Far From Home The Official Spider-Man: Far From Home User Review Thread

While I liked Homecoming, I thought this movie was a big step up from it. The plot was more interesting and the action was much better. I laughed way more than expected and I loved the interaction between the main five kids. This was the second MCU first sequel to truly surpass the first film after The Winter Soldier.
Why would JJ be any evidence for a multiverse at all? All it means is that an important Spider-man supporting character exists in this adaptation, and that they cast a particularly iconic actor in the role again. None of which says anything about multiverses.
I agree. I was addressing it because some other people viewed that as a possible indication of it existing.
FFH was a big disappointment for me. Like even the weakest MCU movies, it was serviceable entertainment. Can't say it was much more than that, and as a fan of the character Spider-Man, it was downright bad.

First off, the good stuff. Mysterio's illusion scene was spectacular. The upgraded suit is sublime. The cameo was a pleasant surprise. Those were the only outstanding parts of the film.

Everything else ranged from "meh, okay" to actually awful. After 5 appearances from MCU Spider-Man, I've still not been impressed with him, and after FFH I highly doubt I ever will. The MCU just doesn't seem to respect the character, which is kinda mind-boggling.

No, it's not because of the Uncle Ben stuff, or the fact that things are different. I don't have a problem with the MCU changing it up...I have a problem with the quality. Sure, MCU Spidey is "fresh". So is the **** a cow just took on a farm somewhere.

In the name of making things different, the MCU has forgotten what made it's best movies so good - characterization. Holland's Spidey has little, and his supporting cast has none at all. They're all caricatures serving juvenile humor. Easy laughs that I have no interest in. I just can't get into this Spidey. I feel like I'm watching a movie about Iron Man's sidekick. Dealing with Iron Man mcguffins. Using Iron Man's resources. Facing a villain created by...Iron Man. Sigh. It's not even done well, with the central plot of this movie making Peter look like an absolute idiot child for the sake of moving the plot or garnering cheap laughs.

Without the characterization the MCU mastered with characters like Iron Man and Cap, the other MCU flaws become far more apparent. The CGI is cartoony, the cinematography is bland as hell, the action is uninteresting. Everything looks cheap and replaceable. Because it is. It's just the efficient MCU model of churning out these flicks.

I've defended the MCU for many years for these same things. Unfortunately, I'm starting to think I was wrong. I was deluded by the Russo Brothers, who have done an incredible job. Looks like we just got lucky, because the real MCU seems to be cheap and contrived gag-fests with a rare hit or two.

Far From Home was Far From Good. I can't respect a Spider-Man who isn't respected by the people making the movie. We have the classic, timeless Spider-Man from the Raimi films. We have fresh AND brilliant modern takes like Spider-Man PS4 and Into The Spider-Verse. FFH is neither. It's just another gear keeping the MCU machine churning.
While I liked Homecoming, I thought this movie was a big step up from it. The plot was more interesting and the action was much better. I laughed way more than expected and I loved the interaction between the main five kids. This was the second MCU first sequel to truly surpass the first film after The Winter Soldier.

Same here, man. I am always fearful of another Dark World, and I'm always pleasantly surprised to get a film this good.
It’s good, but overrated. It reminds me of a Disney Channel teen movie.
While I liked Homecoming, I thought this movie was a big step up from it. The plot was more interesting and the action was much better. I laughed way more than expected and I loved the interaction between the main five kids. This was the second MCU first sequel to truly surpass the first film after The Winter Soldier.
Yeah, I definitely prefer it over HC.
As someone who isn’t a huge fan of Homecoming, and who had read some spoilers about this movie I did not like the sound of at all, not to mention I have never been a fan of Mysterio, I actually enjoyed this a hell of a lot and thought it was a big step up from HC in so many ways. I think I actually enjoyed this more than Endgame, which again I never expected.

The action and stakes took a huge leap upon quality, and while Peter liking MJ from the start after showing her no interest in HC at all was jarring, the romance grew on me a second the movie progressed and I was in full support of it at the end. I thought Gyllenhaal was awesome awesome as Beck/Mysterio and the movie really showcased how dangerous he can be, this movie made me a fan of the character. I liked the dynamic between the kids a lot and as always Tom Holland stole the show, they FINALLY gave him some more dramatic scenes here to show case his talents and he nails them all. There was plenty of comedy, but I never felt it was intrusive to the action or drama like it is in a lot of Marvel movies. The final villain encounter was also a huge step up from Homecoming, and it was good to see Happy fully on board with Spider-Man now, even giving him the odd pep talk when he needed it.

