The "Ultimate DC Universe" RPG, Season 3.0



"Well, Nigma, it's time to talk," the DA states aloud as he enters the interrogation room with me. He slides a file across the table as he takes a seat across fro me. "We'd like to get your statement on the events of that fateful night."

As I open my mouth to speak, the door flings open again. A well-dressed man places his briefcase on the table and announces, "Not yet."

"Who the Hell are you?" the DA asks angrily. I must admit that I'm wondering the same thing.

"I'm Mr. Drew, and I'll be representing Mr. Nigma in this case," he explains as he takes a seat.

I turn to him in confusion. "I didn't hire a lawyer," I explain.

Mr. Drew nods. "I know, but you have an anonymous friend that doesn't want to see you go to jail," he replies. Turning back to the DA, he asks, "Shall we?"

The DA grimaces. "Fine."

Mr. Drew opens his briefcase and pulls out a handful of files. "Have you told them anything yet?" he asks me.

I shake my head. "No, I didn't."

"Good. Don't," he responds curtly. He then leans in closer and whispers in my ear, "Look. Whether you did it or not, I can get you out of it. Just don't draw attention to yourself, and don't say anything unless I approve it. Understand?"

I nod silently. The DA is obviously puzzled and annoyed that he missed that interaction, but he merely shakes his head and asks, "Can we continue?"

"My apologies," Mr. Drew responds politely. He smiles at me and then turns back to the DA.
Maxie Zeus
'Power Belongs To Only Those With The Fortitude To Take It'

For two months Maxie Zeus had been the owner of Wayne Enterprises and for those two months, he had been making quite the changes around several departments. Some people were laid off and lost their jobs, but it was only a must: the company needed cleaning.

And with people being laid off came people to fill their shoes.

"What's the name of the next one?"

"Samantha James. Age 26. She's pretty experience, and her resume is rather impressive."

"Send her in."

The door opens and in walks a young girl, athletic fit to her, and brown hair. She dresses appropriately for the interview, and she has somewhat of a confident look upon her face. She takes her seat and looks over at Maxie Zeus from across the table. She looks for a while, and she cannot quite place what is so weird about this man that people say. Some people think he is a bit wacky, but how could he be if he runs such a company as this?

"You're resume as my colleague put rather impressive Ms. James. Your determination to work hard in your past job experiences speaks very loudly to my ears. And let's be frank, you bring a sort of radiance to the room. That's good! Great for the work place. Everyone here is always so serious and gloomy with stress...but here at Wayne Enterprises, as you can see changes are occurring."

"Indeed, sir."

"Please, call me Maxie. Now, before my colleagues begin their evaluation--standard procedure I assure you--is there anything else you'd care to enlighten us about yourself? Why you want the job?"

"Wayne Enterprises is the future of Gotham, and will one day will be the future of America. Don't really need much more reason than that. It would be an honor to work with such minds and to know that what you do betters the rest of mankind."

"I like that...I like your vision of...our vision. Yes, that is exactly what we wish to do here at Wayne Enterprises: enlighten the world and help make it grow better than ever. Are you familiar with the story of Prometheus?"

"Uh, I'm afraid not, sir."

"Oh. Well then, never mind. You seem to have what it takes and I can see it in your eyes...all that is left is the per usual evaluation instructed by my colleagues. Good day."

Ms. James nods at Maxie Zeus with much appreciation, and he walks over to the coat rack, and takes his hat and coat. His assistant opens the door for him, and as they walk down the hall to the elevator, Maxie's fists clench tight. When they enter the elevator, his assistant tries to ease the tension.

"Quite the young lady, isn't she sir? Her resume surely does speak for--"

"She is an idiot; an uneducated female ape. Who doesn't know such a Greek Classic as the story of Prometheus?"


"Make sure she doesn't get the job. Now, when was that meeting I had with the bankers?"

Maxie Zeus' assistant looks in confusion, he then shrugs it off, not wanting to get on his bad side, and answers.

"At noon, sir."

The two walk down the hall, leading to Maxie Zeus' office. The secretary gets up from her seat, and hands Maxie the appointments to attend to today, and he enters his office.

"You know, sir...every time I enter this room, somehow I'm struck with awe each time."

"Thank you, Charles."

Charles over to one of the walls where he sees two paintings that to him, seem out to place with the rest of his office. As he said, he is always struck with awe of his office; because of its beauty. The marble, the drapes...yet these two paintings are peculiar to him.

"Sir, why is it that you keep these two paintings here? They seem...somewhat out of place."


Maxie Zeus walks over to Charles, and folds his arms. Charles looks over to him, and he cannot but wonder why he smiles wide as he looks at the same wall.

"These two, you say?"



"Why, they depict the Fate of Prometheus, and the Lament of Icarus. They are most exquisite and great Greek Classics. How do they not fit in with the rest? They make the room what it is: fascinating."


"...if you're just joining us, we've recieved a late breaking development on the ensuing attack on the Gotham City Courthouse that errupted just moments ago. Witnesses describe what can only be said as a force of nature gone terribly wrong to have overtaken the landmark structure, sealing the pedestrians inside. City officials have yet to comment, though it has just been revealed that the Courthouse has been actually overtaken by a combination of thick ice and live plant vines. Though police involvement has been requested by numerous pedestrians in the surrounding neighborhoods, few officers seem to be on hand at this time. There has been no official word on what has caused the attack... however, many believe this to be the work of the recently escaped criminals Victor Fries and Pamlea Isley, better known as the superhuman criminals 'Mr. Freeze' and 'Poison Ivy'. Both convicts were said to have fled care at the Arkham Rehabilitational Institute just two months prior, though again, we have yet to confirm either one's involvement. We go now to Vesper Fairchild, who's live on the scene..."

I take a deep drag off my cigarette and turn off the tv. I pace around my office, my mind racing a mile a minute.


Maggie stands at the door way into my office. We haven't talked since our fight this morning, I blame myself. Between trying to balance my life and my crusade on the mob, I'm becoming more stressed with each passing day.

"Call them up. I want atleast two of them at each scene. I want Harvey and O'Hara to handle Blackgate. Get John Grayson and Jason Bard to go to City Hall and protect Mayor Cobblepot. You, Montoya, and I will head to the courthouse and try to get some kind of control over it."

Maggie flips open her cell phone and starts to dial numbers.

"John? It's Maggie, we need you and Jason Bard to get over to City Hall ASAP. With what's going down, we need someone to cover the mayor."

I grab my hat and coat and start to leave out of my office when I hear a shrill voice cut through the air.

"Wait a goddamn minute."

Loeb's heels echo through the squadroom and she jabs a finger at me.

"I want you here to help coordinate the officers."

"People are in danger and you want to boost your ego?"

"Bull****! You walk around here with that whole holier than thou attitude and think you're so better than us. But you're not, you're just like us. You and your little group of backstabbers are nothing but hypocrites."

I turn to leave the squadroom.

"You take one step out that door and I'll strip you of your badge. You can't use some bull**** excuse for disobeying a direct order."

I peer over my glasses at Maggie and whisper.

"Go..make sure they all do their job."

She nods and quickly leaves. I turn back to Loeb and look her over.

"All right, Jill. What do I have to do that is so important."

She smiles and points to a giant stack of papers on a nearby desk.

"You'll be doing paperwork while Flass does your job."

I just stare at Loeb with cold disdain and turn towards the stack of papers. Just another day in Gotham.

If J'onn was to be honest with himself, he regarded the apartment he currently resided him as being far below his standards of accommodation. Every corner was clogged with grime and dirt, a heavy film of dust coated everything within the cramped spaces that barely constituted rooms, and a musty smell assailed his nostrils upon entry (and often for some time afterwards). And yet he could not help but recall the surprisingly sage Earthly phrase: beggars can't be choosers. The thought of readily identifying himself as a beggar sent a chill down his spine; if the apartment had been properly heated, this would no doubt have been dispelled as he closed the front door behind him, but the inadequate temperatures were just another of his complaints that the landlord had gruffly expressed an indifference to.

