The Dark Knight Rises Penguin or Black Mask?

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^ i could see Croc as an enforcer/hitman, but not really as a crime lord
I think the third one is set up perfectly for Penguin as the puppeteer. With the mafia in shambles I could see street gangs fighting over who's going to run Gotham. The movie "Warriors" comes to mind. You could have 3 leaders; Black Mask, Ventriliquist and Killer Croc. Each gang is colorful in their own way and has a unique theme. Penguin is a British arms dealer that's playing both sides of the fence. Instead of fighting the other gangs one-on-one, he's arming them to the teeth and hoping they kill one another off. This way he eliminates the competition and takes over Gotham with ease. Sure enough all hell breaks loose and Gotham becomes a warzone between the gangs. Enter Batman.

Also, the older version of Killer Croc could be used in a Nolan film. Just some big dude with a nasty skin disease.

That'd be a nice storyline that would fit well onscreen.
I'd rather see the Penguin, he'd be a different gangster than Falcone, and Maroni who relied on the city's corruption to be powerful. Cobblepot relies on manipulation and pulling strings so the cops cannot touch him. He's to be a more retro and classic man (hence monocle) and he could easily offer Batman the opportunity to stop the escalation of the freaks...but in doing so, brings the mob back into power and puts Batman right where he started. So that would suck for Batman...

I want to see the Penguin done right...the Batman Returns version was a dumber and fatter Killer Croc who led an army of penguins...with missiles on thier backs...
I like to see Nolan Bros take on Penguin but I wouldn't mind Black Mask treatment by Nolans.
I'd really like to see sionis/black mask since he hasn't been seen in previous installments let alone mentioned.
But how is Black Mask original or interesting? I wana see actual justifications and reasonings that involve his character/personality/actions in the comics.

Not just "he looks badass" or "fits in Nolan's world better" (how? and why doesen't penguin?)
why don't u do a little homework on the characters for your actual justifications and reasonings, here is a link to blackmask's wikki page it should have what your looking for, and next time maybe we wont have to spoon feed you the info just because you choose not to be up on who the villains are.
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why don't u do a little homework on the characters for your actual justifications and reasonings, here is a link to blackmask's wikki page it should have what your looking for, and next time maybe we wont have to spoon feed you the info just because you choose not to be up on who the villains are.

first of all, why would you name yourself after one of the most shallow and uninteresting villains in the Batman mythos?

2nd of all, i have done the research on him online, and i've read War Games. Just isn't too much there

Give me one way that Sionis/BM is an interesting, unique villain. And give me a way that he would function better than Copplebot/Penguin
then we might as well have Dick Cheney as the next villain :cwink:
you call yourself Rasputin and you talk about me having a bad name? that just sounds like a bad joke, but anyways the first thing of why black mask would work better than Penguin is that black mask as boring as u think he is can actually put up a fight against batman, Penguin is a goddamn bird who cant even fly away and is as original as all the other twenty batman villains that are sideshow freaks. and my final point Nolan said himself that he does NOT like Penguin and would not like to do him in a film. why don't u tell me how and why Penguin would work Rasputin.
Haha I lol'ed at the "goddamn bird" part! :woot:

Anyway, I think that there are more deserving Villains than The Penguin (The Ridler, Freeze, Black Mask, Poison Ivy for example).
I'm surprised Black Mask is winning this poll. Penguin, hands down. Easiest classic villain to adapt, and he doesn't really need a major role. I wouldn't want him carrying the sequel, but it would be a nice nod to the comics if he was in the movie. Black Mask is an interesting character, but as far as I'm concerned is a second tier Batman villain. There are probably ten or so other villains I'd rather see before him. That being said, if Nolan decides to use Black Mask I'd keep an open mind.
If Black Mask is a second tier, what is the Penguin? The only good thing that can be said about him is that he has a long history being in the comics. Otherwise he has the villainous potential of a pile of cotton.
Granted, Black Mask is shallow, but at least that can be overcomed with a good creative team and he can have some intensity, without changing him completely, which is what was needed the last time when the Penguin was interesting.
I voted for Black Mask, but like everyone else who ever Nolan picks for the villian I will be fine with.

I think it would be cool though to see Bruce have a drink with Roman at the Iceberg Lounge, and have either Bruce or Roman ask where Oswald was to the waitress.
Penguin. He is a classic Bat rogue with many layers of villainy and a great history to draw from. He could be a "legit" boss no one can touch, or a dirty informant who trades weapons on the side, or Gotham's new major crime boss.

Black Mask on the other hand is dull. The only time he was cool was in Under the Hood when he was hilariously snarky.

But he tortures people, so of course he's winning the poll. Anyone who is "DARK!" will be preferred by the so-called fans so desperate to prove to their friends that Batman is "hardcore" that they hate anything that even approaches a clever comicbook take.
I'm pretty curious about this character. Are there any good comics with him as the main villain?

Under the Hood vol.2 is a pretty cool. not for Black Mask he's always lame of course but yeah he is a main villain there. i think that panel is actually from either vol 1 or 2 of that arc.
Why wouldn't Black Mask be good? Yea maybe he is boring in the comics but unless no one else noticed, Nolan has shown the ability to adapt villains to fit his vision. The way I see it is Roman Sionis is Bruce Wayne gone wrong. He is like a parallel dimension Bruce Wayne, the evil version. I think a interesting relationship could be forged between them by Nolan and co. Roman Sionis targeting Wayne Enterprises, Black Mask targeting the Gotham underworld and Batman himself.

The best way to use Penguin IMO is to adapt him like he was in NML. A nightclub owner who holds auctions for weapons and other unsavoury items or hold illegal prize fights in his club like "Joker GN". That could play on his desires to be considered an aristocrat and upper class, but in reality he is just a weapons dealer with delusions of grandeur.
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I don't find Black Mask boring. I just finished re-reading Batman #484/485, and I loved it. Black Mask is pretty twisted and creepy. I think later on they toned him down a bit, and made him a wise cracking mob boss. Like in Under the Hood.

But I'd still rather see The Penguin first.
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