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You'd think we'd learn after the whole TDK debacle with Heath but as we've seen for centuries history repeats itself due to idiots.
I'd wager most of the idiots complaining today are kids and only aware of Saint Heath from TDK. They probably think it was the only film he was ever in.
Eh. It's got entertainment value. Which is more than I can say for... anything going on with the Hype now, basically.
Sometimes I get the impression that you want us all to be DarthSkywalker. Is that what you want? IS IT? IS IT REALLY?![]()
Darth isn't terrible.
And that's high praise coming from me.
Eh. It's got entertainment value. Which is more than I can say for... anything going on with the Hype now, basically.
I know you chafe under the way things have clamped down on the Hype as opposed to it's Wild West days, but honestly... I think we all deal with enough Bovine Excrement in real life from people all around us. It's just tedious to come here and have to deal with it too. My two cents.
Eh. It's got entertainment value. Which is more than I can say for... anything going on with the Hype now, basically.
Darth isn't terrible.
And that's high praise coming from me.
Aww, Sawyer has a favorite DS. That's mad cute bro.
Dark is terrible.
And that's no praise coming from me.![]()
Because fans are tired of seing the Terminator Universe butt raped in all it's glory. This film will have no heart, no soul. Half of the clips ive seen are straight throwbacks to the original franshise. This Movie will once again confirm what is wrong with 21st century Hollywood. Im sick of it , sick of its typical generic feel. Standard camera work. crappy CGI, Lackluster score. Silly comedy moments to make the audience have a chuckle. **** that **** i want a terminator film to evoke darkness and dread so the audience can feel a sence of terror for technology.
Humans are so intwinde with tech these days that they can't even think on a human level no more. Cameron understands this logic but then again he's a victim himself with his craving for technology to bring his film Avatar to life.
In other words, you're going to see it opening weekend, huh?![]()
Darth isn't terrible.
Unless he's in the Bond thread. Then you have to deal with his constant putdown of everything Bond before Craig, and those are the worst Bond fans.
Unless he's in the Bond thread. Then you have to deal with his constant putdown of everything Bond before Craig, and those are the worst Bond fans.
Can someone recap the rumors for me again. What's tomorrow?
Sorry for the lack of empathy here, but who told the ***** to get pregnant? Was she raped? If that's not the case, then I would have left the girl on the streets. The welfare system is built on the single mother and it eats into the wallets of everyone else (not sure what Australian policy is on subsidies for the poor). Now this girl gets to milk her hard working cousin while caring for this kid and with little education herself if she isn't going back to school. Damn shame.
Oh I get it now... The 'M' stands for 'Misogynist.'![]()
Sorry. Just because we loved to milk our mothers as toddlers doesn't give women the right to milk us for the rest of our lives. Robin Williams should be the last straw for any sane man.
is this a female hate thing or just general lack of empathy?
He was milked by his ex-wives for everything he had and had to keep touring to stay afloat. For a comedian that was over the hill, he was never going to get out of the cycle of milking. Not being able to make alimony payments was a big part of his emotional distress.
The former but I wanted to explain my point to your previous reply. I'm old school. I pay for the first few dates. Go out of my way to help elders, especially older women and their grocery bags. My dad taught me all that. I just don't subscribe to the notion that I got to support a woman 100% for the rest of her life. If she wants the big wedding or big vacation or large house, she has to front a large part of that. That's been my philosophy for a long time. Some guys relish the idea of providing completely for their wife and kids, but I don't believe in that because it wouldn't make me happy.
Mr. M you have some seriously screwed up notions about welfare and women. You are grossly misinformed on both subjects. Maybe you should try and educate yourself before making an even bigger ass out of yourself?
The US government spends a large fraction of a near trillion dollars subsidizing families of single parent households. No matter how you want to slice and dice it, it's a gigantic burden on the economy.
Why don't you bother blaming all the corporations on welfare that don't pay a living wage and cost the tax payers an ass ton of money? You seem to be pointing the finger in the wrong area buddy, but I'm sure it's the woman who work menial jobs and use government assistance to help make their lives just a little bit less crappy that is really to blame![]()
My intentions were to promote a discussion on the social implications of a hypothetical scenario. I should have worded it better to have a legitimate discussion, but the title of the thread was too outlandish.
I'm a firm believer that a man is the most vital resource to a woman (besides biological necessities). The same is obviously true the other way around in terms of procreation and human longevity, but the scenario was overcoming that problem via stem cells and artificial fertilization and gestation.
It's still a silly discussion regardless, but I am intensely fascinated in the differences in psychology between the sexes. That's the discussion I aimed to achieve.
I'm going to ask this question and I want to preface this by saying I have schizophrenia so I take meds daily, but have you recently gone off of your meds? You sound insane
Of course. Corporations are responsible by using their stake to consumers and leveraging that toward government entitlements. We can go in a round about discussion about government entitlement and corporate lobby. The two don't exist without the other.
The issue here is that woman cannot have kids until a proper infrastructure is in place to provide for the child. Mistakes happen obviously. Do we need family planning? Communist policies dictating family policy? Those are the pertinent political questions. Kids that can't be supported economically add to the problem; they do not mitigate it.
If the question is "Do we need more communist policies?" the answer is a resounding no and again, with all due respect, you sound bats*** insane