With an exasperated sigh, the Martian sunk back into a chair and considered the choices, people, and actions that had led him to this point: Manchester Black, the search for others of his kind, Faith, the truth behind it all, that fateful gunshot...He swallowed hard and shook his head vigorously, as if he hoped to physically derail that particular train of thought. He had mentally stumbled down that dark path dozens of times since the actual event, and once more would not turn back time and allow him to change what he had done. Kneading his temples with long, bulky fingers, he released the tension that had built within him. The human facade slipped away, a dark emerald overcoming the almost pallid white. His eyes pulsed a steady crimson, and his eyelids fluttered closed. Although his day had not been a long one, his month had been - and that night marked its end.

With a new month, he hoped, would come a new outlook and a new luck.

He only wished that he could rid himself of the feeling that it would only get worse.​


Despero floats outside the Martian Manhunter's apartment, keeping his presence and his mind hidden. While Despero knows that the Martian's telepathic abilities are no match for his own, it makes this all that much more fun by the Martian not having a clue of what is to come.

A Green Martian, he is surprised to even get the chance to meet one. He had thought that the never ending war between the Green and White Martians caused the annihilation of both sides. But it would seem, that this one had survived somehow. Despero can worry how another time. Now, is the time to set his plan in motion with the second Phase.

First he studied his victims, now he will abduct them. He enters the Martian's mind. Now he wants his presence known. J'onn J'onnz the Martian Manhunter, is going to find he has a lot more on his mind to worry about, than how to redecorate. Despero's third eye glows.

You should take it as a compliment, that I have come for you first.

Bursting through the wall of J'onn's apartment, Despero quickly flies over to him, picking him up by the neck.

"Learn my name, and learn it well Martian. I am Despero, and you are as good as dead."

":WARNING:. :WARNING:. Distress Beacon Activated. Immediate Orders Confirmed. Emergency Code Alpha-4221"

Hal Jordan was whisked past countless stars, an emerald blur surrounded by nothing but darkness, stretching out into forever. Cruising along the planets was usually a quiet, peaceful experience, one that Hal had begun to appreciate. But the silence of space was pierced by the panicked alarm of his ring, sounding again and again inside his head.

":WARNING:. :WARNING:. Distress Beacon Activated. Immediate Orders Confirmed. Emergency Code Alpha-4221"

As often as he and Abin had been called away for some mysterious mission without even knowing what they were getting themselves into, Hal had no doubt in his mind that something big was going on. As often as Abin Sur had advised him to refrain from doing so, Hal always asked more questions than he was supposed to, most of the time getting more condescending looks than answers.

Suddenly, as he begun seeing planets he remembered as being very close to Oa, his suspicions were confirmed when another voice replaced the one relaying the distress signal. Accompanying the impossibly deep voice, the ring sparked to life as a holographic image of a Guardians face appeared and looked directly at Hal.

"Attention all Lanterns currently off-world. Oa is under attack by a threat stationed at a Class Five. We must gather every available Lantern if Oa is to survive. "

It took a few seconds before Hal realized what he had just heard. Even as a Green Lantern, especially as a Green Lantern, there were things he never thought he'd live to see. One of those things was a Guardian telling him that Oa, the stronghold of the Lantern Corps, was under attack. Before he could say anything, ask anything, as usual, the Guardians face vanished into the ring.
Feeling himself increasing speed, Hal felt a surge of power as he realized the ring had just relinquished control over to him. He had often told Abin Sur, who had always told him to refrain from thinking in that manner, that he couldn't wait for some actual danger. Some real action. And now it was here.

Keeping his speed up, Hal moved his hand up to his face and spoke hurriedly into the ring. "Abin? Abin, come in! Hello? #$"%!"

No response. Hal knew Abin must have been on Oa when it, whatever it was, hit. Pushing any and all worries to the back of his mind, Hal spoke again. "This is Green Lantern of sector 2814. Are there any Lanterns out there? Anyone, come in!"

There was no response. The silence of space had never been so cruel.

Maxie Zeus
'Power Belongs To Only Those With The Fortitude To Take It'


Maxie stands there, his smile never residing. To avoid making things anymore awkward than it may already be, Charles remains at Maxie's side, staring at the two paintings as well. The fact that he didn't recognize the two paintings...he fears for his job for that alone. Maxie is a brilliant business man: he knows how to play the field well. But he has this...obsession with Greek Mythology, that sometimes counteract against his wise business choices.

"Which one are your favorite, Charles? Prometheus?...Or Icarus?"

Charles gulps, as he only knows little of each tale. He makes his decision quickly by merely randomly picking as his answer pours from his lips.

"Icarus, sir."

"Ah, a fine choice that is."

Charles sighs softly in relief that his answer did not angery Maxie, and Maxie continues as he walks over to his desk, taking a seat. Charles follows him over to his desk, and stands beside him, of course. Then, Maxie continues to speak about the paintings.

"Poor Icarus...he discovered that a man could fly...but he did not heed to his Father's warning. He...let the mere enjoyment and glee of flying, you see...entirely cloud his judgement. He was so fascinated with it, he flew too close to the Sun...even though subconsciously he knew it was something he musn't do. And then? The strong rays of the Sun, starting to cause the wax in his feathered wings to melt away...and he met his doom as he crashed into the Sea."

Playing along with his boss, Charles adds something further to the conversation.

"Precisely, sir. He let his emotion of enjoyment, override his judgement."

"Indeed...but I sometimes cannot decide which I enjoy more: his story, or that of Prometheus. Sometimes, the story I think I like more...changes, to the latter. Prometheus, now that I think about it, may be the one I favor more today. Tomorrow?...who knows. There is just something about his story so, inspirational yet so tragic. Ah, but that is for another time, Charles."

"Yes, sir. You do have that meeting in 25 minutes."

"Well, one can only hope that the streets of Gotham bless me with good traffic. Wait for me downstairs, I shall be down in a moment."

Charles nods, and he exits the office. Maxie gets up from his desk, walking over to his coat and hat rack. He slides on his coat, all the while looking at his two paintings. He puts on his hat, and his eyes...still remain focused on the two paintings. He takes a bow to the two paintings. He smiles, and walks out the door.
Gotham City


Hi, my name’s Supernova!

I’m Gotham City’s newest protector.

So, you’re probably wondering why I’m doing this.


C’mon, did you really think it was that easy?

That I’d just outline all of my motivations and desires at the drop of the hat?

You’ll have to do better than that.

I can’t help but smile as I fly high above the city. The city is grim, dark and dirty on the ground, but it’s beautiful when you’re above it. The intricate designs, the gothic architecture, and the fondness for rooftop gargoyles… You really need to stop and take a look to get it, but once you do, it never leaves you. It gets under your skin and doesn’t let go.

I land next to Toby, the gargoyle I’ve taken a shine to, and together, we watch over Gotham.

“Hey Tobe, what’s happening?”
“She’ll be back. What would she do without you?”
“Really? Computers, huh? I’ll check on that. Thanks for the free advice, Tobe.”

Suddenly, I hear a woman scream not far away.

“Duty calls, Tobe. Don’t be a stranger, huh?”

This looks like a job for… Supernova!
“Hank, I understand that you-“

“Why are you calling me Hank? My name is Don. My brother is still out there…still fighting Dr. Light…why are calling me Hank?”

Harleen sat behind a glass wall writing down observations onto a piece of starch right paper. Behind the wall was Hank Hall, a recent inmate to Arkham Asylum. Chained to his chair by steel cuffs, he wasn’t going anywhere. Confused, angry, and a little frightened, his small beady eyes darted around the room. His light red hair was damp with sweat and grease. They had been at this for a while. Repeated questions with varying responses. Harleen was altogether too use to this.

“I asked you a question! Why do you keep calling me Hank? My name is Don! Why am I chained to this chair? Why-“

“You’re chained to that chair because without those cuffs, you could cause harm to yourself and others. Power inhibitors only work so well I’m afraid,” informed Harleen as she fixed her glasses and cleared her throat. Her never ending supply of patience was even starting to grow thin. For the eighth time today, she started her collections of questions. “Ok Don, why do you think I am calling you Hank?”

“I’m not sure…I…Hank’s my brother…I…”

“No. He isn’t. You’re Hank. Don isn’t real. He is a fragment of your mind,” she slowly, but curtly informed.

“NO! That’s a lie…you must be joking…that-“ Hank’s temper quickly spurted up before suddenly leveling off. It was standard procedure to inject patients on a heart-rate sensitive sedative. If their heart beat became more rapid, they would feel a sudden need to relax. By the end of the session, Hank would be out cold. Harleen guaranteed it.

