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Logan LOGAN - User Review and Reactions Thread (Spoilers)

It's really refreshing to hear a lot of praise for one of these movies, and then to go and see it and it more than live up to the hype. That doesn't happen all that often in my experience.
It's really refreshing to hear a lot of praise for one of these movies, and then to go and see it and it more than live up to the hype. That doesn't happen all that often in my experience.

It's really refreshing to have a superhero movie that actually lives up to its great trailers!
Had to get one last viewing in of Hugh and Patrick on the big screen.

It's nice that we don't have flashbacks. When Logan is looking at his dog tag, everything we need to know is on Hugh's face. I really appreciate small things like that.
Had to get one last viewing in of Hugh and Patrick on the big screen.

It's nice that we don't have flashbacks. When Logan is looking at his dog tag, everything we need to know is on Hugh's face. I really appreciate small things like that.

I completely agree. I saw this film a few times and the acting speaks volumes more than any dialogue could.
finally saw this today. I give it a solid 9/10!!

And, I rank it up there with TDK and Spider-Man 2 as one of the best CB movies.

while I have always felt Jackman was too tall for the role, and would have preferred a short actor for the part, THIS was the Wolverine performance and movie I have been waiting to see since the very 1st X-Men film.

it's a pity and shame that we had to wait until the last Wolverine film, but the wait was worth definitely worth it!
I finally got around to seeing this Saturday evening.

There were a lot of things I liked about it, especially character moments. I wouldn't give it a rave review, the way some people have, but it did have a solid script and strong performances.

I've mostly had a tepid reaction to the X-movies, from the beginning. I recognize that the quality has actually been pretty good overall, but none of the films have ever really grabbed me, or got me excited, the way some movies in the genre do.

Wolverine has never been a character I care a lot about in the comics either, so that may be a contributing factor. I don't dislike him, but even back when the X-Men were the hottest thing in comics, and Wolverine was supposed to be the coolest thing ever, I never really got on board with that.

Part of the reason is that the character lends himself to a kind of brutal violence that I don't really care for. The claws, and he can heal up after horrific injuries. It doesn't bother me, but I'm not drawn to it the way some people are.

A very significant chunk of the movie is devoted to that sort of thing. And I basically don't care about that stuff, which is no doubt why I mostly enjoyed the quieter, character-oriented moments.

Speaking to a broader point, I like the type of concept this movie is based on, i.e. taking familiar characters, then making a jump forward in time, after some drastic events have occurred, and portraying the impact of those events. It's a familiar device, at least in the comics, but it's used to good effect here.

I had some questions about the script.

For example: all of the other kids are able to make it to Eden on their own? That seems like a bit of a stretch. Also, Canada is a safe haven in a way that Mexico and the US are not? Why would that be? And: if this para-military organization's activities are illegal inside the US, how are they able to operate with impunity later in the film?

I've only seen the movie once, so possibly there are some details I missed.

It's a good movie, with a lot of touching moments, but it does feel a little bit like the X-Men were sacrificed on the alter of Wolverine.

Oh well. Maybe it was time to reboot or whatever anyway. That will happen eventually.

Regardless, despite some reservations, I did enjoy the film!
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Finally got to seeing this today. Excellent film, emotional and brutal. X-23 was performed so well by the actress, Hugh Jackman gave it his all.

But damn it...I am a little depressed. I mean...It's over, all over. Been watching Jackman as Wolverine since 2000, and just...Man. the way Laura turns the cross into an X at Logan's grave, that hit me in the feelings like a 500 megaton bomb. It's an image that will be with me for a long time.
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Finally got to seeing this today. Excellent film, emotional and brutal. X-23 was performed so well by the actress, Hugh Jackman gave it his all.

But damn it...I am a little depressed. I mean...It's over, all over. Been watching Jackman as Wolverine since 2000, and just...Man. the way Laura turns the cross into an X at Logan's grave, that hit me in the feelings like a 500 megaton bomb. It's an image that will be with me for a long time.

Haha I lost it at that image man. The last of the X-men, died to ensure the survival of his mutant brethren. It was a beautiful final image.

And I love how Mangold lets the camera linger on the grave and zooms in closer, giving the audience some glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, his claws will come bursting through (ala Batman v Superman where the dirt rises off the coffin), but then the movie just ends and the finality of it all hits you like a gut punch. Fantastic ending.
Had to get one last viewing in of Hugh and Patrick on the big screen.

It's nice that we don't have flashbacks. When Logan is looking at his dog tag, everything we need to know is on Hugh's face. I really appreciate small things like that.

