Marvel Now - Part 4

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Plus, after getting the crap beaten out of them in Superior #1, I think they're all going to realize that if Spider-Man amped up his game, then maybe the villains need to as well... remember, Boomerang was one punch away from getting killed... that's gotta play with your head when you're in the "villain" business...

Also, if this series lasts 12 issues or more, then what it tells me that SpOck will be around as Spider-Man a lot longer than I might have originally thought... :wow:


I was always thinking about 2 years/50 some odd issues anyway. Then ASM either comes back at #750 or a new #1.
At least Superior Carnage is just a mini.
I like the idea of a villain book...this could become like Marvel's version of the Secret Six. Nothing about that is a bad thing.
I will check out Superior Carnage, I haven't read anything with Carnage in ages.
Donnie Darko said:
Ever since someone mentioned the idea of Gaiman on Doctor Strange, I am going to be disappointed by any other writer.

True...but how about JMS?

I've wanted a Doctor Strange book written by either Gaiman or JMS and illustrated by Granov for quite a while personally

I would happily take Gaiman on Silver Surfer with Soy
I don't think JMS left Marvel on the best of terms. He also took a few shots at them since leaving thru social media.
Yeah, JMS burned that bridge with insane laughter, and rightfully so.
JMS wrote a 6 issue Dr.Strange mini-series a few years ago... it sucked! :dry:
I don't think I've ready many things by Vaughn that weren't at least decent. Never read The Oath, though.
The Oath set up a beautiful new status quo for Strange and I thought it was one of the best mini series of the last decade. A real shame we never got a Vaughn Dr. Strange ongoing.
I don't know if it would work these days, but I'd kind of like to see Marvel put out more anthology-type books that don't focus on a single character or team. Kind of like some of their older books like Strange Tales, Amazing Fantasy, or Journey into Mystery.

That way we could have someone like Vaughn write semi-regular Dr. Strange stories, and then bring in rotating characters who usually can't keep their own ongoing titles like Ghost Rider, Black Panther, Punisher, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. They can also bring in rotating creative teams, and perhaps focus on one character/writer/artist who gets the majority of the spotlight.
I don't know if it would work these days, but I'd kind of like to see Marvel put out more anthology-type books that don't focus on a single character or team. Kind of like some of their older books like Strange Tales, Amazing Fantasy, or Journey into Mystery.

That way we could have someone like Vaughn write semi-regular Dr. Strange stories, and then bring in rotating characters who usually can't keep their own ongoing titles like Ghost Rider, Black Panther, Punisher, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. They can also bring in rotating creative teams, and perhaps focus on one character/writer/artist who gets the majority of the spotlight.

I've wanted them to bring back Marvel Comics Presents so badly. As a guy that buys only trades, I'd start collecting this in singles in a heart beat.
The Oath was effin' awesome. Best Doc Strange I ever read.
I've wanted them to bring back Marvel Comics Presents so badly. As a guy that buys only trades, I'd start collecting this in singles in a heart beat.


I'd also like DC to bring back The Brave and The Bold.
I've wanted them to bring back Marvel Comics Presents so badly. As a guy that buys only trades, I'd start collecting this in singles in a heart beat.
Ooh, this! I loved Marvel Comics Presents! Funny, I was thinking about the Wolverine vs Cyber issues recently.
I loved the old MCP but I think a big problem is that people don't bother with comics that don't seem to go anywhere anymore. They might pick up an issue here and there depending on who's in it, but that won't steady sales any and Marvel cancels it.

They tried Marvel Comics Presents somewhere around Secret Invasion and it didn't sell worth crap. They had a few decent ideas (Weapon Omega as a main story at a time when there was interest) but overall it just failed. I know that some of Marvel's big wigs claim to really like anthologies, but sales never make them worth the effort these days.
I've wanted them to bring back Marvel Comics Presents so badly. As a guy that buys only trades, I'd start collecting this in singles in a heart beat.

So so so much this
I loved the old MCP but I think a big problem is that people don't bother with comics that don't seem to go anywhere anymore. They might pick up an issue here and there depending on who's in it, but that won't steady sales any and Marvel cancels it.

They tried Marvel Comics Presents somewhere around Secret Invasion and it didn't sell worth crap. They had a few decent ideas (Weapon Omega as a main story at a time when there was interest) but overall it just failed. I know that some of Marvel's big wigs claim to really like anthologies, but sales never make them worth the effort these days.

The hook needs to be that the main story needs to be profound and relevant. MCP was at its best when the Weapon X story was dealt with in it, and Wolverine was the regular feature. (before he was overexposed, although probably the beginning of it)

I think a MCP with Dr. Strange or Silver Surfer as the headliner may well work.
The hook needs to be that the main story needs to be profound and relevant.

I think a MCP with Dr. Strange or Silver Surfer as the headliner may well work.

Yeah, they could totally make a MCP book work that way. Start it off with an epic six-part story arc with Dr. Strange or Black Panther, and sell it like they promote other books by promising "lasting implications for the MU" or as a lead-in or follow up to a crossover event. Then move on to smaller stories with lesser known characters, but still promote it as something "tied-in" to bigger Marvel books.

Obviously this is just an example (as I think it's going to be done in New Avengers), but a MCP book following AvX involving a war between Black Panther and Namor would have been awesome.
I think it's interesting (in a good way) Carol Danvers (in Captain Marvel #11) mentions that a shirtless War Machine might cheer her up. Anyone else with me?
I think it's interesting (in a good way) Carol Danvers (in Captain Marvel #11) mentions that a shirtless War Machine might cheer her up. Anyone else with me?

Interesting? :huh:
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