“Hank, listen to me. Don’s dead,” She waited for a reaction. When one wasn’t given, she continued. “When you discovered your powers, you couldn’t cope with the shock. Your mind needed to relieve the stress…the anxiety. It created Don. I’m sure you don’t remember this but Don would be your twin brother. He died due to complications at birth.”
“I don’t believe you! How can you tell me…we were heroes! We helped saved the world! Haven’t you heard of Hawk and Dove? Are you insane? I don’t understand…”

“Hank, you never left your apartment within the last seven years. Those battles…those brawls…they were all fictional. You probably read about them in magazines and just pictured yourself in them. They happened in your head. It was your brain’s way of coping with the-“


Hank lifted his arms. Both steel cuffs ripped from the chair, freeing his hands. His bulky figure started flexing, slowly crumbling the leg restraints as well.

“CONSTAntly nagging…” Hank’s eyes drooped. A second later, his whole body loosened as his legs slumped back into the chair. Another second and he was out cold.

“Guards?” Harleen whispered, readying her notes. As Hank was attended to, she walked out of the room. She was met by Lyle, her secretary.

“Dr. Quinzel, you have a man in your office. He doesn’t have an appointment. I told him if he wanted to see you he would have to call. He won’t leave…”

Harleen let a long breath of air escape her body before turning her attention back to the walking annoyance next to her.

“Then call security. I have a patient waiting for me,” she said, already beginning to enter the next cell. Something suddenly came to her. “WAIT! I just remembered! Yes, he did make an appointment. Directly…with me. Cancel my 2:00 with Calendar Man.”

As Harleen hastily walked down the hall, Lyle looked confused.

“Calendar Man? You told me to never call them by their code names."

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” the woman screams. Naturally, she’s being harassed by some guy that just won’t take no for an answer. I land down beside the two, just letting my presence speak for itself. He’s not impressed, and she’s trying to figure if she’s going insane or not.

True blue superhero coming to save you in Gotham City?

Yeah, that’s rare.

“Who the &^%$ are you, superfreak?”

What a loud mouth.

“Close. Supernova, actually,” I reply as I give him a slight tap… with my fist. It sends him flying to the side, into the trash cans. I expect a witty reply, but he’s unconscious. Wimp.

“Are you okay, miss?” I ask as I turn to the woman.
Initially, she doesn’t answer, and just looks at me in shock. “Yes, yes, thanks,” she finally replies, a faint smile on her face.

I return the smile, although she can’t see it, as I pick up the guy and start to levitate.

“I suggest you go on home, miss.”
“Who… who are you?”
“Just a friend, miss, just a friend.”

The smile never leaves my face as I fly along Gotham’s rooftops.

“Hey, Tobe,” I say to Toby the Gargoyle as I fly past, “Just got to drop this guy at the precinct.”

Of course, that’s when the guy wakes up and starts struggling.

“Let me go! Let me go!”

Obviously, I drop him.


Total wimp.

Before he splatters into a million pieces on the ground, I swoop in and pick him up. Thanks to the smell of recently released urine and faeces that comes from him, I beat my speed record to the 65th precinct. There’s two officers enjoying a smoke outside.

“Wow, look up in the sky! It looks a like a bird!” one of them comments.
“It’s a superhero,” the other replies without giving me a second look. Bastard.

“Hello, officers. I picked up another ruffian from the street for you to judge fairly and then imprison.”

They don’t look enthused, but I don’t care. Dropping the criminal at their feet, I take off again.

I’ve got a job to do.

The Atom floats to the front of the Mayor's vent and sees Two-Face holding Mayor Cobblepot hostage.

OH Boy! This is trouble on an epic scale...I gotta do something...but what? From the files I've read Dent can give even Batman problems. Maybe I can use the element of surprise and try to take him wait his coin...I have always read about the coin. If I see it and if I am at the right size maybe I can have some fun with Two-Face and if he is distracted maybe the Mayor can make a run for it.

She shrinks down to nearly microscopic size and begins floating around the room waiting for the right moment to strike.
Detective Tommy Burke
"Speed up!" Dagmar Procjnow yelled as Tommy swurved around the corner to Blackgate.

"There's a limit on how fast a car can go Dag!" Tommy cried back as they slam on the brakes to let some pedestrians across.

"Shut up Tommy and get us to Blackgate before it's beyond controlling," exclaimed Dag.

Tommy races off down the rode swurving in order to get to Blackgate. It felt like only a minute before the car roared in front of Blackgate. Tommy and Dag raced out guns at the ready. Prisoners were already making their way out. Tommy levelled his gun at a shaved headed man.

"Freeze!" Tommy yelled stepping in front of the man.

The prisoners around laugh and move on. The man turns to reveal a broad fist smashing into Tommy's chin knocking him back. Tommy's gun falls to the floor and is kicked out of the way by the man.

"Bad move!" grunted Tommy as he thrusted his fist into the man's nose making a satisfying crack.

Tommy then turned and elbowed another prisoner in the jaw, then swung his foot around and kicked one in the chest. He turned to see Dag knocking prisoners flying all over the place.

"You want this?" asked a prisoner who had picked up Tommy's gun, "Come get it!"

The prisoner began to pull the trigger but was too late as Tommy had grabbed hold of his wrist. Tommy twisted it in an uncomfortable manner then headbutted the prisoner three times for good measure. He then picked up the gun and shot two prisoners in the knees. Tommy turned and found a foot hitting into his eye and he hit the ground hard. The prisoner above him had long hair down to just below his shoulders. He laughed cruelly and picked up the gun. Tommy slams his fist behind the man's kneecap then goes up and pulls the man's hair bringing him to the ground then giving an uppercut to his jaw.

"Cut your damn hair!" Tommy yelled as he picked up his pistol, "Hey Dag where'd you reckon the great prison break masterminds are?"

"Best bet's inside!" she calmly said as she kneed somebody in the crotch.

"This is gonna be fun!" Tommy smiled to himself as he hit a prisoner in the cheek with the heel of his hand.

Tommy charged forward tripping up prisoner, occasionally punching them. He skids to a halt as a group of five prisoners armed with batons from the prison guards step forward.

"This'll be fun," a blonde haired one says as he steps forward with the club.

"Not for you dear chump," exclaimed Tommy as he shot him in the knee then punched him in the temple of his head.

"Who's next?"
Dick and I are watching a football game when my cell phone goes off. Dick watches me as I get up and retrieve it from the counter.

"John? It's Maggie, we need you and Jason Bard to get over to City Hall ASAP. With what's going down, we need someone to cover the mayor."

'With what's going down?' What is she talking about?

"Do you mind, Dick?" I ask while taking the remote. He shakes his head. When I change the channel, I find myself watching a news broadcast.

"...if you're just joining us, we've recieved a late breaking development on the ensuing attack on the Gotham City Courthouse that errupted just moments ago. Witnesses describe what can only be said as a force of nature gone terribly wrong to have overtaken the landmark structure, sealing the pedestrians inside. City officials have yet to comment, though it has just been revealed that the Courthouse has been actually overtaken by a combination of thick ice and live plant vines. Though police involvement has been requested by numerous pedestrians in the surrounding neighborhoods, few officers seem to be on hand at this time. There has been no official word on what has caused the attack... however, many believe this to be the work of the recently escaped criminals Victor Fries and Pamlea Isley, better known as the superhuman criminals 'Mr. Freeze' and 'Poison Ivy'. Both convicts were said to have fled care at the Arkham Rehabilitational Institute just two months prior, though again, we have yet to confirm either one's involvement. We go now to Vesper Fairchild, who's live on the scene..."

"My God," I announce in disbelief. Dick is staring at both the TV and myself in shock. "I have to--"

Dick nods before I can finish. "I know, Dad."

I grab my pistol and coat as I rush out the door. Before I exit, Dick calls out, "Be safe!"

I look back and nod before closing the door. Luckily, this is a world that Dick will not have to deal with. I'd like to keep it that way.

I don't know who this Drew guy is, but he's good. Somehow, he managed to prove my innocence - in a crime that I clearly committed. After all, who else could possibly have the intellect to concoct such a brilliant plan? Other than Bruce Wayne, of course.

