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The Flash The Flash Season 1 Episode 23: "Fast Enough"

Eddie, no! :csad:

Flash risking destroying the entire world just to save his mom seems kind of selfish.

Seriously. That was bad writing. We're supposed to be rooting for the Flash, not facepalming.

A couple things I don't get:

- Why would Barry's present self with all his memories cease to exist if he saved his mother? He continued to exist in his current form when he went back in time one day.

- Why'd they let Wells out of his cell? Just leave him there.

- How did Wells lose his speed when he traveled back in time?
I hope there's a way to bring back Tom Cavanagh. He was the MVP of this season as far as I'm concerned.
"Wildcard b-----s!"

I liked it, but don't understand what the plan was. It should always have ended in a singularity, right?
I had a feeling Eddie Thawne would be the one to die and cause Eobard Thawne to be erased from existence.

Great to see some cast members from the upcoming DC Legends in it.

If there is going to be a Flashpoint, it won't be like the comic and animated movie.

Barry ends up being selfish and I agree we are supposed to root for him.

There is a hint of Cisco being Vibe.

Great season finale.
Without a metahuman of the week to stop they spent way too much time in this episode just talking. I did like the foreshadowing to Cisco becoming Vibe. Barry unmasking in front of Nora was actually pretty touching and I was surprised by his choice not to save her. Great seeing Jay Garrick's helmet show up and I wonder if he'll be from the past or from Earth 2. Was not expecting Eddie to shoot himself to stop Reverse Flash. I will miss Tom Cavanagh as his performances this season have been fantastic. I thought the CGI at the end looked great. Awesome cliff hanger and I'm really looking forward to season 2!
I'm a bit confused. If Eddie is gone and RF is erased from existence, should any of the season actually have happened?

RF is never born, never goes back in time, never kills Barry's mom, never kills Wells and adopts his identity, never builds the particle accelerator, etc.

You have to buy the closed loop theory. It's like Terminator. Don't overthink it.

Barry just came off selfish. He sees Ronnie and Caitlin getting married. Eddie and Iris reconciling. And he doesn't give a damn if what he will do undoes all of it.
That was a well acted finale but nothing really happened.

Barry's mom is still dead. His dad still in prison. With the exception of Eddie, no one really changed from the beginning of the season.

I hated the cliffhanger ending.

Seems that if Eobard never existed then a lot would have changed. Like STAR LABS particle accelerator would be 20 yrs later. And none of what is going on right now ,singularity,Barry being Flash etc would be in this reality either. So we have to deduce that Eddie is alive and Eobard did do what he did and got away.
I'm a bit confused. If Eddie is gone and RF is erased from existence, should any of the season actually have happened?

RF is never born, never goes back in time, never kills Barry's mom, never kills Wells and adopts his identity, never builds the particle accelerator, etc.

...I hate time travel lol. So effing confusing, these things didn't even come to mind, but they actually all make sense. I'll just stick to watching each episode and accepting what I see and let the show explain everything for me, or my brain might explode.

Hell of a finale, I'm so ticked how it ended on such a cliffhanger, but I'm guessing this will nicely set up everything in that Legends of Tomorrow show. I gotta go back and see all the different things Barry saw when he was running through time. Hopefully someone will have screencaps soon!
I'm a bit confused. If Eddie is gone and RF is erased from existence, should any of the season actually have happened?

RF is never born, never goes back in time, never kills Barry's mom, never kills Wells and adopts his identity, never builds the particle accelerator, etc.

letting eddies corpse get sucked into the vortex might what ever.
What a finale and that cliffhanger!

Cisco's "Hitchhiker" reference.

Jay Garrick's helmet!

Barry sees his mom before she dies. :(

And Eddie and Eobard die, too!
So that means no more REVERSE FLASH or Harrison Wells.
(unless the real Wells somehow returns next season)
..how was Barry selfish? What he did was the total opposite of selfish.
That was incredible. So many questions!

I'm hurt we gotta wait so long.
I did love this episode, but as usual, things were more complicated than they needed to be. Barry's dad can still be in prison, but did anyone else notice that the knife was not in Nora's body? Or did I miss that it was still there? I swear Barry's dad said his fingerprints were on the knife because he tried to stabilize it.

So continuity error there.

And I don't understand how the time travel stuff works again.

Also, I wish Barry had chosen to not go through with this without being influenced (even though the deciding factor was really himself). Also, I don't know why Barry thought that punching Eobbard would be a good thing.

Whatever. Those are my nitpicks. I did love this episode.

I was swept up in the episode, that I forgot to look out for the Killer Frost bit.
..how was Barry selfish? What he did was the total opposite of selfish.

Because he time traveled to say goodbye Eddie had to kill himself to save everyone and there is a black hole over the city.
I don't get it, if Flash saved his mom wouldn't it just created a 3rd timeline(2 where his mom exists and one where she doesn't)? 4th timeline if you count Flash reversing the day earlier this season

It really wasn't worth the risk to go back just to create a new timeline
That was a well acted finale but nothing really happened.

Barry's mom is still dead. His dad still in prison. With the exception of Eddie, no one really changed from the beginning of the season.

I hated the cliffhanger ending.
are they? if RF never existed, he would have never gone back in time to kill his Mom
I'm a bit confused. If Eddie is gone and RF is erased from existence, should any of the season actually have happened?

RF is never born, never goes back in time, never kills Barry's mom, never kills Wells and adopts his identity, never builds the particle accelerator, etc.
basically the timeline would have played out the original way it was suppose too, since this was an "alternate timeline", in the original timeline (before RF changed it) still became the Flash

which meant The real Wells still made the particle accelerator (maybe later, then in this timeline) but still

I hope there's a way to bring back Tom Cavanagh. He was the MVP of this season as far as I'm concerned.
we could still see the real Wells (since RF never would have killed him and took his identity
Yes! Just pure yes!

What if he comes back as Wells and not Thawne?

That would make it more interesting. How do you trust someone who's face reminds of you of so much pain? Real Wells would also probably have different reactions than Thawne since he has no knowledge of the future.
Loved this episode, OMG, I am still buzzing off this finale. That is all for now cause I'm still trying to process everything.

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