Some part of me is hoping that they will do a X-men film to track the demise of the the X-Men. Expand and flesh out Zander's mutant-genocide plans, with the ending sequence being the Westchester incident which can have an ending montage where we come to see Logan and Charles on the run and ending up where they do and segue into "Logan". I know it's just wishful thinking and they would never do it, but I'd be so down for that.
Third viewing of the film, still a great rewatch.

I mentioned this in my first review, but did anyone else catch how the opening Marvel logo seems to flip through a wider range of X-Men and Wolverine comics, as if to point out how this film is the culmination of almost everything? I recognized a few modern drawings of Jean in there as well as older comics.

The trailer did a great job of showcasing this, but another characteristic this film has going for it is the striking and provocative imagery. Maybe it's just how deliberately realistic it is compared to the more futuristic worlds of the X-Men, MCU and DCEU, but there is some definite power in seeing these characters inhabit very mundane situations. I think it speaks to how good the film is when something like Logan picking up Laura after the clash at the Munson farmhouse, her holding his shaking hand and even stuff like Logan helping push Will Munson's truck out of the ditch is something that leaves an impression and is powerful.

Also, Donald Pierce's look is really something else. I love all of it. The glasses, the skull tattoo on his throat, the rather minimalist cybernetic hand complete with Hellfire Club sticker, Boyd's swagger - it's an awesome adaptation of a character to be frank. A lot more interesting than a guy dressed in all white.

There's a great podcast with Craig Kyle and Audrey Kearns at Geek Girl Authority if you want to hear some real in-depth thoughts of his on Logan (which are beaming if you guys haven't read his Twitter or anything). One thing that surprised me is that Kyle doesn't like the 90s TAS and hates the voice acting so he wasn't really bothered by living up to it on Evolution/Wolverine and the X-Men and he believes Logan is the perfect Laura/Logan story ever told

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finally saw this today. I give it a solid 9/10!!

And, I rank it up there with TDK and Spider-Man 2 as one of the best CB movies.

while I have always felt Jackman was too tall for the role, and would have preferred a short actor for the part, THIS was the Wolverine performance and movie I have been waiting to see since the very 1st X-Men film.

it's a pity and shame that we had to wait until the last Wolverine film, but the wait was worth definitely worth it!

Still haven't seen it yet, but I have a good impression I will like it from the trailer, looks like what I've been wanting out of a Wolverine film. But I agree it's a shame we didn't get this level of storytelling for the whole Wolverine trilogy. A period piece War movie Weapon X origin story, the Japanese samurai story, and this one. It could've made for a trilogy on the level of TDK.

Well, it appears they're revisiting the Phoenix saga. Perhaps one day they will revisit the Wolverine saga.

I'm still waiting to see the authentic uniform, I'm assuming we didn't get to see it in Logan. I suppose they didn't wanna cover up Jackman's face, similar to how Deadshot rarely wore his mask.
Third viewing of the film, still a great rewatch.

I mentioned this in my first review, but did anyone else catch how the opening Marvel logo seems to flip through a wider range of X-Men and Wolverine comics, as if to point out how this film is the culmination of almost everything? I recognized a few modern drawings of Jean in there as well as older comics.

The trailer did a great job of showcasing this, but another characteristic this film has going for it is the striking and provocative imagery. Maybe it's just how deliberately realistic it is compared to the more futuristic worlds of the X-Men, MCU and DCEU, but there is some definite power in seeing these characters inhabit very mundane situations. I think it speaks to how good the film is when something like Logan picking up Laura after the clash at the Munson farmhouse, her holding his shaking hand and even stuff like Logan helping push Will Munson's truck out of the ditch is something that leaves an impression and is powerful.

Also, Donald Pierce's look is really something else. I love all of it. The glasses, the skull tattoo on his throat, the rather minimalist cybernetic hand complete with Hellfire Club sticker, Boyd's swagger - it's an awesome adaptation of a character to be frank. A lot more interesting than a guy dressed in all white.

There's a great podcast with Craig Kyle and Audrey Kearns at Geek Girl Authority if you want to hear some real in-depth thoughts of his on Logan (which are beaming if you guys haven't read his Twitter or anything). One thing that surprised me is that Kyle doesn't like the 90s TAS and hates the voice acting so he wasn't really bothered by living up to it on Evolution/Wolverine and the X-Men and he believes Logan is the perfect Laura/Logan story ever told


Beautifully said. I, too, saw 'Logan' a few times, and I liked it even more with each re-watch. There really are a lot of profound, subtle, and powerful moments embedded throughout. Thanks for sharing that link!
I saw this a while back but never gave it a review. It's a easy 9.7 out of 10, it's the best comic film since Tdk. It's so good that I'm gonna find it hard to imagine there are 10 movies better than it by the end of the year. Patrick Stewart should be nominated for best supporting actor at the Oscar and Jackmam for male lead.
So my broke ass finally got to see this now that it's rent-able
And while I liked it a lot, I didn't quite love it as much as many other seemed to