Curse him. The thought of his name makes me sick. So long as I have breath, I will dedicate my life to making Bruce Wayne - and therein his alter-ego Batman - look like a fool. It shouldn't be incredibly difficult. Y'see, last time around, my plans were far too juvenile.

This time, the stakes will be high, the risks will be riskier, and I will be better prepared. This time, I know Mr. Wayne's secret. This time, I know to expect the Bat.

"Well, Mr. Drew, it looks like I owe this 'anonymous friend' a favor," I announce outside the court after being acquited.

Mr. Drew smiles. "Please, Mr. Nigma, don't worry about it. When my employer wishes to collect on that favor, he will find you. In the meantime, enjoy your freedom."

A limosine pulls up, and Mr. Drew opens the door to enter. Before he closes it, he pauses and adds, "Until then, don't do anything stupid."

Me? Stupid? Honestly, Mr. Drew, I wouldn't worry about it.​

[FONT=&quot]Hal almost didn‘t stop when he finally arrived at Oa. For a split second, while he heard nothing but his own heart thumping furiously in his chest, he didn‘t even recognize the homeplanet of the Green Lantern Corps. The planet‘s amicable emerald glow was near completely blocked from view by what looked like a black cloud. Only when he ventured closer to the swarm did Jordan see that it was a swarm of beings. The horde of agents that had descended upon the Lantern stronghold formed a single mass, only the occasional bright green dot appearing in the blackness like a ray of hope, only to be snuffed out and overcome by the mob moments later. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Stopped dead in his tracks by the pure shock of seeing Oa besieged, Hal finally snaps out of it and commands the ring to assess the threat.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Multiple non-organic targets." The ring states with icecold efficiency. "Scanning archives....No entry found. Threat unknown. Approach with extreme caution, Lantern 2814."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Thanks for the heads up." Hal states in faux appreciation, before the emerald aura surrounding his body intensifies as he shoots off into the fray.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As Hal catapults himself into the sprawling battle within Oa‘s atmosphere, the forms of each individual android become more and more clear. Effectively humanoid, the imposing cyborgs were extravagant displays of machinery, their limbs and torsoes streams of motors and engines yet they retained a sleek, polished shell. Hal flew closer and closer, having already aimed himself at a particular android. Suddenly, as if it possessed a radar, the hulking machine turned to face the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. What Hal sent a chill down his spine, as he came face to face with the coldest and most emotionless face he had ever seen. Hal raised his fist and gritted his teeth, preparing for impact.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"No man escapes the –*KZZZZT*" with a blow that came close to throwing Hal off course, flesh and steel collided. With relative ease, the entire head was lifted off the android‘s shoulder in, if it had not been for the circumstance, what would have been a marvelous display of sparks shooting off and fading into the dark.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Power levels at 87%" [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]„No man escapes the Manhunters“ came two identical voices from behind Hal.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Shifting in mid-air, Hal turned to face the incoming bogeys but was too late to avoid being hit squarely in the chest by two concentrated beams of energy that packed a punch the equivalent of being run over by a truck. Tumbling backwards, Hal immediately caught himself and, without a second‘s hesitation, launched himself towards the two advancing machines. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"No man escapes the Manhunters." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you guys are called Manhunters? Please, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Oa. Now get the hell off our planet!" Hal shouted and, with a smirk, swung his fist in a sideways arc. Following the same arc was a massive, emerald baseball bat that smashed into the Manhunters, crushing their shells and sending a torrent of still whirring parts plummeting to the ground.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Oh! Hal ‚Ace‘ Jordan does it again! And the crowd! Goes! Wild!" Hal shouts as the baseball bat quickly morphs into a miniature audience box, filled to the brim with applauding fans.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Lantern!" shouts a frazzled voice. Hal turns to face a fellow Lantern, a bone-weary Rannian with multiple cuts over his body. His Lantern uniform ripped in many places and his protective aura dimmer than it should be, he never the less remained militant and spoke to Hal with authority. "You standing around waiting for an award? Let‘s go, go go!" Hal complied immediately, the two fellow Lanterns plunging themselves into the swarm of androids with not a hint of fear or worry. Side by side, the Lantern of sector 2814 and the Lantern of sector 1535 cut a brilliantly bright, emerald swath through the cloud of mechanical monstrosities. Beams of green light met steel, cutting through it like a knife through paper. The air around them turned hot as the multitude of Manhunters all fired upon them, their shots all near-misses. All the while the androids repeated the same, cold assertion. „No man escapes the Manhunters“.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Not such a talkative bunch, are they?" Hal quipped.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"This isn‘t a joke, Lantern! We are heavily outnumbered, loosing Lanterns by the shipload. Keep your head in the game!" [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Yes, sir!" Hal shouted back in militant fashion, before hearing his ring state the power levels to be at 49% and dropping. It did not take a mathematician, Hal knew, although he quickly supressed the thought, to figure out that 49% of the ring‘s energy was not nearly enough to keep him alive during the seemingly endless onslaught. Manhunter after Manhunter, Hal wielded his ring with stunning efficiency, as even the veteran Lantern by his side took notice. All around them were earth-shattering explosions, machines cut into pieces. All around them, Lanterns bravely stood their ground and fought. All around them, Lanterns fell.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Warning. Power Levels at 24%."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Quiet, you.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Suddenly, amidst the battle cries and blasts, both rings crackled to life with a familiar voice. "Attention all available Lanterns! This is Green Lantern Kilowog. I am in need of assistance! Someone better get their asses over here, or we can kiss the Power Battery goodbye! *TAKE THIS, YA FRAGGIN‘ TRINKETS!* Now would be peachy!" [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Kilowog was responsible for training every single recruit that passed through Oa. Being fearless didn't mean squat if you didn't pass Kilowog‘s training program. Hal couldn't help but wonder that if one of the greatest Lanterns of all time, the man responsible for training the entire Corps, didn't seem to able to power through this, how the hell would he be able to?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Stand your ground, Kilowog, I‘m on my way!" the Rannian spoke into his ring, before turning to Hal. "Lantern, stay here and fight! Don‘t let them past you! This is what it‘s all about, son. The fight of a Lantern‘s lifetime. Good luck!" he says, before launching himself toward the ground.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Oh..Gee, thanks." Hal remarks, as he forms a massive green barrier between himself and the horde of Manhunters.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As much as he didn't want to, and as much as he tried to avoid it, Hal could not escape the dreary thought of how hopeless his situation seemed. His ring was at quarter power and depleting fast. There seemed to be no end to these murderous machines, who nobody even knew WHY were here in the first place. And from the look of the flock of lone Power Rings that had left their owners to find new ones, much more experienced Lanterns than Hal had already been killed in this bloodbath. What chance did he really have?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Power Levels at 10%. Offensive capabilities shut off. Remaining power rerouted to defensive reserve."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And that was that. The words that signaled Hal‘s death. As the giant, emerald sword that had been cutting through the Manhunters a second before faded and disappeared, all the power in Hal‘s ring was being funneled to his protective shield. He couldn't fight back, and he was damned if he was going to run.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Well, it was a great ride.. Hal thought, as the swarm advanced on him.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]„No man escapes the Manhunters.“[/FONT]

I sit alone in my workshop thinking. I've begun to hate thinking. Every time my mind wanders I go back to that damnable phone call with my wife Terri.

It was almost two years ago now, right as this nightmare began,...

"Come on Hank, I know you're on leave and at the base. Let me come see you. You're hurt, and I'm you're wife! Remember that till death do us part bit in our vows? Let me come up and see you!" "I don't want you to see me like this Terri! I am literally half a man! They are doing all they can they say, but I haven't seen anything except a lot of testing rooms! I'm tired, I'm scared, and I'm not the guy you fell in love with right now. It's hard to be strong when you have no arms or legs dammit! I want to hold you, I want to tell you everything's going to be alright, I want to see you, but this is just to much!" "Henry Henshaw! I'm coming to see you! If it's that bad then I should be by your side anyway. You don't have to be strong, you have to trust me." The phone clicks to a dial tone. I know she's leaving right now.

