what happened to Lana??


Feb 12, 2005
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i folowed hardore the first season but then got out of it. but i watched the finale to last season, and some new epsidoes and it seems lana is non existent. what happened to her and what happened ot her and clark?
She had sex with guy who wasn't clean, and in turn recieved herpies that not even Clark can withstand.
Excel said:
i folowed hardore the first season but then got out of it. but i watched the finale to last season, and some new epsidoes and it seems lana is non existent. what happened to her and what happened ot her and clark?

Where have you been bro? (No sarcasm, i'm serious)

Anyway, heres a breakdown:

-Hooked up with Clark
-Broke up with Clark
-Loves Clark
-Hates Clark
-Had sex with Clark
-Gets made cuz' he wont put out
-Became Lex's wife in a dream
-Died in the dream
-Became Clarks fiancee
-Died (again)
-Didn't die (again)
-Broke up with Clark
-Dumped by Clark
-Becomes addicted to SV equivalent of crack
-Hooks up with Lex

Oh and did I mention she was also a witch AND a vampire?
You forgot the Adam Knight nonsense, the biological father, Jason, Whitney etc

They need a Crisis on Infinite Lana to sort her out.
Whitney was a jack ass at first. But I thought he turned out all right in the end & you cant blame Lana for Whitney because that started long before Clark came into the Picture.
Continuing on...

-Haunted by ghost of childhood friend
-Discovers her mother was a ***** :-)p )
-Hooks up with some Bruce Wayne wannbe with a drug problem
-Hooks up with the high school football coach
-Kills a woman

Seriously, they should lock Lana up in Belle Reve...her life sucks.
Isabelle killed Genevive, it was self-defence anyway lol.
LostSon88 said:
Continuing on...

-Haunted by ghost of childhood friend
-Discovers her mother was a ***** :-)p )
-Hooks up with some Bruce Wayne wannbe with a drug problem
-Hooks up with the high school football coach
-Kills a woman

Seriously, they should lock Lana up in Belle Reve...her life sucks.

I'd love to see a list of all of Clark's 'fights' by Lastson88....FOTW's included. That would BE somthin!
Kane said:
Why does how she looks even matter?

Because its a teen show and eye candy is everything. Even Lois gets props. I'm mean lol who looks at this show like a show about Superman? Not you I hope *whistles in the air* :)
Regardless of what kinda show it is, Im usually not that superficial. Its all about characterization.
Super_Ludacris said:
Oh who cares it's a WB show, let it go lol and enjoy the eye candy

Characterization is important. But to WB skin is more so. I guess you have to take that with the good.

I think constantly showing some sort of skin is actually in all of their contracts with the WB.:O :D
Obviously but the characterization is fine even still. We understand what Lana goes through, I think have the time it's the weak plot holes she's put in that's the problem but I dont think she's whines, given all she's been through I think she's been disturbingly reserved. The rest is just fanboys not getting it
Super_Ludacris said:
Obviously but the characterization is fine even still. We understand what Lana goes through, I think have the time it's the weak plot holes she's put in that's the problem but I dont think she's whines, given all she's been through I think she's been disturbingly reserved. The rest is just fanboys not getting it

Agreed. I think her acting is fine, and even with a bad plot, her acting ability still comes through.:up: :)

The Lana bashing is silly. But needlessly bashing any character for no appearent reason is silly.:o
Super_Ludacris said:
Oh who cares it's a WB show, let it go lol and enjoy the eye candy

Whatever man. I never understood the appeal of 'eye candy' it does nothing for me.
The irony of that is the majority of posters on this smallville forum are in their 30s and 40s...

I havent once seen a teen female poster our age on here, maybe theyre all on other boards.

But the point is, they should avoid the whole 'targeting the show at teens' thing, the fanbase appears way more diverse than that.
Kane said:
The irony of that is the majority of posters on this smallville forum are in their 30s and 40s...

I havent once seen a teen female poster our age on here, maybe theyre all on other boards.

But the point is, they should avoid the whole 'targeting the show at teens' thing, the fanbase appears way more diverse than that.

and why their still watching it then is beyond me. But why shouldn't it target teens? Besides teen shows appeal to out of there fanbase (Dawson's Creek back in the day and the OC today are generally mainstream staples of American and modern culture.Ditto with Roswell and Dark Angel. Look at the teen exploison in the mid-90's with shows like felicity and movies like the Scream trilogy, Cruel Intentions, Faculty, She's all that etc etc All popular in the teen market but mainstream enough to catch general cultural attention)

Add to this their on a network that caters to a young audience (WB) and the fact is they set it out as being this time of show since the start. That's the agenda so the point is moot
I guess. Perhaps my preference is simply something based off the Superman mythos that is more geared towards all ages (like the Donner films were).

I guess one way to look at it is Smallville is the teen soap interpretation of the mythos in the same way Superfriends was the kid-oriented interpretation of Superman.

Lois and Clark was pretty much the sitcom version of Superman -_-
There are a lot of people that love the show that are out of Smallville's "target" demo, if you're thinking that they're targeting teen females...

Who they're really targeting are men that are 18-32. And they're doing a good job of it since it's the one demo they have come first in when against powerful ratings powerhouses like Survivor....

To bash the show saying that it is just "teen" show is disengenuous since it clearly isn't just that....

btw: the show is pretty popular across all demos, not just young men and teens.

My mother in law loves the show and she's in her 80s.

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