The Dark Knight Rises The Dark knight Rises Novelization


Jul 8, 2010
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hey did anyone buy the book and if so is it worth buying? what time of new info does the book contain? thanks :) love the movie and saw it twice :)
Picked it up today.

Starting it tonight.

Considering it is $7. I would say it is worth it.
It's definitely worth it. No much is new but it's a good companion to the film.
The Dark Knight Rises was written by Greg Cox who happens to be a member of


Wow, the DKR novelization? How do you get a gig like that, Greg? That's like the creme de la creme.

I was very lucky.

Hey Greg I want to buy your novelization. Are there any major departures from the script you got and the finished film?

Watched the movie today. It was remarkably (and unusually) close to the script I saw way back when. Usually, when I finally get around to seeing a movie after novelizing it, I'm like "Hey, where is the farm scene? And why did they move those other scenes around? And what happened to the subplot with the gorilla?"

As far as I can tell, they made the movie they wanted to make, without the usual last-minute changes and rewrites.
Here's what I want to know: does it shed any more light on how
Bruce got back into Gotham after escaping the pit?
Here's what I want to know: does it shed any more light on how
Bruce got back into Gotham after escaping the pit?

Yes and there are other things you find out.
It is much easier in novel form to show passage of time. Wayne's estate was held up in probate for months (was shown by the change of seasons), so Bruce actually patched the autopilot when he returned to Gotham.

The novel does not directly tell you how Bruce got into Gotham, but you can figure it out with the ending. The Batcave entrance is miles outside of the city. Blake is left climbing gear and the coordinates to get in. It's probably the gear Bruce used to get in. I think the suit in the Cave was the one taken by Bane, but The Bat was probably still there (it is assumed from the hiding place inside the city of the BatPod that he drove that to meet Catwoman in his first meeting with Bane). So Bruce needed a suit, but he fixed The Bat's autopilot and then flew it into the city, likely at night.
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I wanna read this, just to catch the extra things not in the movie.
Yes and there are other things you find out.
It is much easier in novel form to show passage of time. Wayne's estate was held up in probate for months (was shown by the change of seasons), so Bruce actually patched the autopilot when he returned to Gotham.

The novel does not directly tell you how Bruce got into Gotham, but you can figure it out with the ending. The Batcave entrance is miles outside of the city. Blake is left climbing gear and the coordinates to get in. It's probably the gear Bruce used to get in. I think the suit in the Cave was the one taken by Bane, but The Bat was probably still there (it is assumed from the hiding place inside the city of the BatPod that he drove that to meet Catwoman in his first meeting with Bane). So Bruce needed a suit, but he fixed The Bat's autopilot and then flew it into the city, likely at night.

Ah cool. That's exactly when I theorized when I saw the movie about how he got back to Gotham.

Edit: However, in the ending sequence of the film the one tech says Bruce fixed the autopilot six months ago which would suggest he fixed it prior to get imprisoned in the Pit.
can anyone who has read it, post all the things that were not in the movie/expanded on in the book.
Ah cool. That's exactly when I theorized when I saw the movie about how he got back to Gotham.

Edit: However, in the ending sequence of the film the one tech says Bruce fixed the autopilot six months ago which would suggest he fixed it prior to get imprisoned in the Pit.

No, because the events of the end happen later. Think about how long it would take to clean up Applied Sciences. Also, the techs had to go through tons of security checks just to get in there. The last action happened in winter, whereas Alfred takes his Florence trips in the summer.

It's probably been about six months since the siege ended when we get to the conclusion. Wayne Enterprises is put back together and even the Batsignal may have been delivered by someone else. We don't see Selina at all throughout the montage. And no one goes immediately to the Batcave.
Ok I read on another forum that there's mention of The Joker in the novel...? Is that true? If so what exactly is said about him.

"Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city’s criminals to cop an insanity plea, it (Blackgate Prison) had replaced Arkham Asylum as a preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure. Not even Selina."

"Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city’s criminals to cop an insanity plea, it (Blackgate Prison) had replaced Arkham Asylum as a preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure. Not even Selina."

Nice! Thanks. Will definately have to get now.
can anyone fill in what was in the book and not the movie?

"Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city’s criminals to cop an insanity plea, it (Blackgate Prison) had replaced Arkham Asylum as a preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure. Not even Selina."

How very ominous. I like it.
I don't think the problem is how Bruce got into Gotham, it's how he got from India to Gotham! Did he just take a plane or something?
I'm almost done with it. Just passed the part where Bruce escapes from the pit. Overall, it pretty much follows the film word for word. But during the stadium scene, the author calls the dead referee "the umpire". :facepalm:
Does it say how Bruce knew the bomb only had one day left?

"Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city’s criminals to cop an insanity plea, it (Blackgate Prison) had replaced Arkham Asylum as a preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure. Not even Selina."

There's no way a person could think the Joker had escaped. If he had, it would be front page news until he was caught.
And on page 26 of trekbbs, he pretty much confirms that Bruce is not dead (99% of us already knew this).
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was there any insight into talia? did she have true feelings for bruce, even though she was completing her fathers work?
was there any insight into talia? did she have true feelings for bruce, even though she was completing her fathers work?

Nope. Girl's a stone cold villainess.

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