Why do you (not someone else's opinion or feedback) but you personally, why do you like the look of a grungy make-up Joker, more than the Perma-clown look that's been here for over 70 years, and with the grungy one that was revealed at least 5 months ago? I want to know what's your reason for believing that the perma-clown look is less inspiring than it has been before this movie was made? Why do you believe the way you do?
I have said this a million times but it looks like I have to continue to repeat myself.
The Joker, believe it or not, has had significant changes in his character for over 70 years. Whether you'd like to believe it or not, its a fact. Though I was too young to see a lot of these changes, hell I'm only in my mid twenties. But there as lots know I've said this story much, a man I've worked with that when he was a kid he started reading Bats in the late 40's and 50's. When I told him the changes of this Joker with Nolan, he laughed and said there has been significant changes to the Joker in other equally important aspects of the character. Originaly he was a zodiac mass murdering psycho, then they turned him almost 180 to nothing more to a harmless prankster that plays with toys.
Then Adams changed him again, and merged two aspects making him a half prankster half killer. In the 80's Miller made one of the most significant changes by making him not have perma aspect of red lips. Though you may say thats not important to that date everyone thought his lips were perma as well. Now thats not the case.
And Burton made a huge change that still made me cringe. He took away the mysteriousness of the Joker by giving him a name, a girl friend, I mean he took the spirit of the Joker which was an unknown entity and gave him a normal background. And that was a HUGE change to the spirit of the Joker.
Moore gave a huge change making him darker then any incarnation ever, where some would call him insanley sick. To that time that had never been a aspect of the Joker to that degree.
Though I do understand the importantce to some of the perma white, to me it matters not one way or another. Because A. Its a fact that this character has had other aspects changed about him for years. But then most argue well he's been permawhite for 70 years. I'm sure there were fans like us that complained that he was always a killer in the 40's. Or some said hey he's been a mysterious character with no name for 50 years!! When Burton released his movie.
Some try to see the length of something with held as the sole excuse to say they can't change it. While some and I agree artists or directors go....lets change it, mix it up some. As long as the spirit still remains of the character art changes. Its the way it has always happend. I mean some one brought up a good point yesterday. That they have significantly changed other villians and heroes. Look at Robin Miller made him a girl, whether you like that or not, it was seen by lots as a classic, meaning many accepted the change after a while.
Now we have Lee Berejmo making a graphic novel, with a Joker that looks like Heath's Joker, even though yes he did make it before they started filming, but to me that shows that well art does change, and transform. I'm one that gets tired of cookie cutter same thing after same thing. As long as the spirit is intact that is what matters most.
What I'm trying to say is that very important characters or aspects of the Joker have had significant changes, and this is just another one. Though that does not mean you have to like it. But I have a feeling that the majority will find it pretty cool. And with the general audiance if TDK is good, Lee's book could sell tons, and we may gain a whole new generation of fans that see this Joker as the Joker. Who knows. I see any Joker the Joker as long as the spirit of the character remains.