The Wolverine The Stealth Express of Doom News & Discussion Thread:

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That worries me, too.
It makes me think it could end with him still no longer having a healing factor at all, which would then sync up with the Wolverine comic arc that's coming up. If that is his new comic status quo because of this movie, I'll be very unhappy.
Wolverine is cool because of the healing factor, not in spite of it.

I don't think so. Even when his healing factor is tampered with, it looks like he still has it. I mean, he takes a gunshot pretty much point blank, and it staggers him for a bit, but he keeps going. So he's obviously still above normal healing even with the tampering.
This quote from Hugh makes me so happy:

'He’s got that healing ability, which is fantastic, and he has those claws but I think his greatest weapon is who he is inside. If you took away all their powers, I’m pretty sure Wolverine is the one you wouldn’t want to piss off. He’s the one you want on your side, and definitely not against you. He won’t stop until he’s dead or you’re dead first.'
(from the article posted before)

I like how Hugh focusses on personality more than on powers. :)
Ah, so much to read.

I've read the articles on the previous page, and I saw some things that really excited me, and some that made me go 'oh no..'

The bit I loved most:
The footage continued and we saw Wolverine hit with one poison tipped arrow after another, eventually becoming the iconic pincushion we saw in Frank Miller's comic artwork. Leitch explained that this was, of course, by design.

"We went back to this particular comic for the iconic images, so you're gonna see a lot of those spiced throughout. Tonight you might even catch a few of the images from the Frank Miller stuff, and we're all fans of that. So we want to make sure they were true to that." Of Logan's defeat at the hand of…well, The Hand, Leitch said, "We were shooting it last night and there's some great graphic shots of that. This porcupine shot of him covered in arrows and he's stabbed with samurai swords and any sort of ninja implement you can imagine."

I'm all for iconic comic book images!

The thing I hated/worry for:
The Wolverine is partly a buddy adventure story. Yukio and Logan have an understanding, she’s an assassin, he’s a soldier. She has a lot of confidence and he becomes annoyed by her, so it’s designed as a funny pairing.
The character has similarities to how she’s presented in the graphic novel but, at the same time, there’s a whole other side to Yukio here. I don’t know how much I can talk about it but the story is definitely different to the original comics. Hopefully people can enjoy our different version of the story.

I'm only just warming up to Yukio's look in the movie, but I'm not sure I can handle more changes! 'Designed to be funny' and 'definitely different from the comics' worries me a bit.

But overall, I have a good feeling about this :woot:
It's been said a few times now that they've reworked the McQuarrie script.

2012 Set Visit

IGN said:
While spirits are high on the day we visit The Wolverine’s Sydney set, it’s not been an easy journey towards principal photography. Darren Aronofsky was originally attached to direct an initial draft by The Usual Suspects scribe Christopher McQuarrie, but dropped out due to family commitments. Then the tsunami in Japan – where the majority of the film was meant to be shot – caused further delays. The project seemed to be imploding in development hell until Mangold came on board in June 2011 and Live Free or Die Hard screenwriter Mark Bomback took on rewriting duties in September.

2012 Set Visit

James Mangold said:
My whole connection to it was my own kind of fascination with Logan and immortality. I saw a real opportunity to kind of explore a lot of really interesting themes that were inside the Claremont-Miller kind of saga. I saw a lot. There was a lot of great stuff in the McQuarrie script that existed, but over the last two years, we’ve continued to work it—other writers, myself. I mean, you probably know the other writer, Mark Bomback, Chris, myself and Scott Frank all worked on it at different times, so kind of all on the same page and working on the same agenda.

March 20, 2013

Chris Claremont said:
"The Wolverine" was a project that the producer, Lauren Shuler Donner, has wanted to do ever since I've known her, which is going on better than fifteen years, now. She's loved the story that Frank Miller and I did and has wanted to bring it to the screen. In the story's original incarnation, in Christopher McQuarrie's original screenplay, that was what it was and it was really cool. I mean, I read it; it was good.

