The Dark Knight Rises The 'Tusi: Blue Bats And Leather Cats - Part 41

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And what if JGL is secretly the lovechild od Bruce and Selina? :o
Anything is possible. I think that Ra's will appear as a ghost too. :o
Something like this?


I'm in :up: :hehe:
There actually is an fan edit of that scene where Qui-Gon appears.
Oh really?

I actually don't mind they put in Hayden Christensen in the new version :o
Ra's al Ghul better be played by Hayden Christensen.

Edit: it made sense that he would look like Hayden, that was him in his prime before becoming Vader.
Ra's al Ghul better be played by Hayden Christensen.


:dry: It's really sad how "bad" the prequels are. I watched the first trilogy (the original) only a few years ago but it had it's charm and good story. The prequels looked great vizually but the stories were meh.
It's redundant now, but for those who are just getting to "know" me, I love the Prequels. To death. Death of the haters.

:dry: It's really sad how "bad" the prequels are. I watched the first trilogy (the original) only a few years ago but it had it's charm and good story. The prequels looked great vizually but the stories were meh.

I find them to be very watchable and in some places, good.
It's redundant now, but for those who are just getting to "know" me, I love the Prequels. To death. Death of the haters.
And here's AnneFan, the one you cast as Darth Tyranus.
Thats why I said "bad" and not bad. They are very watchable for me, they just don't grab me that much for a reason. Can't explain it.

I did enjoy getting to see the fall of Anakin though.
Thats why I said "bad" and not bad. They are very watchable for me, they just don't grab me that much for a reason. Can't explain it.

I did enjoy getting to see the fall of Anakin though.

I actually rate Revenge of the Sith my third favourite SW movie. I appreciate that movie quite a bit.

Yods vs the emperor FTW!
I'd probably rank the SW films as follows:

2. ANH

5. TPM
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