Season 2, Episode 3: "The Thing in the Mines" (SPOILERS)

They did the bait and switch again like they did with Lex Luthor/Steel and Morgan Edge/Tal Rho. Glad we got Bizarro rather than Doomsday.

This episode was really heavy on the drama. Which I usually enjoy, since this show nails it more often than not. I don't know how excited I am about Jonathan going down the PED route, though, but we'll see where it goes.
I feel like they might have the XK PEDs unlock Jonathan's kryptonian powers or something. Perhaps Jonathan could develop energy based powers like Blue era Superman.

I wonder what Amertek want with Bizarro?
I wonder if Bizarro's pendant is the Blue Kryptonite that may keep him in check.

As for Jonathan, they have powers to choose from:
1) Tactile Telekinesis
2) Electric Red or Blue
3) Unchained Armor
Really enjoying this season so far and this episode is the best of the three. Hoechlin and Tulloch in particular continue to kill it.

Not totally surprised by the villain twist, I thought the reveal would involve Clark in someway after all those visions.

We definitely can't have the Evil Superman from John Henry's world come through anytime soon, between Edge and Bizarro I think we're all tapped out for mirror Clarks.

Lois being confronted by the cult lady got an "oooh damn" from me, looking forward to seeing that.

Do we know what he's saying in the last scene in the Fortress? Sounds like a kind of "muh" some... "Home" backwards, maybe?
Do we know what he's saying in the last scene in the Fortress? Sounds like a kind of "muh" some... "Home" backwards, maybe?
Idk, I haven't seen anyone reverse that one yet, weirdly. That does sound like a solid guess, though, imo.
Idk, I haven't seen anyone reverse that one yet, weirdly. That does sound like a solid guess, though, imo.

Bang, found right in the above Twitter thread. Wonder if he's a government/Amertek experiment gone wrong or if he's from a Bizarro World/dimension... Clearly he knows the Fortress, but it could be genetic memory from our Clark or just him thinking about his own.

Bang, found right in the above Twitter thread. Wonder if he's a government/Amertek experiment gone wrong or if he's from a Bizarro World/dimension... Clearly he knows the Fortress, but it could be genetic memory from our Clark or just him thinking about his own.

Oh nice! :up:

Yeah right now I'm running on the theory that it's kinda both - that the government/Amertek is experimenting with the multiverse now that they know there are parallel Earths, and either managed to create a mirror universe, OR just figured out how to open a portal of some kind to another world, and Bizarro so far is what "came through."
I would love it if hes a tragic villain. maybe they could do the bizarro speak later while hes degrading etc. or the pendant keeps him more put together.

Also not hundred per cent willing to rule out doomsday yet either tbh.
Enraged Clark reminded me of Jesse Custer speaking with the voice of God on Preacher. Also, nice to see General Lane back. Though I'm more and more curious about Lucy's introduction to the series.
I wonder if that cult is going to be a threat in season 2 as well.

Also was Bizzaro wearing a blue kryptonite necklace.
so far in terms of antagonists its:

Bizarro(seemingly being used by amertek/government(?)), amertek woman/working with or for someone , Anderson and his team as opposition, ally Allston and her cult.

Lot of angles but possible connections between a few of them also the xk smuggling/dealing might be related too.
I remember reading that Todd Helbing saying that Clark and Lois storyline’s would eventually combine with Lois story coming more to the forefront in the last half.

So Allie becoming Parasite is a strong possibility or like others have said a threat that hasn’t been introduced yet.
I remember reading that Todd Helbing saying that Clark and Lois storyline’s would eventually combine with Lois story coming more to the forefront in the last half.

So Allie becoming Parasite is a strong possibility or like others have said a threat that hasn’t been introduced yet.

Could bring in Emil Hamilton/Ruin. He created that version of Parasite after all. In fact I think he &/or STAR labs could fit quite well with this plot with Amertec too.

And it'd be a good way of bringing in more mention of Lex (because of his history with him) even if they don't bring Lex into the series fully yet.
I like that they go with Bizarro here instead of Doomsday, just hoping they dont make him too dumb. That could get annoying very fast.

Im surprised how interested I am in Lanas mayor plot.
Jonathan should've broken his hand (again) when he accidentally hit his dad. Punching Superman should feel like hitting a brick wall if you're human.
Jonathan should've broken his hand (again) when he accidentally hit his dad. Punching Superman should feel like hitting a brick wall if you're human.
Unless he adopted some of his dad's invulnerability. :ninja:
Could bring in Emil Hamilton/Ruin. He created that version of Parasite after all. In fact I think he &/or STAR labs could fit quite well with this plot with Amertec too.