This is when Darren Aronofsky was going to direct, and then, after last year's Oscars, he decided he had other things that were more pressing and withdrew from the project. The new director came in wanting to bring his own writing crew on the project, wanting to express his own vision, and it has, as I understand, morphed somewhat considerably from the original story.

I believe there's a photograph, for example, of Hugh Jackman with the bone claws. Which -- that's really cool, it looks great, but that's not in my story. So I would assume it has morphed considerably. We'll find out this summer.
I'm only just warming up to Yukio's look in the movie, but I'm not sure I can handle more changes! 'Designed to be funny' and 'definitely different from the comics' worries me a bit.

But overall, I have a good feeling about this :woot:

Yeah, we'll see if this neo-Yukio captures the spirit of comic Yukio. From the looks of the action in the trailers she'll at least be a fun character but will her Wolvie obsession be conveyed? It's hard to tell. At least a couple of the set visitors thought she could be a breakout of the movie for whatever little slice they got to see. As far as comedy goes, it's usually good, meh, or miss...mostly on the meh and miss side of things in these comic films.

Animation silly time!
Wolverine needs to stab a ninja and fling him at the other ninjas.
Look! Stuff!


They had a smaller version of the claws that you could hold between your fingers too.

Found them in Toys R Us today when I was getting my nephew a graduation present.

And I didn't get him Wolverine claws. He's graduating preschool.
Marvel is totally going to make money off fox's movie without even actually promoting it. Notice the lack of movie tie in with the branding
Marvel is totally going to make money off fox's movie without even actually promoting it. Notice the lack of movie tie in with the branding

Yea totally. I'll be picking up some of those "wolverine legends" for sure even if they aren't directly tied to the movie. Well the marvel select Logan is, and I'll definatly be getting that.

I'm personally glad there isn't a merchandising blitz for the x-men movies, it gives me a chance to do some stuff for people that companies won't bother with haha.
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I'm just looking forward to the Marvel Superheroes Lego game. :up:
Good Lord all that set report stuff sounds great. Yukio/Logan buddy-cop style story doesn't even sound half-bad to me... but the iconic images being recreated... "puncushion"-Logan... I can't wait.
Here's another set report I just found that went under the radar the other day:


This film introduces a slew of new characters, for the first time we get to see Yukio, Viper and the Silver Samurai brought to life. For me the one fans are most likely to get behind is Yukio a lethal (and obligatory sexy) ronin and masterless samurai played by model turned actress Rila Fukushima, talking candidly about her role she says “I try not to think too much about how I become a character, I’m still really new to acting. Yukio is very physical and there’s been a lot to learn, but it’s been a really fun, amazing, challenging experience.”

Over the course of my time on set, I get to observe several scenes being shot, it’s clear to me that everyone is moving to the beat of the same drum, which in my experience is the core of a great film. This this is definitely going to be a darker, grittier instalment than anything else that been released as part of the X-Men franchise and whilst hovering over Director James Mangold and the film’s star Hugh Jackman’s shoulders watching the takes within moments, watching ungraded raw footage, I was lost in the world they’ve created and am truly looking forward to seeing the finished film.
From producer Hutch Parker:

‘The Wolverine’ Producer Explains What’s Required For Another Sequel by Rob Keyes

Hugh Jackman has played the career-defining role of Wolverine six times and is currently shooting X-Men: Days of Future Past in Montreal. That’ll be his seventh time sporting the mutton chops. After telling the story of Logan’s adventure to Japan – Jackman’s personal favorite story from the Marvel Comics – and now moving onto a tale of time travel, are there more stories to tell worthy of another solo Wolverine movie?

