While I stand by my original points, I also agree that the reverse is true, that some people underplay Bruce's intelligence/resourcefulness in the films.
It could be improved upon my miles. I do think
Begins could've afforded a few more montage minutes devoted to his training in criminology and forensics; it wouldn't have taken little more than simple shots of Bruce
reading a book and the classic image of him with a test tube and beaker. Such basic imagery goes a LONG way. It costs nothing, and it adds so much more to the character. It's really character illustration 101.
As for relying on Fox for a lot of his gadgets and such, while this isn't a defense of that choice, I bet that for Nolan it's less "I don't get Batman; I didn't know that he was supposed to make his own gadgets" and more
"I really want to make a Bond movie, so I threw in Q scenes. Plus, Freeman is awesome and I want to give him a lot of screentime."
Once again, not a defense, but a reasonable explanation.
But I agree that Nolan does have quite a few things going on in the background. It's weird, because in so many ways Nolan holds the audience's hand in explaining things. In other areas, it's almost like he relies on the audience's assumed knowledge of Batman. We know he's a master investigator, and Nolan throws things into the background to kind of indicate that he's got all of these separate investigations going on offscreen. As mentioned, the supercomputer in the bunker is very telling; he's got a lot of stuff going on - lots of data and video and images, etc - it's kind of short hand to show that he's on top of everything. Also, little things like knowing Thomas Schiff's name and psych profile go a long way in showing a Batman who is wired in and prepared. And, as has also been mentioned, the fact that he had the foresight to prepare the sonar device project, not for any specific use but just as another tool in his war.
In summation, he's not explicitly the World's Greatest Detective, but he's no dummy either. I've been reasonably satisfied so far.