(This has been the case with a few recent x-films, I thought dofp was good not great, and I thought FC was dogs**t)

Now before I start, allow me to say Logan is and always has been my favorite comic character, despite overexposure
I also love Hugh in the role, and have never been one to gripe about his height or whatever

But all in all, I have to give 'Logan' an 8.5 outta 10
It was definitely serious and emotional and harrowing. The action was quite good, outside of maybe a couple iffy wire work shots. Jackman, Stewart, and even Stephen Merchant, gave some great performances. I also enjoyed the quieter moments where they got to incorporate some humor. Daphne Keen also handled the emotional stuff quite well, and has good comic timing. As a send off for Jackman and Stewart it hits every emotional beat they could've hoped for, and was a fitting conclusion to their stories

On the "didn't love it" front
I felt some of the gore, and definitely the swearing, was actually quite gratuitous. Would it be blasphemy on my part to say this movie could've been just as good as a pg13? The wounds on Logan and Laura, and the bloodiness of some of the fights make sense. But having read Wolverine for the past 30 years without close ups of punctured eyeballs and Logan saying f**k every 3 seconds, it felt quite jarring. Maybe that was the idea, but I think the movie could've been just as strong with a bit less gore and a lot less swearing (and the one pair of boobs were fully unnecessary).
The pacing is a bit slow, for a just over 2 hour movie, it drags at spots, especially any moment involving Xander rice. X24 made for a good final battle, he was a frightening force of nature, but it was also kind of silly and would've been nice to see like Omega Red or Sabertooth or even that cyborg Wolverine Albert or something.
And on the nitpicky side, did they have to give x23 an accent? I can hardly understand fast talking American girls, let alone accented ones, lol... And while I undrestand the decision to end the movie as they did, I also think they're could've been effective ways to keep him alive and still have a potent and emotional story. But that's just the Wolvie fan in me, I hated "Death of Wolverine" in the comics, and I didn't like it much more here.

So yeah, thought it was very good, but not the be all and end all. I wouldn't put it on the TDK, or even Winter Soldier, level that everyone else seems to
Finally got around to seeing this. One of the best urban westerns of recent memory and its a ****ing X-Men movie. 9/10
8/10 for me. I agree with a lot of people's assesment that the villains were weak and didn't represent much a threat. Other than one weakness though, a very good movie. Couldn't help but be charmed by Stewart, Jackman and Keen's chemistry.
I dunno, I think it says a lot when X-24 is more threating than most other comicbook villians.

Remind me of the T-1000.
After watching it again since I saw it in the theater, I have to give it a 10. It was brilliant, and I enjoyed it more the second time I saw it.
Great movie. I got emotional involved with the story.
Just a home run in so many fronts. The story, the acting, the action, the chemistry between Logan, X23 and Xavier was great... I would probably have it in my Top5 Comic book movies of all time.
After watching it again since I saw it in the theater, I have to give it a 10. It was brilliant, and I enjoyed it more the second time I saw it.

It was better the second time for me as well. Any complaints I thought I had after the first viewing were not really noticeable the second time.
I'd have to say this is still the best movie I've seen, of all genres, so far this year. I cannot praise Fox enough for what they've done. Truly fantastic.
It's the best CB film since TDK. Best X-Movie period. Such emotion. This movie isn't about villains but about a man's journey.
I'd have to say this is still the best movie I've seen, of all genres, so far this year. I cannot praise Fox enough for what they've done. Truly fantastic.

Same here. I really doubt I'll see a better one, this one was just so well done, great + interesting story and just absolutely wonderful performances and so much heart. In spite of being a sad film it's also tremendously rewatchable.
Finally saw it this morning. Overall.....I didn't like it. It was too depressing for me. I don't watch superhero movies to be depressed. Having Logan say the F word a hundred times did not impress me. The action was pretty good though.....and the little girl could growl with the best of them.....but neither of those things make me want to re-watch this depressing film again anytime soon.
Finally saw it this morning. Overall.....I didn't like it. It was too depressing for me. I don't watch superhero movies to be depressed. Having Logan say the F word a hundred times did not impress me. The action was pretty good though.....and the little girl could growl with the best of them.....but neither of those things make me want to re-watch this depressing film again anytime soon.

LOL, you sound just like my mother. She had the same reaction.

Sorry to hear you didn't like it. Different strokes and all that.

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