Man of Steel Box Office Prediction Thread - Part 7

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So I think it's safe to say that by Monday July 1st, MOS will be sniffing around the $500 million mark!
July 4th week/weekend really needs to deliver.

I wonder if we can expect a little marketing push for the 4th. They should show the scene where Supes says, "I was raised in Kansas. I'm about as American as you can get."
@Knightstalker, could you give us a better indication of the buzz for MoS over there?

Seems pretty good so far, one of our radio stations has been promoting it a lot, doing competitions, etc. I generally don't watch any television, so I can't say how much advertising has been done there. Lots of billboards, and posters are up as well. People at work have been talking about it too, and they have no interest in CBM's generally.
I'll be doing my part, seeing it Thurs and Friday with different groups of friends.
I'm expecting this to be a big weekend for MoS here.
Oh yeah, I forgot, the MoS premier is happening in Sydney tonight, Henry Cavill, and Zack Snyder will be there. I was in Sydney last week, so I just missed it :(
I wonder if we can expect a little marketing push for the 4th. They should show the scene where Supes says, "I was raised in Kansas. I'm about as American as you can get."

Apple pie, Baseball, Chevrolet and Superman. Doesn't get much more American than that. It would be shocking if Warner Bros doesn't go with some patriotic//jingoistic TV spots for that weekend. I kind of think it will still be the # 1 movie WW by then so that'll also feature in domestic spots.
I wonder if we can expect a little marketing push for the 4th. They should show the scene where Supes says, "I was raised in Kansas. I'm about as American as you can get."

Hah! Was just thinking the same thing!! Great minds eh?
Well, no matter what some haters want to believe, I'm positive WB is happy with these big numbers.
Any Brazilian SHH members know what TASM did there? What can we expect MOS to do there?
I wonder if we can expect a little marketing push for the 4th. They should show the scene where Supes says, "I was raised in Kansas. I'm about as American as you can get."

I'm sure that would help the box office in kansas a lot :o
yeah it is doing fine at the box office only people who expected 1 billion WW should be disappointed

at themselves!!
yeah it is doing fine at the box office only people who expected 1 billion WW should be disappointed

at themselves!!

That reminds me of that zoidberg quote/meme.

"You're 1 billion dollar prediction was bad and you should feel bad!".

I have so many questions....Lol. What about Japan? By the time it is there couldn't bootlegs etc diminish potential B.O.?
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