The Official Mjolnir Thread

It looks like it weighs a ton but actually only weighs about 2.5lbs.

To "forge" it, I first built the head out of cardboard (using the power of geometry). Then I cut a piece of wood dowel for the handle, making sure that when inserted it would run through the whole head for stability.

Then I used super sculpty to cover the head and sculpt all the aged metal detail. To give the whole thing weight and strength, I filled the head with expandable foam that air hardens to a wood-like density. I wrapped the handle in leather and used the tip of a hot iron to burn random groove marks into it to make the wrapped handle look worn.

Last, I painted the head black; dry brushed it with flat aluminum paint, added some black wash and sealed it with a few coats of dull coat spray. The end result is Uru that looks like it has been through countless battles with rock trolls, frost giants and the occasional elemental demon.

I seriously can't put this thing down. It looks bigger and meaner than what is on the market but is light enough to swing around (even by the thong).
DUDE that rocks! I do Scratch model building and you are very good! Gives me ideas for my Gungnir. lol
on the iron man 2 blu ray disc 2 i found a neat little easter egg of the easter egg from the film. it is after the credits of the ultimate making of iron man 2, just like the scene is after the credits of the movie. shows the filming of the mjolnir scene from iron man 2 on the thor set. kenneth branagh talks about thor, and we see jms there too. jms talks about the scene and it even shows him trying to lift mjolnir. i guess it will be his cameo in the thor movie.

you have to select play all or it wont appear. under ultimate making of iron man 2 on disc 2 select play all and you can either watch the whole thing and wait till after the credits for it or just skip to chapter 6 to watch it.
Ooh, I was on the fence about buying the IM 2 blu-ray after it turned out the Comic-Con footage might not be on there, but the Branagh/JMS thing sounds cool too.
Ooh, I was on the fence about buying the IM 2 blu-ray after it turned out the Comic-Con footage might not be on there, but the Branagh/JMS thing sounds cool too.
I'll buy it eventually because I enjoyed the movie. I love all the little easter eggs in the film. :D
yea now you can watch them in order, iron man 1&2 then the incredible hulk. will give new perspective. just curious if thor will add even more to the incredible hulk story. i know it wasnt him in that scene in the cave. i just think that maybe thor created the storm to keep the army away so maybe it will be thrown in. i think thor is set during TIH
Thought I'd share my updated Mjolnir. Had to resculpt parts of the head and decided to resculpted the whole head of the hammer, covering the Sculpty with QuikSteel. I was more aggressive with the weathering this time so the head looks positively ancient and the weight and sturdiness is much improved. Here are some pics of version 2...


Comparisons with version 1 (left)

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mjolnir was awesome. wish they would have shown it being created though.

i assume thor didn't create any portals is because he didn't know and odin didn't tell thor about mjolnir being able to create interdimensional portals since he would probably go off and fight whenever he wanted in whatever realm. though now that the portal to midgard is closed and thor is more mature maybe odin will reveal that to him in the avengers, so he can help the mortals.
mjolnir was awesome. wish they would have shown it being created though.

i assume thor didn't create any portals is because he didn't know and odin didn't tell thor about mjolnir being able to create interdimensional portals since he would probably go off and fight whenever he wanted in whatever realm. though now that the portal to midgard is closed and thor is more mature maybe odin will reveal that to him in the avengers, so he can help the mortals.

I agree, I'd love for Thor to be able to open portals with Mjolnir in the Avengers and Thor's sequels.
It's an ability I could see being added at some point for plot-related reasons. I could also see it being a more extreme tactic in the movies, instead of something that Thor does casually.
Of course, but by the third Thor film and later on in the Avengers films he should be able to use it pretty casually.
i think it should just be like his twirl, but a bigger arc he has to movie his arm in a circle too to make it big enough to walk through. don't think it should be something that drains him, just let it be as easy as his twirl. doesn't mean he has to use it all the time, just to travel great distances instantly, or go realm to realm. he can still fly most of the time.
Of course, but by the third Thor film and later on in the Avengers films he should be able to use it pretty casually.

I think it depends on where they want to go with the story, honestly. It could potentially be bad in a lot of scenarios to trivialize travel between the various worlds. But, on the other hand, it might eventually become a desirable thing to facilitate the plot, as is often the case in the comics.
i think it should just be like his twirl, but a bigger arc he has to movie his arm in a circle too to make it big enough to walk through. don't think it should be something that drains him, just let it be as easy as his twirl. doesn't mean he has to use it all the time, just to travel great distances instantly, or go realm to realm. he can still fly most of the time.

Definately, it should be used sparringly and only when neccessary.
i don't think it would trivialize travel, just allow thor to do what he is supposed to be able to do. i figured he was too immature to be told about or given this power up until this point. he might have rushed off half cocked to fight. now he is more level headed and mature so he will use it sparingly.
Stupid question, but how do you phonetically pronounce Mjolnir?
The j is like a y, basically. The "ir" rimes with year.

EDIT: Beaten to the punch! Twice! :argh:
There should be a sticky on norse pronunciation.
i think thor is set during TIH

nope ;)
The culver footage is shown at the end of iron man 2 in the shield meeting, then coulson finding the hammer is after the credits, unless the entire thor and tih happened aftr coulson leftstark and before stark got debriefed?
I think that it's pronounced like this....MJ (reference to Mary Jane Watson from Spiderman cause this is the Marvel Universe)-ya'll near. So MJ-y'all-near.........DUH!! :hehe:

I know I know, a lame attempt at a joke.
nope ;)
The culver footage is shown at the end of iron man 2 in the shield meeting, then coulson finding the hammer is after the credits, unless the entire thor and tih happened aftr coulson leftstark and before stark got debriefed?

i figured the hulk university scene(culver) happened during the day of the stark expo.
then the end if iron man 2 is the next day, after the expo, stark is with fury, the culver footage is on the screen. at the end of credits we see coulson in NM this is the scene in thor's beginning when he arrives on earth. at the end of TIH tony shows up on shields behalf i believe. at the end of thor fury shows up. so this means that stark was sent to look into the hulk situation and fury and shield went after thor since fury probably knows more about the cosmic landscape or because shield was already there investigating mjolnir.

so i figure the ending of iron man 2 is when the hulk is already happening, obviously since the university footage is on the screen in iron man 2, and thor is probably within a day of the end of TIH. like maybe the night the hulk fights abomination is the night that jane hit thor with her car
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