My only problems were, again, lack of Uncle Ben, he probably died 7/8 years ago now in the MCU but we have never seen Peter or May mourn over him once, yet Peter mourns over IM quite a bit here. Don’t get me wrong, it fits after EG, but that fact just bothers me. There was some poor green screen as well but overall the CGI was awesome.

And the after credits scene, I was expecting to hate it, but
with Beck doing it, again it fit, I just hope it doesn’t become a joke in the next movie, but with the Skrulls around, and Beck now known to many as a fraud now, they can get around it. Speaking of the Skrulls, it was awesome to see Talos and his wife again.

So yeah, I enjoyed this a hell of a lot, this may even be my favourite CBM of the year. 8.5/10.
The biggest problems with FFH is that it’s more of a MCU film than a Spider-Man film.
The biggest problems with FFH is that it’s more of a MCU film than a Spider-Man film.

Not really...I mean, there is a heavy focus on Peter and his supporting cast, and they dialed down the involvement with Iron Man and other heroes substantially from the last film. In fact, there weren't even any cameos from ANY other Avengers! Fury's involvement was all we had. We got Peter saving the day, as opposed to Iron Man bailing him out. He also had to deal with consequences this go round from his bad decisions. Last film, someone cleaned up all his messes (Ferry scene, skipping the thing in DC, leaving detention, etc), this time he had to handle it WITHOUT backup from any Avengers.
Finally saw the movie. Yes...despite being a massive fan and it being out for a month, I just saw it now for the first time. And I only saw it because my friend wanted to see it and dragged me to the theatre.

"Geez, why didn't you want to see it, Shika?! Were you that pissed about the liberties they took from the source material?!" (Okay, not to sound like a self-important *****e, but it's late and I need humor to keep me awake :oldrazz:). Actually, it had nothing to do with that. See, I've been pretty disgusted lately on a human level by the way the MCU's been romanticizing the relationship between Peter and Tony. So let me get this straight...you're making movies about a working-class hero...who also happens to be a symbol of 1960s youth independence and counterculture...and you're gonna romanticize his relationship to a guy that has more in common with Norman Osborn and the billionaire warmongers Spider-Man fans used to protest against? Then you're gonna show us through your BS rose-tinted glasses how "normal" and "great" it is that a guy like Tony helps Peter out so much...in an era where young people feel dependent on the rich due to how much they control their lives and in the most disturbing ways? You're furthermore going to do all this in an era of rising nationalism all over the globe? And you're gonna market this Spider-Man to children as "the definitive screen Spider-Man" the way Disney's done?

MCU Spider-Man is, in every sense of the word, Late Stage Capitalism Spider-Man. And what happens in Late Stage Capitalism? Art becomes less subversive and more obedient to the rich.

That's why I wasn't crazy to see this. Because even at his worst - even during the Spider-Man 3's and the One More Day's - Spidey to me always represented empowerment. He made me feel strong when the whole world insisted I was weak - first as a bullied kid on the playground, then as a college kid struggling to get by, and now as an adult living in a corporate world that tries everyday to tell us we're powerless and to demoralize us.

I just wasn't down to risk seeing art get hijacked with right-wing themes like that. For the first time in my life, I might have walked away from Spider-Man feeling powerless. For reasons that have nothing to do with source material - really, you can make the most 616-accurate Spider-Man and still put some disgusting fascist themes in your story.

Oh and lastly, keep in mind this has nothing to do with Uncle Ben. Fine, I'll grant all the reasons why we can't bring up Uncle Ben. But you know who'd be the most logical choice after that? Steve Rogers. He's working-class. He's responsible. He's an old soul (in more ways than one now :oldrazz:). It would not reek of Late Stage Capitalism if Ben's shadow in the MCU couldn't be seen due to Steve's. Instead it was covered by that of a guy who's the antithesis to Uncle Ben. And the fact guys like Ben get erased all the time from history by guys like Tony? Should bother no one...supposedly.

