Thor 2 Dark World news, speculation and pictures possible Spoilers - Part 6

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time for an interdimensional portal to a new thread.

"You should be thanking me... with the previous thread locked, how much dark matter did the All Mod-er have to conjure in order to create this new thread...your precious forum..."

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Feige was in a few of those Flickr shots. Alan Taylor too.
Quasimodo said:
I still wanna see a human sized guy pick up a car and use it in combat. Iron man picking up a car doesnt count. lol. Maybe in the superman film

Why can't it be Thor?

I have faith that they'll incorporate some vehicle tossing in this film, it's not over yet you know.
I'm tired of being disappointed BigThor. :p
Although they HAVE gotten a ton right when it comes to his powers. Thor channeling the lightning on the tower in the avengers was great
I'm tired of being disappointed BigThor. :p
Although they HAVE gotten a ton right when it comes to his powers. Thor channeling the lightning on the tower in the avengers was great

man i cant w8 for Thor to show more of his powers in Thor 2...
God the 1 year wait is gonna kill me.....hopefully IM3 keeps me busy until a Thor trailer arrives....
man i cant w8 for Thor to show more of his powers in Thor 2...
God the 1 year wait is gonna kill me.....hopefully IM3 keeps me busy until a Thor trailer arrives....

Indeed; though we're still pretty lucky in a way, it's not often where a comic book hero gets to appear on the big screen for three straight years in a row.:woot:
Indeed; though we're still pretty lucky in a way, it's not often where a comic book hero gets to appear on the big screen for three straight years in a row.:woot:

U so right... I think Thor will hold onto that title for quite some time...

"You should be thanking me... with the previous thread locked, how much dark matter did the All Mod-er have to conjure in order to create this new thread...your precious forum..."


Thank you, Loki! :woot:
Indeed; though we're still pretty lucky in a way, it's not often where a comic book hero gets to appear on the big screen for three straight years in a row.:woot:

Your right! For some reason all of the Phase 2 movies fell like sequels to the Avengers instead of feeling like sequels to there previous movie franchise. So Thor: The Dark World feels like Thor 3 instead of Thor 2. The even weirder thing is that It feels like The Avengers reset the movies so that they don't feel like they're at the end of a journey but still at the beginning.
Your right! For some reason all of the Phase 2 movies fell like sequels to the Avengers instead of feeling like sequels to there previous movie franchise. So Thor: The Dark World feels like Thor 3 instead of Thor 2. The even weirder thing is that It feels like The Avengers reset the movies so that they don't feel like they're at the end of a journey but still at the beginning.

This is a WONDERFUL thing. Sooooo much story yet to be explored for all the Avengers. Phase 2 ... Phase 3 ... no end in sight! Yesss! :woot:
I freakin' love it. We talked about the Malekith block yesterday and it would appear he's actually able to repel Thor's hammer attack with his forearm guards.
I love this revolving door of Marvel movies. There's always a new movie coming out to get you to the next one. It makes the wait not seem quite as bad.
Lots of set destruction here. I can't wait to see this epic showdown
Somebody's not gonna be happy about what these demigods did to their Benz. :(
I love this revolving door of Marvel movies. There's always a new movie coming out to get you to the next one. It makes the wait not seem quite as bad.

There is always a Marvel movie to tie you over till the next one drops. Also each heroes' individual fan bases can enjoy each others movies because they might hint at something larger that effects there own favorite movie franchise. So Cap fans have a reason to go see Iron man 3 (Mandarin tattoo). Thor fans have a reason to go see Iron man 3 (Thor:TDW Trailer). Iron man fans will watch Thor:TDW and CA:TWS as lead ups to the Avengers 2. Cap fans will watch Thor:TDW for the CA:TWS Trailer. Hopefully it all comes full circle with all three fan bases going to watch GOTG to see how it sets up The Avengers 2.

Thor must have smashed that care on impact when he landed. I hope the flying that lead up to this moment is epic. :wow:
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Somebody's not gonna be happy about what these demigods did to their Benz. :(

Yeah, I'm guessing there are a lot of car insurance companies that will not cover destruction by Demigods. Lol

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