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"Make America Great Again"the F'dup Chapters in American History (The Trump Years) - Part 3

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The news program itself contained false information. It said that there had been a crime surge since the country had increased its refugee intake. But a 2016 crime survey in Sweden had shown crime levels to be reasonably stable for the past decade. No correlation.

Nice one, Fox.

It should also be pointed out that the reason that Sweden has the highest recorded cases of rape in Europe is that they record rape differently to the rest of Europe. In most countries it is one case per victim, but since 2005 in Sweden they record it as one case per rape. So in a case where one victim is raped multiple times Sweden would record each as an individual case, and in cases where it is someone who has been in a longterm abusive relationship then they could record dozens, even hundreds of cases from a single victim. This difference in recording cases has a big effect on the rape statistics for Sweden.
The news program itself contained false information. It said that there had been a crime surge since the country had increased its refugee intake. But a 2016 crime survey in Sweden had shown crime levels to be reasonably stable for the past decade. No correlation.

Nice one, Fox.

Fox news isn't going to let a little thing like FACTS get in the way of some old fashioned xenophobia and fear mongering.

I imagine the daily meeting about what stories Fox News are going to cover goes something like this
Trump destroyed the media, and it was glorious.

Trump destroyed the media, and it was glorious.

I know, right? It was an especially sick burn when he said he was switching it from fake news to "very fake news". Game. Set. Match. Flawless Victory.
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Trump destroyed the media, and it was glorious.

If Trump supporters calls this "destroying the media", then its no wonder they think the bowling green massacre was real.:woot:


Love that video, thank you for that! Trump supporters are in such massive denial, they'll say and blame anything and anyone else BUT the man responsible for this mess. Barbaric :loco:
Trump destroyed the media, and it was glorious.

Ja, the Lügenpresse should not be allowed to criticize the leader, all media outlets should obey the leader.

Seriously though what are you arguing for? Would you prefer a media from an autocratic country that never critcize the government?
Don't be such a snowflake, Morg. :o
Schloss is just stating the obvious. You calling Melania "Christian queen" demonstrates a staggering ignorance of christian doctrine and dogma.

Okay....but she has showed many signs that she is very religious and she performed that lord prayer beautifully and classy and gracefully and i appreciated it! Its not a competition. I can appreciate melania and mother Teresa and mary baker eddy ETC!
People who flagrantly worship $$$$ giving lords prayers is sacrilige.
Well, ACTUALLY, we can criticize him any way we want....our freedom to do that hasn't been taken away just yet.

Bannon writes many of his speeches....if you are not afraid of Bannon, you should be...if you know anything about Hitler, he did not become the creature we know him to be in history by himself. It was the people he had around him that had the true power. Wake up...

And BTW, his treatment of Republicans particularly McCain is the reason I did not vote for Obama his second term. It was rude, crude, and socially ridiculous in a meeting like that.

I never said you couldn't criticize how you want, I was just saying you know it is possible to be critical of the President without being hysterical. I don't need to wake up we have a strong system of government unlike the Wiemar Republic which was in its infancy and rife with problems that allowed for Hitler to take as much power as he did.

This is false equivalency and intellectual dishonesty.

Obama did not make a major push to delegitimize with the press and the courts.

He might've made a couple cringey comment during his 96 months. That's normal.

Trump is virtually declaring war on the press and the courts and it hasn't even been one month yet. This is not normal.

Stop trying to normalize Trump's extremism and pre-fascism.

I would argue he pushed to delegitimize Fox News and seemed to put himself above the courts and Congress when they disagreed with him. Remember his "Elections have consequences" bit....completely ignoring the Congressional and elections apparently. You are missing my point, which you may disagree with but it is not one that is intellectually dishonest. Obama normalized this type of behavior. It was not normal for Obama to put the Supreme Court on blast at the State of the Union that's not a cringe worthy moment that was unprecedented and he knew better. Obama crossed that line first and I can't even describe how far Trump has taken it.
I never said you couldn't criticize how you want, I was just saying you know it is possible to be critical of the President without being hysterical. I don't need to wake up we have a strong system of government unlike the Wiemar Republic which was in its infancy and rife with problems that allowed for Hitler to take as much power as he did.