But anyways...the movie.

I'll go back and edit this after I had more sleep but surprisingly, I had a great time. It's probably my favorite Spider-Man movie. It's also the most unconventional Spider-Man movie. Peter going to Europe and having to cope with everything that just happened isn't exactly conventional Peter Parker conflict. It's hard to draw conclusions on him because so much of what Peter does/thinks/says in this is circumstantial to this specific story. Even him not quipping as much didn't bother me (for one, he's barely in costume). So just based on Homecoming, I still think Watts gets Peter Parker the most.

That's kinda a problem when looking at this as a franchise. Two movies in and I never felt like I was in Spider-Man's world until the last 10 minutes. I feel like he finally got to the status quo I think of when I think Spidey - him swinging through Manhattan with MJ with the Bugle in the background bashing him. That and I don't think there's much you can do with the Tony arc after this. I imagine the next film will finally look the most like a Spider-Man film.

Mysterio was so awesome I can't do him justice in words. I've been praising Marvel a lot recently for being able to balance out their humor and drama well. Mysterio is their new best example of this. He's horrifying, and yet the film is so funny.

The scene where Pete hands Beck the glasses however is just horrendous. There's nothing in the past five films to imply he'd think that or that he'd be that reckless. It came off like they couldn't come up with a way Beck takes the glasses. So they wrote Peter like an idiot for that one scene and expect we'd all buy it.

Peter also seems too shy around MJ. I get that he's socially awkward, but him coming up with that grandiose a plan to ask her out is going into cartoon territory. I can't even see the Peter from Amazing Fantasy #15 doing that.

So was this Late Stage Capitalism Spider-Man? As far as his portrayal in the other Marvel films go, yes. And as far as how the corporate execs seem to market him, yes. But while there's definitely some elements of that that spill over to his films, I think Watts did a decent job at separating him from them as much as possible. Some critics called him Iron-Boy; I think Watts treated him more like a next-gen Iron Man, complete with the theme of how each gen should surpass the old gen. It's not ideal, and I'm not sure it's my cup of tea, but overall I think he did Spider-Man justice (again).

Of course, all of this could change on a second viewing. But so far I feel optimistic films like these can still get made in spite of living in a time with the problems I mentioned earlier...and especially if it's a Spider-Man film. :yay:
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I give it an 8. It was entertaining - but not up to the level of the MCU's top films ( Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, Iron Man) which really stay with you.

It was fun, and I really enjoyed the big illusion sequence (where Mysterio undermines Peter's confidence). Somehow it didn't feel like a Spider man film - maybe because of the European settings, and Mysterio's plan was utterly ridiculous, but you kind of just sit back and roll with it.

I found it more memorable than the Ant-Man films - which were good movies but forgettable. Good performances by all the leads .....well, I found Zendaya less annoying than Kirsten Dunst, but less engaging than Emma Stone.

One thing I must praise is Michael Giacchino's score - simply excellent, and the Spidey theme has become memorable, love that they re-used and built on the Homecoming theme.

The main thing was that it was fun, and that's something every Spider Man film should be.
Good performances by all the leads .....well, I found Zendaya less annoying than Kirsten Dunst, but less engaging than Emma Stone.

THIS. Dunst was just...well...unforgivably bad in SM3. Her little 2 hour pity party made me forget any good will she earned from Spider-Man 2. Zendaya didn't contradict herself and come across as a pointless hostage the way Dunst did. It may have more to do with the writing than the actresses...but, for all the flaws in the ASM films, Emma Stone was NOT one of them. Her portrayal of Gwen was perfect. She was literally the only thing I wish we could have brought over to the MCU films. Well...her and JJJ.
I thought this movie was pretty good as long as it stuck to Peter Parker and his high school buddies. The moment Jake Gyllenhaal showed up alongside the stupid CGI monsters it lost me. Weak villain and relentlessly loud and stupid action scenes. Sam Raimi’s take on the character is still the best.
I thought this movie was pretty good as long as it stuck to Peter Parker and his high school buddies. The moment Jake Gyllenhaal showed up alongside the stupid CGI monsters it lost me. Weak villain and relentlessly loud and stupid action scenes. Sam Raimi’s take on the character is still the best.

