Superman Returns Understand the Trailer


Denis [ITA]

Hi! so, excuse me for my english, but Im italian..
I've seen the trailer but Im not understood very well it because I didn't understand what the actors says..Can someone tell me the words of actors about the trailer? thanks so much..bye..
No, only the words in english..because english is not my language and I can't listen all the words very well..I want only the words in english..
I'm sure we have someone here that can translate it into Italian for you,just keep checking back:)
I think he's asking for more of a transcript of the trailer. He can read english, just not understand it spoken as in the trailer.

Correct me if I'm wrong though...
Denis [ITA] said:
Hi! so, excuse me for my english, but Im italian..
I've seen the trailer but Im not understood very well it because I didn't understand what the actors says..Can someone tell me the words of actors about the trailer? thanks so much..bye..

Hi Denis! If you want to see what is said in the trailer you can click on this link:

There is a description of the trailer that has all the dialogue in quotations. Hope this helps you out! :) :up:
Pilot: Mr. Luthor, we're approaching the coordinates.

Lex: This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance.

Lex: Tell me everything.

Lois: Let's start with the big question; where did you go?

Martha Kent: Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason.
Martha Kent: You know, the world can always more good reporters.

Perry: I want to know it all, everything. Olsen, I want to see photos of him everywhere.

Lois: Clark, hey! Welcome back. I see you've met the Munchkin.
Clark: Hello.

Jimmy: Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy. But if you ask me, she's still in love with "you know who".

Perry: Does he still stand for truth, justice...all that stuff.
Perry: Superman Returns.

Lois: How could you leave us like that?
Superman: It's not easy for me to live my life being who I am. Keeping secrets.
Lois: The world doesn't need a savior and neither do I.

Lex: So long, Superman.

Lois: Lex Luthor.
The Kid: You're bald.
Lex: Cute kid.

Lex: Come with me. You're not going to want to miss this.

Clark: What's wrong.
Jimmy: Lois and Jason are missing.

Lex: I have advanced alien technology.

Lois: But millions of people will die.
Lex: Billions!

Lex: Come on, let me hear you say it; Just once.
Lois: You're insane.
Lex: No, not that. No, the other thing.
Lois: Superman will never...

Lex: Bring it on!

Perry: What do you got Olsen?
Jimmy: Look in the sky, Chief.
Lois: It's a bird.
Perry: It's a plane.
Jimmy: No, look it's...
Clark: Umm, you wanted to see me.

Some idiot: Mr. Luthor, we're approaching the coordinates.

Lex: This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance.

Lex: Tell me everything.

Lois: Let's start with the big question: where did you go?

Ma Kent: Your father used to say you were put here for a reason.

Ma Kent: You know, the world could always use more good reporters.

Perry White: I wanna know it all. Everything. Olsen! I wanna see photos of him everywhere.

Lois: Hi, Clark! Hey, welcome back. I see you've met the munchkin.

Clark: Hello?

Jimmy: Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy. But if you ask me, she's still in love with you-know-who.

Perry White: Does he still stand for truth, justice...all that stuff. Superman Returns.

Lois: How could you leave us like that?

Superman: It's not easy for me to live my life being who I am... keeping secrets.

Lois: The world doesn't need a saviour...and neither do I.

Lex: So long, Superman

Lois: Lex Luthor!

Jason: You're bald.

Lex: cute kid.

Lex: Come with me. You'renot gonna want to miss this.

Clark: What's wrong?

Jimmy: Lois and Jason are missing.

LEx: I have advanced alien technology.

Lois: But millions people will die.

Lex: Billions!

Lex: Come on, let me hear you say it just once...

Lois: You're insane.

LEX: NO! Not that, the other thing.

Lois: Superman will never...


Lex:bring it on!

Perry: What've you got, Olsen?

Jimmy: Look in the sky, chief.

Lois: It's a bird.

Perry: It's a plane.

Jimmy: No, look. It's...

Clark: You wanted to see me?
Mister J said:
Pilot: Mr. Luthor, we're approaching the coordinates.

Lex: This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance.

Lex: Tell me everything.

Lois: Let's start with the big question; where did you go?

