stand because of fake charges of hypocrisy is ridiculous.
Just as Dubya will forever be linked to the neocons, so too will Trump be always associated with the alt-right. Those are our garbage president's boys even if he didn't have any direct comment on Gunn's disgraceful treatment. Whether they meant to do it or not, dismissing a strong critic of Putin's Pet was a wet kiss to Trump and his deplorable base.

And a pro wrestler wanting to work for the world's largest pro wrestling outfit does not a hypocrite make. People shouldn't be expected to weigh the boss's political leanings when taking a frikkin job. An awful lot of professional athletes would be out of work if that were the case. Dismissing Dave's righteous stand because of fake charges of hypocrisy is ridiculous.
You want to avoid the hypocrisy because he is on your side.You say people shouldn't be expected to weigh the boss's political leanings when taking a job, but that is exactly what you are applauding Bautista for doing with the Gunn situation, as he is complaining about the idea of working for someone who supports Trump as a concept. He is bringing up political affiliations to complain about Disney, while ignoring his own desire to work for an actual Trump friend and supporter. Seriously man, it isn't difficult at all to see why this matters and how it makes him look like an obvious hypocrite. He isn't taking a righteous stand, he is defending his friend. Which is why he is coming off like a nonsensical meathead about it. Selma Blair is defending Gunn without coming off like this.
You want to avoid the hypocrisy because he is on your side.You say people shouldn't be expected to weigh the boss's political leanings when taking a job, but that is exactly what you are applauding Bautista for doing with the Gunn situation, as he is complaining about the idea of working for someone who supports Trump as a concept. He is bringing up political affiliations to complain about Disney, while ignoring his own desire to work for an actual Trump friend and supporter. Seriously man, it isn't difficult at all to see why this matters and how it makes him look like an obvious hypocrite. He isn't taking a righteous stand, he is defending his friend. Which is why he is coming off like a nonsensical meathead about it. Selma Blair is defending Gunn without coming off like this.

You are completely incorrect. I'm dismissing the charge of hypocrisy because it is a falsehood, as well as a distraction from the issue at hand. It's quite similar to your earlier attempts to discredit Dave's brave stance by attacking him on errors he may or may not have made in his personal life. I'm applauding Bautista for his stance on THIS ISSUE. Whatever stands he has or has not taken on other issues with past or future employers is not THIS ISSUE.

Bautista is "complaining about the idea of working for someone who supports Trump as a concept"? Are you kidding me? He's complaining about THIS ISSUE. Expanding it to encompass all the times he didn't complain about McMahon or any other Trump supporting business leader is ridiculous and an attempt to distract from THIS ISSUE.

If McMahon behaves in a cowardly fashion when faced with a cybernazi scam, and Bautista keeps his mouth shut, feel free to call him a hypocrite. Until that happens, howsabout we stick to THIS ISSUE?
Also, Bautista's not criticizing Iger and Horn for being Trump supporters. Which they are not. He's criticizing them for caving to Trump supporters. It's easy to get confused when you are trying to distract from THIS ISSUE.
You are completely incorrect. I'm dismissing the charge of hypocrisy because it is a falsehood, as well as a distraction from the issue at hand. It's quite similar to your earlier attempts to discredit Dave's brave stance by attacking him on errors he may or may not have made in his personal life. I'm applauding Bautista for his stance on THIS ISSUE. Whatever stands he has or has not taken on other issues with past or future employers is not THIS ISSUE.

Bautista is "complaining about the idea of working for someone who supports Trump as a concept"? Are you kidding me? He's complaining about THIS ISSUE. Expanding it to encompass all the times he didn't complain about McMahon or any other Trump supporting business leader is ridiculous and an attempt to distract from THIS ISSUE.

If McMahon behaves in a cowardly fashion when faced with a cybernazi scam, and Bautista keeps his mouth shut, feel free to call him a hypocrite. Until that happens, howsabout we stick to THIS ISSUE?
How is it a falsehood? He expanded it to Trump with his Make America Great again tweet. Does that just disappear all of sudden? Did he not say it? He made it the issue. He said it. :funny:

What issue do you think Bautista is talking about in the tweet he made exactly? And there is nothing better then you complaining about bringing up what Bautista says or his character while complaining about the character and of those that brought up Gunn's old tweets. Which is of course what Bautista himself is also doing. He brings character into it.

Also, if we are talking about a man's convictions about how righteous of a stand he is taking, it is a really bad argument to go, "well Vince is the only show in town". So he only cares when it effects him or his friends. That isn't righteous at all.
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Also, Bautista's not criticizing Iger and Horn for being Trump supporters. Which they are not. He's criticizing them for caving to Trump supporters. It's easy to get confused when you are trying to distract from THIS ISSUE.
What does being a Trump supporter have to do with this, if there is no issue with Trump exactly? Trump is the focal point, which is exactly why he brings him up. He is associating them with Trump, as being a supporter of Trump is an issue in Bautista's eyes. Which Vince is. So... he wants to work for a Trump supporter. Its is utter hypocrisy.
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How is it a falsehood? He expanded it to Trump with his Make America Great again tweet. Does that just disappear all of sudden? Did he not say it? He made it the issue. He said it. :funny:

What issue do you think Bautista is talking about in the tweet he made exactly? And there is nothing better then you complaining about bringing up what Bautista says or his character while complaining about the character and of those that brought up Gunn's old tweets. Which is of course what Bautista himself is also doing. He brings character into it.