I have the exact opposite opinion.
So, finally got to this. I’m so behind on my movie-going this year. My reaction walking out was that it was...fine, I guess? My favorite stuff was pretty much any time Zendaya and Holland are together on screen. They have great chemistry and their mini-rom-com in this film works really well.

Unfortunately, as much as Peters teachers and classmates seemed like real-life high school types in Homecoming, here it’s a troop straight out of a goofy Disney channel show. The only thing about then that amused me at all was Ned. Again just MHO but I thought they were all crap and dropped my score on this movie significantly.

As for Mysterio, loved the costume, the backstory, the Easter egg connections to previous films, the motivation, all that. But I remain a bit confused as to where he was going with all this. So he becomes the new hero sensation so he can...what? I mean, if they were pulling heists under the cover of these fake fights, that would make sense. But they’re just doing fights to meet the Queen or something. I was waiting the whole movie for some kind of payoff and got nothing.

Happy was great, love his interactions with Peter on the jet and the dating Aunt May bit.

Both mid/post credit scenes were terrific.

Overall 6/10.
Well, I have to say, this film gets better for me the more I watch it. I bought the Blu-Ray on Friday, and my kids and I have burned it up! The fact that there are no other Avengers in it really spruced it up a bit from Homecoming, I think. Add to that an actual useful bit of deleted scenes and bonus features, and it really has been an awesome film to experience at home.

Also, the illusion sequence and the "Peter-tingle" sequences elevated the film from "good" to "great" for me. I'm more happy then ever that Tom will be in the MCU a bit longer! Oh, and that Red & Black suit is still the hotness. Love it.
Well, I have to say, this film gets better for me the more I watch it. I bought the Blu-Ray on Friday, and my kids and I have burned it up! The fact that there are no other Avengers in it really spruced it up a bit from Homecoming, I think. Add to that an actual useful bit of deleted scenes and bonus features, and it really has been an awesome film to experience at home.

Also, the illusion sequence and the "Peter-tingle" sequences elevated the film from "good" to "great" for me. I'm more happy then ever that Tom will be in the MCU a bit longer! Oh, and that Red & Black suit is still the hotness. Love it.
I, too, got the blu-ray and while I don't have a 4K TV, the standard blu-ray for some reason looked different to me. In a good way. They might've tinkered with the colors for the picture transfer -- UltimateWebHead, can you chime in? lol -- but the overall picture was more vibrant and colorful than in theaters. I know this because I saw it in theaters 4x haha. Colors had a deeper contrast as well. Anyway, I'm saying I dug it.

Speaking of deleted scenes... I truly love "Peter's To-Do List" and I caught the extended cut in theaters and while I don't think they needed to add that extra scene of Quentin and the influencers, I just loved seeing Peter trying to sell his toys, getting his passport with Dronie, AND taking down the Manfredi crime family. I felt that it was almost essential. It DOES make the film drag just a tiny bit, but wish they could've released a cut on the blu-ray with those scenes. Also, fun fact: in the theatrical extended cut -- there was one or two more quips in the Manfredi sequence that they cut out on the blu-ray. Wonder why they did that.

The illusion sequence will always be in Top 5 Spidey sequences and the Peter tingle scene I appreciated more on blu-ray viewing. Now that I was able to rewind and stuff lol it was cool seeing the camera's movements. It didn't really occur to me that it's actually one continual shot. I do still have an issue with how the spider-sense was handled as well as that third act sequence with cyclone and the drones. It's cut a bit too choppy with some of the POV shots that it's real hard to track.
I, too, got the blu-ray and while I don't have a 4K TV, the standard blu-ray for some reason looked different to me. In a good way. They might've tinkered with the colors for the picture transfer -- UltimateWebHead, can you chime in? lol -- but the overall picture was more vibrant and colorful than in theaters. I know this because I saw it in theaters 4x haha. Colors had a deeper contrast as well. Anyway, I'm saying I dug it.

