The New NEW Exiles??

I stayed far and away from those issues, but damn it, I still know what happened.
I will be, I like the concept too much to not give it a shot, not to mention there is a rather competent writer on it now. I'll give it one arc to hook me.

I love Claremont for writing some of the best X-stories in the history of comic books, but nowadays, his marbles = lost. :p
I'm giving it a try, of course. I know Exiles has been dragged through the mud for years, but I keep reassuring myself with one simple fact: Jeff Parker is a good writer.
I'm giving it a try, of course. I know Exiles has been dragged through the mud for years, but I keep reassuring myself with one simple fact: Jeff Parker is a good writer.

This is what gives me hope. :yay:
Are you going to try the new series out?
Hell no.

A) That cover scares me too much.
B) I'm rather mutant-sick at the moment.
C) Comics are getting pricey and I don't have the space in the budget right now to 'test' things I'm not sure I'll like.
Don't worry guys, Jeff Parker's totally gonna save this series. I believe in Jeff Parker.

RAMORE: Salva(dor) Espin did some fill-ins on Incredible Hercules and he drew the Damage Control mini-series that came out last year. He's mostly stuck to the younger readers comics since then--Marvel Adventures and Wolverine: First Class, primarily. Here's a link to a bunch of CBR previews of comics he drew:

As for Morph, he's been dead since Bedard replaced him with a brainwashed Proteus, so he hasn't been on the team for a good, long while. I've said my goodbyes and I'm willing to give the new team a chance. I wish they weren't still desperately clinging to Blink, though. The concept's stronger than her and I don't particularly like her. Just get her out and leave her out already.

Wow I really like espin's work it's clean simple and everyone has a diff. face but they have got to get a new cover artist.

I didn't even realize jeff parker did xmen first class I'm so in I loved that book.

Your right about Morph it wasn't the same. I would be good with one of two scenarios: one, bring the old crew back to me the core is Mimic, Morph and blink. Everyone else I could take or not though I Loved talia. option two, Have an all new team and start fresh. I personally think maybe option two is the better way to go.

I don't like when every member on the team has a xmen tie in myself. So this begs the question who would you appoint on your team?
Interesting. I thought Forge was the Winter Soldier from a universe where it was Dum Dum Dugain for a second. Actually, that would be infinitely cooler if you ask me.

Actually that is a pretty cool idea:up:
me too what is timestorm?
It's a mini-series that's going to revamp the 2099 characters and concepts into something else.

As for my Exiles team, I'd actually go with MightyAvenge's idea of having the 616 Mimic get recruited alongside Blink. Instant drama right there. Everyone else would be non-X-related.
It's a mini-series that's going to revamp the 2099 characters and concepts into something else.

As for my Exiles team, I'd actually go with MightyAvenge's idea of having the 616 Mimic get recruited alongside Blink. Instant drama right there. Everyone else would be non-X-related.

I'm down with that. You could start it by Blink being teleported to the crystal palace where Sabertooth is dying he tells her that the team was murdered he's the last one he's finally figured out the palace and the tallus and says its too much responsability to give to one person so he set it to randomly select new member and a new leader. The tallus appears on her arm and he dies saying I knew it would choose good if we all just got out of it's way.
They need to reactivate the Time Broker, he was cool in a Ziggy sort of way.

I agree, Blink and 616 Mimic would be pretty awesome. The book needs to not be as X focused as Claremont made it. I look forward to seeing how this new reboot works out. I can safely ignore that the Claremont series ever happened. :D

Oh, and Aquagambit shouldn't have ever happened. :whatever:
Yeah, seriously, what the hell was his story? He looked like Aquaman but everyone called him Gambit. :huh:
Yeah, seriously, what the hell was his story? He looked like Aquaman but everyone called him Gambit. :huh:

He was the son of Namor and Susan Storm.

The thing didn't make any sense, even by Marvel standards. Claremont sort of ignored the whole point behind alternate realities with that character..and a few others.