The doctor comes in about for or five hours later, in my delirium induced by the pain killers I've lost track of time. "Mr. Henshaw? I have some news for you. The testing has pr oven conclusive. You are able to except the modifications to your body. Project Cadmus will come for you in the morning. Get some rest and we'll have everything prepared for you departure. Congratulations, you're going to be a new man." "Can someone call my wife and tell her about the transfer?" I ask groggily.

At that a nurse runs into my room and ushers the doctor to a corner out of my range of hearing. Something is wrong and it involves me somehow. I watch as the color drains from his face and wearily he looks at me as though he could feel the pain that racked my body.

Doctor Morrison comes back to my bedside. "I have tragic new Mr. Henshaw" "What? Have they decided not to take me? Am I stuck like this forever? What?" " I only wish it was that simple, " the color drains from his face and he looks at me like only a father can, "Your wife Terri has been in an accident." I look at him in shock. "It appears that a drunk driver hit her car head on as she was on her way here. She passed on when it happened. I am truly sorry Mr. Henshaw. Truly sorry..." With out another word he walked to the door, turned off the lights, and left the room. All I could do is cry.

This is why I hate that positronic brain adaptation they installed in my head. I can't run from my memories like normal people can. I have to keep reliving them over and over again. I need to preoccupy myself. My hand snakes over to the computer where I immediately link in. I begin downloading everything I can. Songs, data, all of it. Some files try to resist, but the hacking program installed last week melts away their security like a warm knife through butter.

I see the exploit of these "heroes". They say they want to save the world. They act like they are above it all. Police and FBI databases reveal that none of them are part of any sanctioned government program like I am. They are nothing but vigilantes. The one I'm fashioned after has the power to stop things from happening, that my wife could have been saved if he took the time. That's why I hate him. He wasn't there for Terri. He let her die. I'll never forgive him for that.

The mass download take s it's toll after a while and I have to rest. Tomorrow I am supposed to be fitted with new hardware. If these solar powered fuel cells work I may never have to rest again. I can take my own fight out into the world and do something about the shape it's in. We'll see, maybe I can make a difference so that no one else has to pay the price I have. So that no one else is needed to become a super being just in case one gets out of line. So that no one else has to look at the work of a plastic surgeon who gave you the face of the person who could have saved their loved one. I close my eyes and sleep a fitful sleep. Things will be better in the morning.

Tony had been taking things slow, trying to keep as much out of Gordon's sights as possible.

He was sitting at his desk at the strip bar, when Joey Prevenzone threw open the door.

"What the f**k do you want? I'm ****ing busy you dip****."

"Uh boss, I thinks we got problems. Corrigan ain't called in a week, and god help me, I think we have a rat in our gang."

Tony dropped the stack of papers he had been holding.

"You sure?"

"Not positive, but I'm lookin into it boss."

"Make sure, and then we'll get rid of the scum. Any news on the Gordon front?"

"He's setting us up, and it's about time we act..."

Corben frowns, his teeth clenched tightly in anger and hatred.

"I had my fill of you when you fell from the damn sky and put that ridiculous "S" on your chest." He retorts. "You think you're better than us, don't you? Better than the people who get paid to do this everyday? You're not! You're a damn disturbance! And let me tell you something. I'm not buying into your act, Superman. So don't try it on me."
"Well," said Superman as he bent forward, pushing closer into Corben's personal space, "since you've obviously got things under control here, Detective, I'll leave you alone." The frustration of weeks dealing with this man was clearly evident on Superman's face as he turned and took a few steps away from Corben. Just before taking off into flight, Superman looked at Corben's second in command, who was just to the left of the angered detective, and who didn't seem to be nearly as angered by the Man of Steel's presence as his superior was. "If you guys happen to change your minds and decide that you just might like some help tracking down those weapons, just give me a holler," Superman said to the other officer, and then left the streets of Metropolis far behind him as the clouds became his next playground.
ex Luthor

Before the interview had even begun, Lex Luthor and Lois Lane had gone into a subtle but oh-so-important struggle for dominance in the room. As always, Lex played the gracious and accommodating host, and Lois played the dismissive and jaded cynic. It was a dance they had danced so many times before, and by now they knew the steps very well.

"All right then, Lex, let's get straight to the big issues: you're currently the single most popular independent candidate of all time, despite having absolutely no experience whatsoever in the field of politics. What makes you think that running a company makes you qualified to run a country?"

A normal man, having had their credibility thrown into question right from the very start, would either play it defensively or try and turn the offense back on her, prattling on about 'slander' and 'questionable allegations' or a million other meaningless terms.

Lex, however, was not a normal man. He shrugged it off; he was not about to be outclassed by the bulldog that Perry White had sent to bark at him. Moreover, he knew that this was hardly a 'bold' question from Miss Lane--compared to what she likely had up her sleeve, this one was right up there with 'do you like long walks on the beach?'

"First of all, Miss Lane, I'd like to thank you for the compliment. The current political parties are full of spineless drones, too afraid of losing voters to make any sort of lasting difference. Pointing out that I've never previously associated myself with them can only be a good thing in my book."

Lois noncommitally jotted down his remark, looking up to give him a look that let him know she was thoroughly unimpressed.

"To answer your question, most of the party detritus will be handled by my running mate, Senator Ross. He's a man who knows how to work the system. I, on the other hand, am a man who wants to change the way the system works. I believe the American people are tired of ineffectual so-called leaders and useless divisiveness. I believe America is ready to be re-united with itself. I believe America is ready for a new vision of the future."

"Circumventing the government for your 'vision' isn't anything new, Lex. It's called a dictatorship."

Lex laughed, letting her verbal jab roll right off of him.

Lane, you don't even know the half, he thought.

"Moving on, one of your main talking points both in your book and in your speeches has been national security, particularly against metahumans. At the same time, the number of defense contracts between LexCorp and the Armed Forces has skyrocketed. Coincidence?"

"Hardly. I'll admit that it's nice to see the military has started taking the necessary steps towards evolving into what they need to be. However, if you're implying that I'm using scare-tactics to bolster my company's sales, I'd consider taking a look at the big picture. LexCorp has been on a steady incline on all fronts, not just our defense sector. You might have also noted that we've increased our collaborations with NASA, or that we have stepped up in the amount of new medical and surgical technology we've been providing to hospitals all over the country."

"That sounds like it will all turn out very nicely for your campaign."

"Not exactly. Not a single penny of my campaign fund is coming from LexCorp."

"Then the money comes from your new cult."

A silence hung between them for a moment. Luthor gave the reporter a glare, breaking his stride just long enough to let Lane know she was treading on dangerous ground. To her credit, she didn't even flinch.

"Cults, Miss Lane, exist for the sole purpose of sustaining themselves and making money by telling impressionable and desperate people what they want to hear. The Society is a political and social reform group with very real and very attainable goals."

Lex suddenly arched his eyebrows, as if the proverbial light bulb had gone on in his head.

"As a matter of fact, we're having a seminar at my lodge in the Adirondacks next weekend. If you're so keen on exposing the Society's plans, why not come and see it all in person? You can be my personal guest."

Lane gave him a skeptical look.

"If you're worried about our behavior, you could always bring that Kent fellow with you. I'm sure a big country-bred man like him will be more than able to see I keep my hands to myself."

"We'll see, Lex," she said, putting away her notepad and preparing to leave. That alone meant she was going to take up his offer; there was no way she was going to cut off her interview so soon if she didn't already plan on a follow-up.

"I'm looking forward to it, then. Until then, have fun spinning this interview to turn me into a cartoon villain. I'll make sure to wear my best cloak and curly moustache next time."

Lois grinned, then made for the door.

Once she was gone, the L-Soft program spoke up.

"Are you certain it is wise to invite Lane and Kent to such a crucial meeting? Several highly-sensitive projects are meant to be discussed, most notably Project Wild Fire--"

"I absolutely want them to be there, L-Soft. Clark Kent is just the kind of middle-American yokel we need to gauge the country's reaction to what we're planning. And Lois Lane may be a staunch bleeding-heart, but I love her writing.

"More importantly, we'll need someone to record the day we change history..."

The sounds of my cycle blared as I made my way to the Gotham Clocktower. Supposedly one of my contacts has some very important information to tell me...

Gotham City Clocktower...

I quietly and stealthily sneak around the interior of the clocktower, until I see my contact standing right in front of the hands of the clock. Then quickly emerging from the shadows in a small leap that frightened him slightly.