Speaking of deleted scenes... I truly love "Peter's To-Do List" and I caught the extended cut in theaters and while I don't think they needed to add that extra scene of Quentin and the influencers, I just loved seeing Peter trying to sell his toys, getting his passport with Dronie, AND taking down the Manfredi crime family. I felt that it was almost essential. It DOES make the film drag just a tiny bit, but wish they could've released a cut on the blu-ray with those scenes. Also, fun fact: in the theatrical extended cut -- there was one or two more quips in the Manfredi sequence that they cut out on the blu-ray. Wonder why they did that.

The illusion sequence will always be in Top 5 Spidey sequences and the Peter tingle scene I appreciated more on blu-ray viewing. Now that I was able to rewind and stuff lol it was cool seeing the camera's movements. It didn't really occur to me that it's actually one continual shot. I do still have an issue with how the spider-sense was handled as well as that third act sequence with cyclone and the drones. It's cut a bit too choppy with some of the POV shots that it's real hard to track.

For me, the tracking issue was the problem I had with the Vulture/Coney Island battle. It was fine when they were on the plane, but, when they crashed, it was all a muddy blur of violence. I for one was appreciative of them doing a daylight final battle so that we could see Spidey move. Homecoming (and I like that film a LOT) was lacking on the cinematography on the final battle. This film was a marked improvement.

Oh, and I could watch Peter accidentally KO Flash on a loop. That was awesome...especially since I despise "millennial bully Flash". This was precisely how I think social media bullies should be dealt with: slapped into unconsciousness.
For me, the tracking issue was the problem I had with the Vulture/Coney Island battle. It was fine when they were on the plane, but, when they crashed, it was all a muddy blur of violence. I for one was appreciative of them doing a daylight final battle so that we could see Spidey move. Homecoming (and I like that film a LOT) was lacking on the cinematography on the final battle. This film was a marked improvement.

Oh, and I could watch Peter accidentally KO Flash on a loop. That was awesome...especially since I despise "millennial bully Flash". This was precisely how I think social media bullies should be dealt with: slapped into unconsciousness.
Really? I had no problem tracking the action in the Coney sequence. It might've been a bit too dark for my taste when they were on the plane...but tracking-wise, I thought HOCO did pretty well despite just decent overall action. But I agree that FFH was a big improvement over HOCO. Now let's just wait to see what he does with Kraven for the threequel. My hope is that they don't do TOO much CGI and go back to the practical hand-to-hand a la Spidey v Goblin in abandoned warehouse in SM1, but the MCU relies on CG a lot. I just hope for a fight/action that showcases Spidey's true agility fighting against someone like Kraven. And more clever hand-to-hand/web stuff. Any way you spin it...Kraven should lend himself to some interesting action sequences...

Lol and I love this Flash but agree to disagree..
Well this was godawful. So Tony left some glasses to a kid that give ANYONE who puts them on access to swarms of killerdrones?

Not Rhodey, not Cap, not T'Challa, not Cpt. Marvel not ANYONE else but this kid he found.

And that's the plot?

Then there's an unblipped kid running around who is now 5 years older and wants to get in MJs pants.

What a pile of actual rubbish.
This guy is totally edgy and cool. :pal:

Well, Rhodey is still probably going to work with/for the USAF, so that means they could take control of it, as Rhodey isn't tech savvy...he just uses it. He didn't build any of his stuff, and he can't fix it or anything.
Cap (for those who paid attention in Endgame) is retired and not in the game anymore. Kinda gave away his shield. It was in Endgame. It was this little indie film that released in May.
T'Challa doesn't need it, as he runs his country first and foremost, and is not going to be out in the forefront of everything. They showed him living in Wakanda again in Endgame. Like I said, it was a small film. Not a lot of people saw it.
Captain Marvel seems to live in space, which makes her a poor candidate to run an army or super drones that kind of orbit the Earth. They showed that she was helping the universe recover from the effects of what happened in Infinity War, a slightly less popular indy film from the year before, and the prequel to indy-darling Endgame.
Also, the "kid he found" was being groomed to be an Avenger in the last film, Homecoming. He's proven that he will do what's right. Whether it's fighting arms dealers, going to space, or diving into a storm created by said killer drones to fix his mistakes.

They actually mentioned WHY he gave those glasses to Peter a few dozen times. The film wasn't the MCU's greatest, but I felt it was a solid film and a great closer to Phase 3.

I liked it, you obviously didn't. Whatever.

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