Superman Returns Just saw "An Evening w/Kevin Smith"

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
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And I sincerely hope Jon Peters is no longer affiliated w/this production. He knows less about Supes than Schumacher knows about Batman.
He still is, but that doesn't mean much. He doesn't seem to have any creative input this time around - WB are seemingly letting Singer do what he wants.

Peters also produced the first 2 Batman movies.
I fairly confident that Peters is associated in name only. It was probably cheaper for WB to keep him and his production company "associated" with the flick than buying out the contract. Singer is running the show (he is a Producer on the movie as well after all). Although as an inside joke I think it would be funny if they could somehow inncorporate a small scene where a polar bear steps on a spider to the shrieks of Jimmy!
That's sick, Rob. And only a handful of people would get it.
Chris Wallace said:
That's sick, Rob. And only a handful of people would get it.

Oh I don't know - I'm sure anyone who has followed the soap opera that this movie's development has become would get it right away!
Dude, that is an awesome documentary (it was a documentary right?). Never laughed so hard at anything like I did with that Jon Peters story. But personally, I would love to see a little black gay robot in every movie.
Off-topic, but the Prince story was just as funny.
Rob-el said:
I fairly confident that Peters is associated in name only. It was probably cheaper for WB to keep him and his production company "associated" with the flick than buying out the contract. Singer is running the show (he is a Producer on the movie as well after all). Although as an inside joke I think it would be funny if they could somehow inncorporate a small scene where a polar bear steps on a spider to the shrieks of Jimmy!

but he got the credits. just like batman 1 & 2.
I saw it last night, I can't believe that ass is still with the Superman movie. :eek:

Kevin is funny as hell in that :up: :D
I got the dvd of it. Smith is great, and yeah I'd say the Prince story is as funny as the Peters.
The only problem w/this thread is that only those who've seen it have any clue what we're talking about. And it should damn near be required viewing for comic fans, & Supes fans in particular. Y'all need to know what a tremendous bullet was dodged, & why Burton should not be suggested for every damn comic book project.
i love this DVD...and just tolet you know, they're coming out with an evening with kevin smith part 2: harder and harder.
Kevin Smith is a Jerk.

If he spend more time just being a film maker and not being lazy, his jokes might mean something more then just those of a loud mouth moran.
What's wrong, Morg? Are you failing to see the relevance of that post? It's simple...okay, I got nothin'.
Kevin Smith is a Jerk.

If he spend more time just being a film maker and not being lazy, his jokes might mean something more then just those of a loud mouth moran.

A valid point for a 5 year old.
Chris Wallace said:
He knows less about Supes than Schumacher knows about Batman.
About 90% of noncomic book readers know less about Batman than Schumacher. Now the WB execs who thought Batman should be lighter than the final cut of BF on the other hand.
If he spend more time just being a film maker and not being lazy, his jokes might mean something more then just those of a loud mouth moran.
A Moran? Do you mean he's the decendant of Colonel Sebastian Moran from the Sherlock Holmes story "The Empty House"?
Then who is Moriarty? Maybe Jon Peters is Moriarty and he just pretends to be an ignorant jackass and Smith just pretends to hate him!
Jon Peters should stay as far away from this movie as possible.

That said, I also think Kevin Smith should stay as far away from this movie as possible. He's a nice guy supposedly and a reasonable director for the kinds of films he does... but he's also living proof that being a fanboy does not a good superhero writer make.
Kevin Smith is a Jerk.

If he spend more time just being a film maker and not being lazy, his jokes might mean something more then just those of a loud mouth moran.

moron even?
Riven said:
That said, I also think Kevin Smith should stay as far away from this movie as possible. He's a nice guy supposedly and a reasonable director for the kinds of films he does... but he's also living proof that being a fanboy does not a good superhero writer make.

how do you figure? if you've read his daredevil and green arrow comics you should realize that he's great when writing superheroes. and i can guarantee you that if he had the oppertunity to write a superman script without being restricted by jon peters ignorant directives, it'd be an amazing superman story.
Kevin Smith needs to get off his lazy ass and turn in his comic book projects on time
Motown Marvel said:
how do you figure? if you've read his daredevil and green arrow comics you should realize that he's great when writing superheroes. and i can guarantee you that if he had the oppertunity to write a superman script without being restricted by jon peters ignorant directives, it'd be an amazing superman story.

I would love to see him take a crack at writing the script for a Daredevil sequel.

As for his Superman Lives script, I read it, and it is really not all that great as everyone makes it out to be, but I enjoyed it.
Nightwing5 said:
I would love to see him take a crack at writing the script for a Daredevil sequel.

As for his Superman Lives script, I read it, and it is really not all that great as everyone makes it out to be, but I enjoyed it.

he's already refused to write DD2 (besides, they need to let me write it :D). and the superman lives script was written under jon peters ignorant i said above, if he got to write the script with the same freedom singer/harris/dougherty got, it'd be a fantastic script.

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