"Oh it's you... Thank god."

"Pleasent to see you too, Brian." I said with raised, clenched fists.

"Whoah whoah whoah! Slow down there, Huntress! I got some info you're gonna want."

Calming down, my fists were lowered.

"Talk then, Durlin..."

"Something big is going down soon over at Blackgate. I caught wind of it in the inmate grapevine."

I pictured in my head the murderers and rapists and theives that took residence in Blackgate. The only thing I suspect would happen is a massive prison-break. I'll have to stop it.

"How did you find out about this?"

"They don't call me the "Savant" for nothing." he said blowing on his knuckles and rubbing them on his shirt.

Although Durlin had told me about this, I looked at him and saw a sense of confidence in him. Too much confidence.

He's hiding something...

"What aren't you telling me?"

"What? I-I don't know w-what you talking about!" He said stuttering constantly. Backing up in fear.

"You're lying. You're keeping secrets from me..." I started to say, jumping over him and landing behing ready to strike.


"...but I don't much like secrets."

Sweeping my leg under his, he tripped and landed on his back, while I placed my boot on his chest. He tried to throw me off, but to no avail.

"Talk or I crush your ribcage!"

"Okay! Mandragora's back in town!"

In an instant I froze as the words entered my ears. Mandragora was the man that murdered my parents, right in front of me when I was only a little girl. The thought of his return to Gotham brings about so many emotions.







All these feelings I'm experiencing right now as I feel my heart sink, but hearing Brian start to short out of breath brought me back to my senses.

I stepped off of him and let him get back to his feet, and walked over to the spiral stairway and looked over at him and nodding before jumping into the center of the stairs. Falling several floors down, letting my cape flow freely before grabbing the ends and using it as a makeshift parachute, and landing firmly on my feet.

The only thing 'Savant' could hear from that point was the distant sound of my cycle riding out of the building as it grew weaker and weaker as I progressed into the heart of Gotham...

Despero floats outside the Martian Manhunter's apartment, keeping his presence and his mind hidden. While Despero knows that the Martian's telepathic abilities are no match for his own, it makes this all that much more fun by the Martian not having a clue of what is to come.

A Green Martian, he is surprised to even get the chance to meet one. He had thought that the never ending war between the Green and White Martians caused the annihilation of both sides. But it would seem, that this one had survived somehow. Despero can worry how another time. Now, is the time to set his plan in motion with the second Phase.

First he studied his victims, now he will abduct them. He enters the Martian's mind. Now he wants his presence known. J'onn J'onnz the Martian Manhunter, is going to find he has a lot more on his mind to worry about, than how to redecorate. Despero's third eye glows.

You should take it as a compliment, that I have come for you first.

Bursting through the wall of J'onn's apartment, Despero quickly flies over to him, picking him up by the neck.

"Learn my name, and learn it well Martian. I am Despero, and you are as good as dead."

J'onn acted on instinct, slipping into intangibility and sliding cleanly from the alien intruder's grasp. Hands balled into tight fists, he launched himself backwards, landing in a crouch behind the scrappy two-seater sofa. Driven by a rage-mingled surprise, he gripped the edges of the battered seat and prepared to slam it into Despero; before he could complete the movement, though, he realised that if he were to maintain his life in Gotham City, he would have to limit the collateral damage. Rising to his feet, he allowed scarlet beams to lance out of his eyes, striking his opponent in the chest, before curling an arm around him and darting into the skies.

"I don't know what your purpose is, alien," J'onn barked as he continued his swift ascent, "but you will regret attacking me this day!"
IC: Flash

Impulse was getting to be quite the handful, but God help him, Barry was starting to enjoy the kid's presence, and beginning to rely on his help. Bart had gone public shortly after choosing the name Impulse. As wild and reckless as Barry could be, Bart was ten times worse. In the month that he'd been a part of the superhero world, Bart had had countless trysts, and had abused his celebrity on numerous occasions. It was enough to drive any guardian insane. Still, his spunky energy was a pleasant change.

Barry opened the door and there was Bart sitting on the couch, an open beer in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Having a beer after a long day. You do it."

"I'm also old enough to drink, Bart."

Barry grabbed the beer from his hand before Bart could blink, and dumped it down the drain, along with the remaining five beers from the six pack.

"This has to stop now Bart. Just because you're a superhero doesn't mean that you can ignore every rule."

The police scanner on the wall squacked. "211S from the Keystone National Bank, on 56th and Showcase."

"We'll talk about this later. Now suit up."

The Atom continues watching Two-Face while awaiting some kind of sign that the police are at least on their way.

She floats to the windowsill and lands keeping her feet firmly planted on the wood to sense vibrations in case Two-Face should approach.

They gotta get here soon...the longer they delay the longer Two-Face is control...and holding the Mayor hostage is a great trump card...I give them another 10 minutes then I have to do something.

She glances over to the Mayor and back at Two-Face.

He's even more frightening in person.

"...if you're just joining us, we've recieved a late breaking development on the ensuing attack on the Gotham City Courthouse that errupted just moments ago. Witnesses describe what can only be said as a force of nature gone terribly wrong to have overtaken the landmark structure, sealing the pedestrians inside. City officials have yet to comment, though it has just been revealed that the Courthouse has been actually overtaken by a combination of thick ice and live plant vines. Though police involvement has been requested by numerous pedestrians in the surrounding neighborhoods, few officers seem to be on hand at this time. There has been no official word on what has caused the attack... however, many believe this to be the work of the recently escaped criminals Victor Fries and Pamlea Isley, better known as the superhuman criminals 'Mr. Freeze' and 'Poison Ivy'. Both convicts were said to have fled care at the Arkham Rehabilitational Institute just two months prior, though again, we have yet to confirm either one's involvement. We go now to Vesper Fairchild, who's live on the scene..."

Two-Face's hands clasped together, as he looked upon the television screen with satisfaction. Both halves of his mind took in the news of their success with the utmost expectation, yet they still couldn't contain their shared pleasure out of watching Gotham slowly fall apart.

Two months ago, Harvey had been nothing. He had lost his wife, and avenged her death. Two-Face had been born... yet, in a twisted sense of irony, he himself was now running from the very law that he once represented. It seemed as if, with Harvey Dent truly dead, Two-Face existed to no purpose. But that was when he began to think of all of the people that had betrayed him. Cobblepot, for sending the dogs upon him, as if he were nothing but a common crook. Rachel, for taking his position as District Attorney, and never once extending her hand to help him find his way again. But then again, compared to the last, those betrayls were nothing of concequence. It was Batman who had to pay for ruining Harvey Dent. For exposing him as some twisted killer, rather than a man looking to avenge what was rightfully his to honor.

It had been ludricrous. To think that he had once been one of the city's most respected officials, only to have the life he knew taken from him by such cruel circumstance. He couldn't let it stand. And luckily for him... Two-Face wouldn't, either. So all at once, Harvey Dent once again found a purpose. To avenge those who crossed him, and turn Gotham into his own domain of personal justice. It would be the ultimate revenge against all three parties he blamed, but he knew it would get to Batman most. He risked his life, night after night, trying to make the city a better place. Now, Two-Face would make it the ideal city, and usurp the Dark Knight at every corner... and this was just the way to do it. With something the city and it's protector recognized all too well: Anarchy.

Looking to his left, Two-Face saw the absolute horror on Oswald Cobblepot's face, as he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun that Two-Face himself was clenching onto tightly. It made Harvey smile, in realization that he had finally gotten under Cobblepot's skin. Just another victory to add onto the pile.

"What's the matter, Ozzie?", Harvey asked, sardonically. "I'm really doing you a favor with all of this. Gotham was a reall mess, under your tutilage. At least this way, things are finally getting accomplished."

Oswald was silent. He didn't know whether to speak freely or not, given his current circumstance. But eventually, as Two-Face stared him down, he found the words that were just barely hanging off of his tongue.

"You haven't a chance in hell, Harvey."

Harvey raised his eyebrow. "Beg your pardon?"

"You heard what I told you.", Oswald shot back, angrily. "You're deluded. Little more than an anarchist hoping to bring me to my knees because you think I, somehow, turned you into what you are. But honestly, old friend, what could possibly possess you to actually think you're to get away with this?"