Also, if we are talking about a man's convictions about how righteous of a stand he is taking, it is a really bad argument to go, "well Vince is the only show in town". So he only cares when it effects him or his friends. That isn't righteous at all.

Its adorable how certain types on these boards are now holding Bautista to standards they would never ever hold themselves to in their own lives. Because he posted a criticism of the MAGA supporters that went after Gunn, Dave is now banned from ever again working for a Republican. Or watching an NFL game. Or eating at a Chic Fil A. Ridiculous.

And I didn't mention the background of either Cernovich or his liberal lapdogs in my initial criticism of this scam. But you know that already.

What does being a Trump supporter have to do with this, if there is no issue with Trump exactly? Trump is the focal point, which is exactly why he brings him up. He is associating them with Trump, as being a supporter of Trump is an issue in Bautista's eyes. Which Vince is. So... he wants to work for a Trump supporter. Its is utter hypocrisy.

Bautista criticized the Trump supporters who conspired to take down Gunn. As well as the democrats - both Iger and Horn - who kowtowed to cybernazis. For someone to suggest it is hypocrisy for Bautista to ever work for someone who doesn't fall in either of these two categories means a) they do not know what the word means and/or b) are attempting to distract from THIS ISSUE.
Whatever hypocrisy there might be, he is still not wrong to suggest that by capitulating to the alt-right Disney has emboldened them to continue to go after and attempt to destroy the careers of anyone who attacks Trump. They are playing their game now.
And they didn't capitulate to the left when they fired Rosanne? The only smart thing to do for any company is to stay out of politics (support in secret if you want to). Don't chose a side. Hire/fire people on grounds that have nothing to do with politics or ideology. If you favor one side, you will lose buyers on the other. That's just dumb business. And if the left is allowed to use these methods (online mobs and flaming, digging up old dirt, making a social media storm) then why not the alt-right? I just don't get the problem. Equal rights, right?
And they didn't capitulate to the left when they fired Rosanne? The only smart thing to do for any company is to stay out of politics (support in secret if you want to). Don't chose a side. Hire/fire people on grounds that have nothing to do with politics or ideology. If you favor one side, you will lose buyers on the other. That's just dumb business. And if the left is allowed to use these methods (online mobs and flaming, digging up old dirt, making a social media storm) then why not the alt-right? I just don't get the problem. Equal rights, right?

Disney didn't capitulate to the left on the Roseanne firing. The company capitulated to the cast and crew who didn't want to work with her anymore.
Depends on if GotG3 gets a director soon and if they feel they can meet the prior established shooting date. If they move forward with Gunn's script as reported, should be easier to do. A lot of work is already done. So it may make the May 2020 date yet.

Finding a director may be easier said than done. People are already starting to go on record as “no.”


At this point I’d be surprised if it doesn’t get delayed, which will cost Disney even more money and make Horn look like even more of an arse.
Finding a director may be easier said than done. People are already starting to go on record as “no.”


At this point I’d be surprised if it doesn’t get delayed, which will cost Disney even more money and make Horn look like even more of an arse.

As of right now I think they'll still aim for May 2020.

The main problem is most worthwhile directors are already in the middle of projects.
As of right now I think they'll still aim for May 2020.

The main problem is most worthwhile directors are already in the middle of projects.

Luc Besson doesn't seem that busy.
Whatever hypocrisy there might be, he is still not wrong to suggest that by capitulating to the alt-right Disney has emboldened them to continue to go after and attempt to destroy the careers of anyone who attacks Trump. They are playing their game now.
I'd say he is wrong.
Everyone who posts in the Politics thread knows how much I hate Donald Trump, but as much as I despise him, the group who launched the attack against James Gunn had nothing to do with Trump. Using MAGA in an attempt to group Disney with Trump was the wrong way to attack Disney; he could have ridiculed the Alt-Right instead.

Btw, I know Gunn was attacked due to his criticism against Trump, but once again Trump this time actually did not get involved like he did with the Rosanne incident. Trump also attacked Bob Iger for firing Rosanne; how is Iger or Disney suddenly a friend of Trump?

And because he has expressed interest in going back to WWE and work for Vince again, whose wife is currently on the Trump Administration, it makes his tweet even worse.

Reminds me why I ignore actors weighing in on anything political. Bautista is a damn fool who speaks without thought.

This whole conversation around Gunn is such a circle jerk of irony, especially regarding the Alt-Right. Man who used Twitter to incite others got canned after others were incited to expose him.
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Also, if we are talking about a man's convictions about how righteous of a stand he is taking, it is a really bad argument to go, "well Vince is the only show in town". So he only cares when it effects him or his friends. That isn't righteous at all.


Pretty simple concept some seem unable to grasp.
My guess is that Disney will let Bautista talk and reduce his role in GOTG 3, assuming he keeps insulting them and voicing dissatisfaction.

They aren't gonna fire him for his statements, but instead hold him to his contract.

If he decides to break his contract , and decides to walk, then I think they'll come down on him like a ton of bricks.

Or the best face saving case for both parties could be Disney just letting Bautista out of his contract, and Disney being done with him.

Aside from that though, I don't think Disney would want to give Baustista the ability to argue he was fired for "standing by his friend".
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