Martha Kent: Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason.
Martha Kent: You know, the world can always more good reporters.

Perry: I want to know it all, everything. Olsen, I want to see photos of him everywhere.

Lois: Clark, hey! Welcome back. I see you've met the Munchkin.
Clark: Hello.

Jimmy: Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy. But if you ask me, she's still in love with "you know who".

Perry: Does he still stand for truth, justice...all that stuff.
Perry: Superman Returns.

Lois: How could you leave us like that?
Superman: It's not easy for me to live my life being who I am. Keeping secrets.
Lois: The world doesn't need a savior and neither do I.

Lex: So long, Superman.

Lois: Lex Luthor.
The Kid: You're bald.
Lex: Cute kid.

Lex: Come with me. You're not going to want to miss this.

Clark: What's wrong.
Jimmy: Lois and Jason are missing.

Lex: I have advanced alien technology.

Lois: But millions of people will die.
Lex: Billions!

Lex: Come on, let me hear you say it; Just once.
Lois: You're insane.
Lex: No, not that. No, the other thing.
Lois: Superman will never...

Lex: Bring it on!

Perry: What do you got Olsen?
Jimmy: Look in the sky, Chief.
Lois: It's a bird.
Perry: It's a plane.
Jimmy: No, look it's...
Clark: Umm, you wanted to see me.


Pilota: Signor Luthor, ci stiamo avvicinando al punto prefissato.

Lex: Qui è dove ha imparato chi è. Qui è dove veniva per avere una guida.

Lex: Dimmi tutto.

Lois: Iniziamo dalla domanda più importante: dove sei andato?

Martha Kent: Tuo padre era solito dire che sei stato mandato qui per una ragione.
Martha Kent: sai, penso che il mondo può sempre avere bisogno di buoni reporter.

Perry: Voglio sapere tutto, qualsiasi cosa. Olsen, voglio vedere sue foto ovunque.

Lois: Hey Clark! Benvenuto. So che hai conosciuto il bambino.
Clark: Ciao.

Jimmy: l'intrepida reporter Lois Lane è una mamma. Ma se vuoi sapere come la penso, lei è ancora innamorata di sai tu chi.

Perrry: E' ancora per la verità, giustizia e...tutto il resto.
Perry: Superman è tornato.

Lois: Come hai potuto lasciarci così?
Superman: Non è facile per me vivere la vita essendo quello che sono. Mantenendo segreti.
Lois: Il mondo non ha bisogno di qualcuno che lo salvi, e neanche io.

Lex: Superman, da quanto tempo.

Lois: Lex Luthor.
Il bambino: Sei senza capelli.
Lex: Che bel bimbo.

Lex: Vieni con me. Non vorrai certo perderti questo.

Clark: Cosa c'è che non va
Jimmy: Lois e Jason sono scomparsi.

Lex: Sono in possesso di avanzata tecnologia aliena.

Lois: Ma milioni di persone moriranno.
Lex: Miliardi!

Lex: Andiamo, fammi sentire quando lo dici; solo una volta.
Lois: Sei pazzo.
Lex: no, non questo, L'altra cosa.
Lois: Superman non permetterà mai...

Lex: Portalo (o portatelo) qui!

Perry: Cosa hai portato, Olsen?
Jimmy: Guardi in cielo, capo.
Losi: è un uccello.
Perry: è un aereo.
Jimmy: no, guardi, è...
Clark: Umm, qualcuno voleva vedermi?
Nice work guys on the double transcripts:up:
Good stuff here at the Hype Foreign Language Center. :p :up:
We should hire out SHH! Translation services :up:
Only the teaser.
I just watched the teaser in Italian. I'd like to say that I understood something besides "Kal-El", but that would be lying.
Mister J said:
I just watched the teaser in Italian. I'd like to say that I understood something besides "Kal-El", but that would be lying.

Try the Japanese version ;)
This dude didn't even thank you guys, how rude.
Ita-KalEl said:
Jimmy: la reporter senza paura Lois Lane è una mamma. Ma se vuoi sapere come la penso, lei è ancora innamorata di sai tu chi.
Brutto quel "senza paura". Facciamo intrepida, o impavida?
Ehi, quanti italiani su questo forum, eh?

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