Instantly, to Oswald's shock, Two-Face lunged out of the chair, grabbing Oswald by the jacket and holding him close to his scarred features, in order to send him quivering again.


"Are you blind, you pudgy little dwarf?!", Two-Face shouted, indicating the television. "Take a look at that report! We've already won, you upper class piece of s***! It's only a matter of time!"

Oswald stared Harvey dead in the face, skeptical.

"If you truly believe that, you're in far over your head... or heads, as it were, you misrable miscrient.", He hatefully spouted, much to Two-Face's anger. "Yes, it will be only a matter of time. Before the police arrive, take you down, and lock you up with the rest of your little compadres. There's no stopping it. Even if you end my life, you're to pay for it with your own."

Two-Face growled, ready to strangle the Mayor until his eyes bled out his innards. But just as he was about to throw a punch, Harvey regained control, as Two-Face's growl turned into a light chuckle from the District Attorney.

"You really think you know everything, don't you? Same old Ozzie...", Harvey scoffed, before letting go of Cobblepot, and pointing the gun at him. "Your 'police', as it were, won't be arriving anytime soon. The Courthouse attack wasn't all that I have in store. If you think you've got friends in high places... you clearly haven't met mine."

Oswald's eyes widened. "Blackgate... You're the reason that-"

"Exactly.", Harvey announced, proudly. "I sent two of my closest pals down there just before this mess started. Maybe you're familiar with, oh, I don't know... Jonathan Crane? I heard he was quite the big deal, in recent years. And not to mention Gotham's leading crime boss in the making, a man who goes by the name of Black Mask. Maybe you've heard of him, aswell?"

Composing himself, Oswald straighted his tie. "So you've organized the freak brigade. Be that as it may, Harvey, you won't stand a chance with-"

"Oh, you didn't let me finish.", Harvey cut off, covering Oswald's mouth with his gloved hand. "See, it's a funny thing about your little cub scout troup you call a police station. Because as I recall, they recently put a madman behind bars. The one responsible for the Robinson Park massacre, maybe?"

Silence filled the air. But the shock was all too clear on Cobblepot's face.

"That's right, Ozzie. All of those countless 'innocents', as you called them? The Joker was just the man who pulled the trigger. But behind every great criminal comes a cunning mind... or in this case, two.", He continued. "The truth is, while I did orchestrate his little massacre... the clown was fully capable of keeping the cops busy for far longer than he did, before his capture. But, well, as he put it... it was 'all, part of the plan'. And as easily as he was caught, he's going to escape, as he was instructed, giving all your boys in blue more than a handful. Which leaves you in a bit of a bind, doesn't it?"

"M... My god, Harvey. What have you become?", Cobblepot asked, astonished.

"Everything that society has made me.", Harvey admitted. "I'm a sinner. I'm a saint. I'm black, I'm white. I'm good, I'm evil. I'm everything that Gotham City is and forever will be. Two-Faced."

"But those people... all of those lives? You're just going to waste them all?"

Harvey grinned.

"That's another thing that's so gloriously fitting about all of this, Ozzie. I'm not going to do a damn thing. Infact, aside from a few measily battery and breaking and entering charges for what I did tonight, I'm really not going to be responsible for all of this, in the end. They are. They'll do all the work, they'll get all the blame, and I'll plead victim to the whole thing. Eventually I'll get plastic surgery... rejoin society, as I see fit. And by the time anyone's the wiser, I'll have the whole city in my pocket... and you with it, old friend."

"You're out of your mind, if you think for one second that I'll let you-"

"Oh, you'll let me. Infact, you'll practically hand me the key to the city, Mayor.", Harvey mocked, with a sneer. "Otherwise, well... I'm afraid that I may have to let loose with certain secrets about the city's prestigious, law abiding, squeaky clean leader."

Oswald raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Harvey stared, for a moment, before tossing his silver dollar coin into the air.

"And you call me deluded.", He began. "You see, when you're on the run on Gotham's streets, you tend to earn new friends. New social circles, willing to take you in and teach you the tools of the trade, so to speak. In this case, I met them all. Drug dealers, pushers, users, and the like. But a rather bizarre shipment actually came to my attention, a few month back. Forty seven kilos of heroin, being shipped in, ironically enough..."

Two-Face looked to the side of the room, at an umbrella rack that Oswald had kept close by. Even then, the sweat was beading down Cobblepot's brow.

"...umbrellas.", He finished, with a smirk, before looking back at Oswald. "Funny, Ozzie. I always knew you looked the part of a bird. Hell, you never could stop talking about your stuffed maltese falcons. But you can imagine my surprise when I finally realized who, exactly, this drug kingpin that they called 'The Penguin' really was."

Oswald fell silent, again, mentally cursing himself for ever leaving it that obvious. Now, Harvey knew the truth. And with his psychotic mind, it wouldn't take much to provoke him to squeal to the public.

"You know, I think we finally understand eachother!", Harvey exclaimed, sitting back in the Mayor's chair and throwing his feet upon the desk, relaxed. "Even if you survive the night... which, by the way, is looking less and less likely... you're not completely off the hook. Not by a longshot. It's your life, your career, and your freedom... all on the line, tonight."

The coin finally fell from the ceiling, as Harvey reached out, and caught it.

"We're the same now, Ozzie.", He grinned, maliciously. "Blackmailed. Betrayed. And split, right down the center."

"Hey, who's the new guy?"

Lieutenant Michael Akins simply stared, as he watched a nameless, faceless officer walk calmly down the west hallway of Gotham Central's evidence division. Sergeant Vincent Del Arrazzio looked up from his paperwork, for a brief moment, only eyeing the officer for a second, before turning back to his work. He was obviously less concerned with it then Akins was. But Michael never stopped staring, because in the past month or so, he had inadvertendly met every member of the Gotham City Police Department, while working his seemingly simple assignments day in and day out. But the guy that had just walked past him was unrecognisable to Lieutenant Akins, both in body language and physical appearance.

"There's no new guy.", Del Arrazzio assured him, flipping through a casebook.

"You sure about that, Vince?", Akins asked, with a sneer, as the unnamed officer opened the lock of one of the doors, and walked into the supply room. "Cause from where I'm standing, some rookie just walked into a place very much on the 'off limit' variety."

"Please. What isn't off limits, anymore?", Del Arrazzio suggested, bitterly. "Loeb's running this place like we're here own little toy soldiers. Even the Captain was just told to 'piss off'."

"Captain?", Akins asked. "I was just on my way to see him. He isn't busy, is-"

"Yeah, he is. And no offense, but...", He began, looking towards Gordon's office door. "With the way the Commisioner screwed him over just now, I doubt he's gonna want any visitors. At least for awhile."

Akins sighed, placing a folder he was holding on his desk. "Well, that was a good waste of a forty minute drive."

"Hey, serves you right, living in a hellhole like the Narrows.", Arrazzio cut off. "You couldn't pay me to live there, much less make the effort of the drive."

"What can I say? Wife insists. She'd rather be cut off from the freaks then get away from the poverty.", Akins shrugged. "Do me a favor, will you? If Gordon leaves his office, tell him he can pick up the file he needed off of my desk."

"Sure, sure...", He nodded, only halfway paying attention, still buried in his case file.

Taking one last look back, in concern, Akins finally let it go, and walked towards Loeb's office, dreading every step he took that made him come closer to it. With any luck, he'd be dimissed quickly, in favor of some other costumed nut that was being brought in for questioning.

It was only ironic that, in that moment, the entire office would be put on it's feet, by the startling exclamation that would come next, from the holding cell halls.


Del Arrazzio, Akins, Montoya, Driver, and every other officer in the station collectively turned, as the door bursted open, revealing an out of breath Officer Dixon. Blood was trickling down his forehead, and he was only wearing his boxer shorts, and an undershirt. But the expression on his face told the entire story of a man who had faced the attack of a lunatic, as he collasped into Driver's arms, just as the Detective rushed up to him.

"Whoah, whoah! Take it easy, rookie...", Driver stated, uneasily, trying to help Dixon back to his feet. "Now just slow down, and tell us what-"

"No, no! You don't understand!", Dixon exclaimed, grabbing the collar of Driver's shirt. "He's loose! The Joker... he's..."