I agree, we do have a strong government...but right now, it is a government that has a very weak (not horribly weak) but weak none the less system of checks and balances.

As far as my comparison to Hitler, it was far more in reference to the optics of watching Trump give a speech, and the rhetoric within that speech. His use of hand gestures, the cadence, etc.... Not necessarily that I believe he is becoming the next Hitler. I believe our system can and will step in (the people especially) before that would ever happen. HOWEVER, Bannon needs to be GONE. He, in the position that he holds, can do great damage to the Office of the President....and I do not want that to happen.
I agree, we do have a strong government...but right now, it is a government that has a very weak (not horribly weak) but weak none the less system of checks and balances.

As far as my comparison to Hitler, it was far more in reference to the optics of watching Trump give a speech, and the rhetoric within that speech. His use of hand gestures, the cadence, etc.... Not necessarily that I believe he is becoming the next Hitler. I believe our system can and will step in (the people especially) before that would ever happen. HOWEVER, Bannon needs to be GONE. He, in the position that he holds, can do great damage to the Office of the President....and I do not want that to happen.

And the Executive branch is understaffed. Even ignoring the lack of his cabinet, he accepted the traditional resignations of many career public servants, and the process of replacing them is not exactly going well. Especially with their loyalty test in place.
I never said you couldn't criticize how you want, I was just saying you know it is possible to be critical of the President without being hysterical. I don't need to wake up we have a strong system of government unlike the Wiemar Republic which was in its infancy and rife with problems that allowed for Hitler to take as much power as he did.

I would argue he pushed to delegitimize Fox News and seemed to put himself above the courts and Congress when they disagreed with him. Remember his "Elections have consequences" bit....completely ignoring the Congressional and elections apparently. You are missing my point, which you may disagree with but it is not one that is intellectually dishonest. Obama normalized this type of behavior. It was not normal for Obama to put the Supreme Court on blast at the State of the Union that's not a cringe worthy moment that was unprecedented and he knew better. Obama crossed that line first and I can't even describe how far Trump has taken it.

I'm missing the point?

You're comparing a sound bite with Obama attacking 2% of the press to Trump trying to completely discredit 98% of the press.

Also your comparing a single comment Obama had against the Supreme Court to Trump's DOJ battling the courts over and over, attacking the credibility of judges over and over and coming a hair away from ignoring a judicial order putting the United States on the brink of a constitutional crisis.

That's like saying because one parent lied about Santa Clause it justifies another parent kidnapping you to join a doomsday cult.
I agree, we do have a strong government...but right now, it is a government that has a very weak (not horribly weak) but weak none the less system of checks and balances.

As far as my comparison to Hitler, it was far more in reference to the optics of watching Trump give a speech, and the rhetoric within that speech. His use of hand gestures, the cadence, etc.... Not necessarily that I believe he is becoming the next Hitler. I believe our system can and will step in (the people especially) before that would ever happen. HOWEVER, Bannon needs to be GONE. He, in the position that he holds, can do great damage to the Office of the President....and I do not want that to happen.

I'm not as concerned about Trump being American Hitler as I am about him helping possibly pave the way for one.
Trump destroyed the media, and it was glorious.

lol what? All he's done is convinced a bunch of idiots that real news is fake and fake news is real. Does it not concern you that he dismisses actual intelligence,news and gets his info from Alex Jones and Fox News?

Fox News talks about Sweden taking in refugees while they play a video of Syrian civil war as a back drop and Trump conflates the two into terrible terrorist attacks in Sweden. (just as Fox intended)

He repeats and retweets outlandish and false news from Infowars and Breitbart and then says the CIA,FBI and NSA are lying to him.
That should concern anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together.
Orwell predicted it all, man.
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