Will Goku turn..

Yes, I took it off you. I hope you dont mind.

Why wont he turn SS?
Did i stumble on a heath ledger convention or something???

lol (not really)
Why didn't he put Saiyan in the title?

I mean, I was expecting a joke in the thread, like somethig expecting that the question is "turn Saiyan", and it turns out to be "turn gay", or some stupid **** like that
well, we do know that Goku will take some inward journeys....
Have they said it will follow Dragonball, if they did I missed it. Just because it doesn't have the Z doesn't mean it won't have some Z in the movie.
There have been no implications... thus far... of a Super Saiyan Goku. Although they've managed to keep facts and details under wraps. A surprise in store? Well if SSJ Goku is in the movie, then it will be a disheartening surprise.
Agreed, however wasn't there a translation regarding some info on "changing the colour of the hair of Chatwin, or was that a miss-translation?
There have been no implications... thus far... of a Super Saiyan Goku. Although they've managed to keep facts and details under wraps. A surprise in store? Well if SSJ Goku is in the movie, then it will be a disheartening surprise.
I think he will turn near the end of the movie..
If Goku goes SSJ then they better change the name of the movie to DB:dbz:
try Dragonballmovieblog.com...easy to find what your looking for there
He won't turn SS

Imagine if he will: Goku turns SS and defeats Piccolo. Cool! then the sequel. Vegeta and the Saiyans come. Oh, they are so evil and strong! They are stronger than Goku? I don't know, but they can't turn SS, so I guess not.

Unless you want a Saiyan saga with Vegeta already SS... (and don't tell me to skip Saiyan saga 'cause everyone is asking for it)
So Vegeta is not in this movie?

This is starting to suck real bad.
Im just saying lets try and stay on topic.

Why isnt Vegeta, Gohan etc etc in this movie?
Because its not DBZ. Sequels will be based on DBZ, but this one is based on Dragonball. No SS, No Vegeta in this one. Its Piccolo vs Goku in this one.
I would like to see SSJ eventually but defiantly not in the first movie.
this Is Dragon Ball. Kid Goku, Demon King Piccolo, Lame Jokes And Perverted Turtle Hermits.

Not Dragon Ball Z. Big Explosions, Lack Of Plot, A Billion Deaths, And A Pink Blob.

(I'd lock this thread since the answer is no.)

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