A common topic of interest in interviews with Hugh Jackman when it comes to X-Men is his rigorous workout regiment and strict diet. While on set of The Wolverine last fall we saw it firsthand, how every few hours Jackman would feed on lean meat and steamed vegetables and how every morning he’d work out for at least two hours, followed by a swim. He even sought the advice of muscle monster Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

When talking about returning for Bryan Singer’s Days of Future Past, Jackman’s only gripe was not being able to relax on the physical front. The Aussie actor is in his mid-forties and must work harder and longer to maintain the physique of mutant hero. Jackman’s in the best shape of his life thanks to his hard work, but what will it take for him to come back again after the next X-Men team-up? According to The Wolverine producer Hutch Parker, there’s “absolutely” room for more movies and the onus is on the studio to come up with a worthy story, one that can top the much more standalone The Wolverine, a screenplay writer Christopher McQuarrie’s revealed is his favorite work.
“Absolutely, absolutely. This is a standalone piece. You guys know the story, it lives really neatly off by itself and doesn’t preclude anything else. It doesn’t preclude reconnecting. It doesn’t preclude other standalone stories. I think part of what makes Wolverine such an iconic character is that it’s an irresolvable conflict. His immortality and the emotional conflicts he has surrounding those issues are limitless in terms of where that character can go and where they would live and become an issue and engage so that, I think you’ve got – To Tom [Rothman]‘s credit, to Bill Mechanic’s credit – this is a well that can be mined for a long time. I think the challenge will be the obligation on the part of the filmmakers and the studio to make sure the stories are worthy of going back to the well. Certainly, Hugh’s been a good sport about it over the years he’s done this character. He clearly loves it to death but I do know that it becomes a storytelling obligation to make sure that this one will be a hard one to top, so that we can continue to serve up opportunities for him as a performer that warrant ‘yes, I want to put the claws back on and grow out my mutton chops and do my thing.’”
The future of Jackman’s Wolverine will be revealed next summer in Fox’s most ambitious X-Men film to date, one that will likely feature more than one version of the character and could refresh or relaunch the series as fans know it. There are plenty of opportunities for Jackman to return as an aged Wolverine and Fox isn’t going to stop making X-movies. It’s really up to Jackman in the end.
For more:

The Wolverine is directed by James Mangold off of Mark Bomback and Christopher McQuarrie’s screenplay. It stars Hugh Jackman, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Will Yun Lee, Brian Tee, Hiroyuki Sanada, and Rila Fukushima.
The Wolverine hits theaters July 26, 2013. X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theaters on July 18th, 2014.
Iron Man riding a motorcycle? What is that about? lol

It has a pump that you can stomp on to make the motorcycle take off. I thought about getting that one for my nephew (he loves Iron Man), but I wound up getting him a Star Wars Angry Birds launcher instead (SW Angry Birds is his latest obsession).
No CGI for Hugh LOL...

Wolverine Report: Meet Mariko And Yukio, Model Members Of The Cast
Posted on May 30, 2013
by Brendon Connelly

Two members of the cast of The Wolverine made their names outside of acting. Both Tao Okamoto, who plays Mariko, and Rila Fukushima, who plays Yukio, have a history in modelling.

It’s easy to be cynical when somebody hops from the pages of high fashion, coffee table magazines to acting roles, but I was left in no doubt that director James Mangold and the studio have searched long and hard for these actresses, and they seemed to have a lot of faith in them.

I spoke to both Okamoto and Fukushima on the set, about their work on the film, transitioning into acting, and also their take on the material. Let’s start with some of what Okamoto had to tell me.

This is my first film, ever, and my first acting experience. I’ve been modelling for over ten years but I never imagined myself acting. They were looking for a Japanese girl for this role and I’m sure they looked at a lot of good actresses but couldn’t find the right one for them, then they opened the gate a little wider and started to look at models.

My Japanese modelling agency called me and said “We’ve got you an audition” and I said “I’m not interested.” But then she said “Yeah, but it’s X-Men and it’s Hugh Jackman” and so I said “Yes! I’ll do it!”