The multi-verse stems from shifts in our reality, in the different choices, decisions, and occurances. What could have happened in the 616 universe that would have shifted Gambit from Cajun thief who was created by Sinister to being Aquagambit, son of Namor and Sue with none of his said powers?

It broke the rules of the multiverse. :cmad:
It seems very abritrary. He has no relation whatsoever to the 616 Gambit the way you explain his origin, so why call him that? :huh:
It seems very abritrary. He has no relation whatsoever to the 616 Gambit the way you explain his origin, so why call him that? :huh:

That's why it was so irritatingly confounding, there was no relationship at all to the 616 Gambit. It's like Claremont wanted to write Aquaman, but had to inject his love for he mixed the two.

It was lame and stupid and made no sense to the rules of the multiverse.
It was a long weird story Corp he was the son of a Black namore and the invisible woman and they called him Gambit he had the powers of both which is really sick if you think about it.

I gues my Line up would be:


616 Mimic

art courtesy of Juggertha.
He'll need a new costume pronto. Blink should try to give him one of her mimics and he should be like I don't want too look that lame:D

Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider

art courtesy of turin the forsaken.


art courtesy of the batcomputer
90;s goodness at it's best


underused character i'd like to see

more to come.
Mimic definitely needs a new costume. They should give him his beard from when he was all angsty, as well.
I agree on the beard to seperat him from blinks.

Thanks MD Puma is awesome.
It'd be ideal if they found him locked up in a metahuman prison with crazy hobo hair and a long beard, completely lacking any will to take care of himself or do anything. That could be the start of a great character arc as Blink tries to bring out some of the heroism of her Mimic in this new guy.
I think we finally found out who Corp is.....He's really Bendis pretending to be an angry fanboy. :(

Bendis, I love Ultimate Spidey, but you suck everywhere else.

I'm sorry. :(
You want an Exiles team? Something completely different? I'll give you an all-new all-different Exiles.


Der Brenndende Mann / The Burning Man (James Hammond)
Originally a superhero on the Allied side, the android once known as the Human Torch was reprogrammed after Nazi Germany and Russia won the Second World War. Now, as the Burning Man, Jim Hammond is a state controlled weapon of order. A fascist hero so to speak and by the time he is thrown onto the Exiles team, one of forty years experience. There's instant conflict in a bottle.


Deathlok the Demolisher
Deathlok is an enigma. Amnesiac, all that Deathlok knows is that he was once made into a killmachine cyborg by the government and that he was damn good at doing whatever it was his government commanded him too. Too bad then that, just as he is made an Exile, his cybernetics have been destroyed and Deathlok must fall back on his own skills. Skills he's not sure he possesses. Oh yeah, and he's free. He and Hammond should have some interesting conversations.


Red Sonja
Maybe the most lethal character of the Exiles. She doesn't really need a change from your normal Red Sonja character. Tough as nails she is and the one most likely to buck against the authority of her male teammates. Her ignorance of the modern day world is both an advantage and a disadvantage and a source of comic relief. Of course, when the Exiles naturally end up in a simile of her world, well, everybody better watch out.


The Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Okay, so we have a Nazi, a mercenary and a barbarian, so how about a chivalrous knight to balance the scales? Hopelessly outdated as he is, the Knight is not well-loved by his fellow Exiles, but he does offer a certain moral balance. Of course, we're still working by medieval values, so he's still in a grey area of heroics. He's from the time just before Camelot fell.


Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Okay, so we've had a whole bunch of obscure characters. It's time for a well-known heroine that can lead the team unto the right path. Yes, I know she's not necessarily popular - Corp certainly doesn't like her - but damn it, I think she'd be great on a team like this if she were properly characterised (as everyone has pretty much failed to do since Busiek). Imagine it: a competent heroine and leader. One problem when the team gets thrown into the Kree/Skrull war though: she's pro-Kree.
Black Knight and Deathlok might work well, but as a whole that team seems pretty boring.

It just seems like one of those writers that throws a bunch of random elements together and hopes he is seen as trying to do something different....but ultimately doomed to fail since there isn't much name value there.

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