And it'd be a good way of bringing in more mention of Lex (because of his history with him) even if they don't bring Lex into the series fully yet.
Ruin was on my villains wishlist for this show so I’d be all about that!
I like that they go with Bizarro here instead of Doomsday, just hoping they dont make him too dumb. That could get annoying very fast.

Im surprised how interested I am in Lanas mayor plot.
I'd like it if they took inspiration from Frankenstein (the book), and had Bizarro slowly become smarter over time, still have him speak backwards, but not have him be stupid, or genuinely evil, he works best as a tragic villain.
Glad we're getting Bizarro and not Doomsday, that story needs at least a few more years off before they tap that well again.
This episode seems to be a Herobrine reference, what with the coldly glowing eyes of The Thing in the Mines, the scary duplicate of the main character from Minecraft.
Favorite ep of the season so far. :up:

Random thought, but is this the first episode (not picking up on a cliffhanger scene) to open with Superman instead of Clark? That was almost jarring to me with how rare it is on this show, lol. Beautiful scene, though. I'll never get tired of those "Superman floating over the Earth" shots, lol. And the flight afterward looked even better than usual too, imo...

...which makes the scene shortly after that of Sam fishing even more hilarious because those Dave Bautista Disney+ commercials look more convincing. :funny: But hey, it just tells me they'd rather spend the money on the actual money shots, and I ain't gonna complain about that!

Ok last week, I hadn't realized that Ally Allston was an actual character from the comics. Thanks to @herolee10 for pointing that out because I didn't remember her name at all from Rucka's run. Interesting use of her here considering she was a Parasite. I wonder if she'll literally become that at some point here or if they're going more for a metaphorical Parasite. I now think it's...possible that the name may actually be coincidental after all, but idk. Still an uncomfortable plot line to do under the circumstances, imo. Side note, the actress who plays her looks really familiar to me and it's driving me nuts, lol.

That Clark/Lois scene on the porch was too pure. I :hrt: them.

The Lana/Sarah scene was lovely, too.

John's mid-air suit-up was awesome. Once again with the action, Gregory Smith proves himself my favorite regular director on the show.

Bizarrooooo! So full disclosure, I've never enjoyed Bizarro much in the comics if I'm being honest (mainly because the Bizarro-speak gets old fast when reading it, lol), but I'm really interested in seeing a proper live-action take on him because A.) every version attempted previously has been either goofy or just a boring "evil replica" (looking at you, Smallville), and B.) I am FASCINATED by what they're doing with the connection between him and Clark. Like, the whole concept of a Bizarro story is about showcasing Superman's empathy - to show him wanting to understand villains everyone else sees as monsters. Bizarro is basically the template for that type of Supes story. So having Clark literally experience Bizarro's thoughts and feelings for himself is a fresh and potentially very exciting way to approach that, imo. And I've gotta say, I'm much more interested in seeing that than just another Doomsday/DoS adaptation. Though...I must add that I'm not ruling out a Doomsday/SuperDoom/Bizarro hybrid story happening that might still lead to some version of Reign of the Supermen at this point, either. Especially since they've got a doppelganger that can keep Tyler working while Clark could be "dead" for a bit. Just sayin', I wouldn't rule it out just yet.

And, apparently I'm seeing elsewhere that people have already discovered if you play back what Bizarro said to Clark in the fight in reverse, it's him yelling "Leave Me Alone!"? That's a really cool way to do the Bizarro-speak if true, imo.

Bizarro, you've come a long way...


Loving where this is going so far. Biggest curiosity for me is the mystery person the Mine Lady keeps answering to. I feel like they want us to assume it's Lt. Anderson, which, given this show's track record, means it's probably not.

With how she knocked John out I thought Mercy Graves. Expecting Luthor might be too much though.

And Bizarro! :wow: I was willing to go with them with Doomsday, but this is so much better. Because I kept wondering how much longer they could shoot Doomsday like that. :funny:

I had my worries if they'd fall into the CW traps this season, but this proves these guys know what they're doing. I'm just thrilled we're finally exploring new Superman territory with this show. It's where the movies should have gotten to by now had WB understood the character. Almost like making up for lost time.
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With how she knocked John out I thought Mercy Graves. Expecting Luthor might be too much though.

And ****ing Bizarro! Wow! I was willing to go with them with Doomsday, but this is so much better. Because I kept wondering how much longer they could shoot Doomsday like that. :funny:

I had my worries if they'd fall into the CW traps this season, but this proves these guys know what they're doing. I'm just thrilled we're finally exploring new Superman territory with this show. It's where the movies should have gotten to by now had WB understood the character. Almost like making up for lost time.

I hope they investigate on who is behind the Bizarro clone.

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