I wasn’t sure that I wanted to act but I met Jim [Mangold] in LA for an audition and I fell in love with the way he thinks and what he taught me. I started to think “I really want to do this.”

I was very worried because I never took any acting lessons ever. I asked Jim what I should do and he said never take any lessons or any advice from others because he thought I had good instincts. I trusted him and listened to only him and he gave me everything I needed. I was freaking out before but now I’m very confident.

Recently, Jim told me that this role didn’t make much sense to him before but since he met me, he built up the character more.

Mariko is trying to find her place in her life and meeting Logan, finding herself and what she wants to have in her life. I have similarities in my life… I had a difficult childhood because I was always the tallest girl in the school and everybody was staring at me.

Hugh taught me a lot of things. I didn’t know anything about the system, little tricks and things. I didn’t even know how the camera is going to shoot. If Im on camera that’s fine but if I’m not, if I’m off camera, I didn’t know what to do. He taught me to stand by the camera as close as I could to make the eye line for him.

I speak English as a second language and sometimes it’s really difficult for me to understand things. Hugh is very patient and he’ll listen to me. He has such a graceful manner and keeps a good energy and atmosphere. I’m sure everybody is tired but I look forward to seeing everybody on set and I think that’s down to Hugh.

We really appreciate that they’re featuring Japan. There’s a lot of Japanese culture – Samurai, Ninja, Yakuza – and we shot some scenes in Japan. It’s such a great thing, an honour, that this kind of big feature film focuses on Japan, which is just a little country.

Fukushima told me a similar story… before digressing into some great praise for Hugh Jackman and a rather poetic description of his hyper-muscly anatomy. Here’s what she had to say.

I was taking acting classes on and off when I was modelling but I’d never done anything until now. I’ve completely fallen in love. Compared to modelling it’s completely different and I definitely want to try more.

On my first day I was nervous. Jim tried to make me relax. He has a lot of positive energy so I felt like I’d be fine.

I came to Australia and started training for the action scenes. I trained for three weeks before filming. I’ve done a lot of exercise but I’d never done anything like this. I didn’t know how much I should do. At first I thought “I’ve got to do everything” but, actually, I just do part of it and the stunt double does part of it.

Hugh is super wonderful and super professional, super nice and a super gentleman. It’s interesting to see how he behaves between the takes. And I learned from him how to eat more. He eats every couple of hours to keep his energy up. Every time I look at him he’s either eating or exercising. Now, I don’t do weights between takes but I am eating every three hours, a little bit of exercise to try and develop my muscle.

Hugh’s body is like a sculpture, all the veins and the muscles. That’s something people will have to check out in this film. There’s no CG, it’s his actual muscles and they move like waves.

I think Japanese fans will like this movie. When we shot in Japan we had a lot of fun. A lot of people were excited to see Hugh, screaming and running towards him. Somebody came up in front of me, I thought they wanted my autograph. They asked me “Can I ask you something? Can I get an autograph from Hugh?” and I said “Maybe you should just ask directly.”

And if they did, I’m sure he’d oblige. I’ve met Jackman a couple of times now and he’s been incredibly charming on both occasions. There’s a reason this guy’s a movie star – but more on that in a future report.

The Wolverine is released on July 25th. You can use the WSR tag to see all of my Wolverine set reports to date. Coming up next: a look at The Viper, big screen style, then some discussion of the film’s third act…
Wow, so much Wolverine stuff all of a sudden, it's impossible to take it all in at once! But at least the marketing is under way.
Yeah, I really like what Mangold is saying. Hopefully it follows through.
Mangold is saying all the right things. I like this guy. Hopefully this is the definitive Wolvie movie. I've been underwhelmed with the trailers so far, but the cinemacon footage rocked my socks. So I guess it's just the damn editor of some of the trailers.
Its probably just the editor that doesn't know how to come up with an exciting trailer.
When did Fox lose the ability again to make exciting Trailers?
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