In that moment, every officer turned, hearing a loud noise come from the elevator shaft, just across the room. Without thought, Del Arrazzio leaped from his seat, hand on his holster, as he produced his semi-automatic revolver. Dixon had said just enough to send a shockwave of panick within the room, but Vincent wasn't about to see that maniac go on the streets for a second time.

Seeing Arrazzio take to his weapon, Montoya did the same, as Akins and Driver loaded their's. Given that Vince was the the most experienced of the four of them, he instantly took charge, looking towards the four with an authoritive glare.

"Driver, you and Montoya head to the basement. Try to cut him off if he tries to go underground. Akins, you're with me. We're heading up to the top floor. If he's in the shaft, we're bringing the bastard in."

The three officers nodded, as Arrazzio clicked his weapon, a dreadful look etched upon his face.

"God willing, the Commisioner doesn't find out about this."

"...pocket full of posey. Ashes... ashes... they all, fall down..."

The Scarecrow paused, in his merry walk, and looked outside the prison walls, as several free inmates began to cause a growing chaos behind him. Black Mask had gone to deal with some of the other guards, as he offered to stay behind, and look over the courtyard of Blackgate Prison.

The police had arrived just below, as he was told that some would. And thankfully, he had come prepared for such an event. Looking back, Doctor Crane viewed the madness before him, as several inmates began to strongarm random guards, and fend off gunfire, some of which used their shackles to strangle their would-be recaptors.

Crane clenched his hands together, in delight, as his eyes peered down to his palms. A green powder had appeared in his gloves, upon opening them back up, and this was the perfect opprotunity to use it. With a grin wretched upon his lips, Crane once again ceased to exist, as the chemist within him was replaced by the madman lurking just beneath the surface.

The Scarecrow withdrew a weapon, sheathed upon a rope tied around his thin waist, revealing it to be what appeared as a scythe. It was time to see just what Gotham's Finest, and subsequently, the only hope that the city had, really feared in their nightmares.

"Oh, Mister Mask, it seems we have company...", The Scarecrow hissed, as Black Mask returned to the courtyard. "Shall we let them in? Please, say we should. They're just dying to visit us..."
"What do you see, Mike?"

Lieutenant Akins peered at the mirror on the edge of the reflector, as it stuck out into the elevator shaft, in the event that anyone should spot them, and proceed with gunfire. After a few moments, Akin's eyes widened, as his grip firmed on his weapon.

"Bleeding guy in a purple suit, ontop of the cable car.", Akins whispered. "That our man?"

"Who the hell do you think it is?", Arrazzio asked, annoyed.

"Wouldn't know. I've never seen the guy."

"Consider yourself damn lucky.", Arrazzio whispered back, before moving past Akins, and aiming his weapon down the shaft. "POLICE! DON'T MOVE, FREAK! WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED!

The figure, lying ontop of the car, didn't respond. Infact, he was immobile, as he simply remained sprawled atop the metal ceiling. Del Arrazzio peered closer, trying to spot any sign of movement. There was none. For a second, he considered the grim possibility that their suspect had died, trying to escape. Or trying to take his own life.

"Dammit,", He finally whispered, noticing that he couldn't get a clear shot from there. "Akins, fire a warning shot. Make a wound, just to be sure. I can't see a damn thing."

Moving forward, Lieutenant Akins pointed his weapon, memorizing exactly where the body had been laying, atop the car. Closing his eyes, the officer finally fired off a round, hoping to god that he had hit the leg. A moment later, both officers heard a squish, as the bullet went in. Akins opened his eyes, seeing blood spray out of the leg. But still, the body didn't move. Arrazzio sighed, putting his gun up, before getting out his walkie talkie.

"All clear, up here. Suspect's unresponsive. Possible suicide. Get a stretcher up here, before he-"

"What in the name of?"

Vincent looked down, following Akin's gaze, as the leg suddenly began spewing something else: A vaporized gas. Both officers looked at eachother, confused, as the gas began filling the shaft, slowly.

"What the hell is that?"

"You got me. Unless..."

Akins' eyes widened. "Oh, damn. I just realized something. That other officer..."

Arrazzio thought about it, for a moment.

"Dixon's clothes. They were missing...", He thought, aloud, as he suddenly came upon a realization. "That means that he's the one who-"

"Son of a b****!", Michael exclaimed, suddenly. "That gas! It's not his, it's our's! That's tear gas!"

Arrazzio's eyes widened, as the gas finally reached their level. Instant, the two officer's began coughing, violently, as Arrazzio tried to speak back into his walkie talkie.

"J... Joker...", Arrazzio wheezed, as his eyes began to sting. "He's in the... in the... ar... armory..."

But it was too late. By the time the message came through, the entire complex was filled with gas. Everyone from Commisioner Loeb, to Montoya and Driver, to Flass, even Gordon was beginning to get choked by the gas, as it flew into the lower offices of Gotham Central. And before anyone could make it to the armory, to get one of the spare gas masks... the door flew open. And inside, stood a purple clad madman, as he grinned, wearing one of their gasmasks... and an unprescidented amount of firearms and body armor, all over his body.

"Oh me, oh my! Heavens to betsy!", The criminal exclaimed, before violently gunning down the first officer that he saw, using one of the stations own assault rifles. "Quick! Somebody call the cops! There's a maaadman on the loose! HAHAHA!"

Without more than a single soul knowing it, all hell had broken loose.

"Remember The Plan, Ivy."

Poison Ivy turned, with a sneer, just as one of her vines' thorns cut the edge of District Attorney Rachel Dawes' cheek. Mr. Freeze was standing behind her, with his back turned, as he proceeded to fire his freezing gun on the last half of the Courthouse that he had been given.

"As Much As It Undoubtedly Chills You To The Bone, We Are Not To Harm A Hair On Dawes' Head, Until Further Instructed.", Freeze continued, as his coldgun finished. "Do Not Think You Are Above Such An Order."

"To hell with orders, Victor.", Ivy glared, as the vine retracted. "If we're to truly have Gotham for ourselves, we need to think beyond what Two-Face wants us to do. You and I both know it."

"Perhaps So,", Freeze stated, bitterly, before turning his gun on Ivy. "And If My Ideal Winter Wonderland Is To Be Assured, Your Plants Cannot Be Spared."

Ivy's eyes widened, as she gritted her teeth.

"How dare you!", Ivy exclaimed. "Plants have existed on this planet for millions of years, sustaining far more than mankind could ever imagine! To harm even one of them would be ending the life of a generation that spawned back to the dawn of time."

"And Ice, Miss Ivy,", Freeze argued. "Has Existed Far Beyond That. If We're To Share The City, A Compromise Must Be Made. That Is Why We Await Two-Face's Order."

Rachel's eyes widened, as she overheard the two speak.

"Two-Face? Harvey's apart of this?!", She demanded, trying to break free of the vines that entrapped her. "What's he doing to the city? What does he want?! Let me talk to him! I can-"

Ivy turned, with a growl, as a vine viciously wrapped around Rachel's mouth, abruptly silencing her.

"Oooh, how I want to kill this one first!", She stated, frustrated beyond belief by Dawes' annoying questions. "If that order doesn't come in soon, I may very well resort to-"

"Quiet.", Freeze commanded, sterly, yet startled, as he realized something. "There Is a Noise..."

Ivy turned around, skeptical. But as the moments passed, she heard it too. It was growing louder, and louder. As if some kind of engine was accellerating, in the distance. Seconds later, Ivy and Freeze were caught off guard, as in the distance, both vines snapped, and ice shattered, following the outward crash of a speeding black vehicle. The criminals were forced to move out of the way, as the large car passed them, and slid across the ice, coming to a screeching halt. Ivy and Freeze looked back, as the car revealed itself to be of indeedly immense size. And just as equally frightening, in design.

Both criminals could only watch, as the hatch to it slid open, and a grim figure leaped out, onto it's hood, peering at them with the fury of a demon from hell. But both knew this creature, substantially so. For he had put them away once before. And now, this Knight was determined to do it again, as he put himself between the hostages and their captors, still perched upon his almost otherworldly vehicle. With a thick tone, he only asked one question, as a battle that would shake the foundations of the entire city would soon commence.


"Where's Two-Face?"

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