Wow! The NEW (Hype!) TiVo Can Do So Much! - Part 6

There is no ignoring or continuity frying. Even Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman upheld the idea that Diana wasn't a public superhero, because she was able to lead a civilian life working at the Louvre. Wonder Woman doesn't wear a mask, and she would have been a pretty famous figure if she had existed in the past. Look at Captain America. His heyday was WWII, and he died/disappeared in that period, yet Coulson and others were still aware of who he was and were fans. Therefore, it follows that since no one recognizes Diana as Wonder Woman in present day in any DCEU film, including WW, that she never did anything public enough to be recognizable.

In addition, Wonder Woman being public would mess up Superman's entire arc. If a magical superhero had existed and was well-known, Jonathan's concerns about his son coming forward would have been very different or non-existent, as would the public at large who would have presumably have had a century to acclimate to superheroes in their midst. So, to me, it would be illogical on many levels to have Diana be public as Wonder Woman in her sequel.

My guess is WW2 is going to stay true to that, but it will hopefully also explain more about what shaped Diana's more world weary point of view later in life and what she's up to now in the present day as a superhero.

I hope so, and I hope the present day stuff is more substantial. I don't mind delving into Diana's past, even for long stretches, because I do like the idea of fleshing out her history. However, if that's the sole focus, it feels a bit too limiting. I also really wanted to see a female superhero movie that had the heroine deal with modern society, especially sexism, instead of placing her always in the context of the past the way WW1, WW2, and Captain Marvel have done.

lol They clearly don't care about continuity anymore, and that is more than fine by me. Give me Diana dancing in studio 54 and we good.

They should. It's embarrassing and undermines everything they've done. Staying true to the continuity and giving Diana something amazing to do might be a difficult trick to pull off for her writers, but I think it can and should be done.

Eh, Patty can do what she wants. Hell, I bet she will have Diana flying. Leapfrog jumps be damned!

Eh, Fox doing just fine throwing continuity out the window and have given me some of my favorite CBMs in the process. I'm fine with letting go of that stuff and just making good movies.

They're not mutually exclusive: a good movie can be made while also working within the current continuity. Until it's confirmed to be otherwise, I'm assuming the sequel will try to thread this needle. More importantly, this isn't like minor plot detail or something. This is continuity that gets at the heart of not only Diana's values and choices, so her core personality, but also the foundation of the entire DCEU (i.e. Superman being the first superhero who leads the way for others). Also, the FOX example doesn't work the same way, as the films are much further apart with different actors.

I get where you're coming from, but it just doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm not longer watching these movies for connective tissue. I just want to enjoy myself.

Nothing is stopping a film that has logical and loyal continuity or connective tissue from being enjoyable. Why do you keep assuming that?

The continuity was in Wonder Woman. You know, the first film that was well-received. Why would Bruce ask Diana her story, if it was well-known to the world? Why did no one recognize her? The movie can be good and be loyal to continuity.

Bruce does not use the internet, so that can easily be explained. Diana can easily be searched on google or in this universe called, ''Luxeeo'...

Patty Jenkins puts on her ''None Continuity gauntlet''...

Patty: Dread it. Run from it. My own storyline and lack of continuity still arrives!

Misslane: We have one advantage, her storyline introduction in BvS!

Patty places a bald continuity stone in the gauntlet. Wonder Woman goes to make bank and thus clearing a path to do what she wants.

Misslane: No!! Holding back Pattys' fist.

Patty: I hope they remember you and BvS.

Cut to Patty clenching her fist and throwing a ball of box office money into our DCEU continuity heroes. Cut to black. Herolee with an eye patch looking at all the deleted Superman scenes------'Where are you guys?!''

I don't think that's a fair example or parallel. Those films were much further apart, and a lot of the new continuity is explained by either a retcon in First Class and DOFP or excused somewhat by new actors in the roles. It's also beyond the matter of references. Having Diana be a public supehero is much more consequential.

You don't get it. It's Patty's continuity too. And, no, Bruce's lack of knowledge can't be explained by not having internet. That's such BS. He knew who Superman was, and if Diana was doing Superman style feats, he would have known. She wasn't. We also still don't know for sure how Patty will be handling the 80s setting, so it's too soon to assume she will be having Diana go public in ways that mess with continuity.

Faora said:
Want last movie of Spider-Man universe with old Tobey and Hardy. In style Logan.
Old Peter, who lost aunt May and Mary Jane, without suit and abilities, suffering from alcohol dependence and depression, overcomes old age and weakness. He must out of the shadow when come his mortal foe Venom, who faster, stronger and smarter. Last battle of our once legendary hero. Experience in only IMAX.



A movie about an alcoholic Spider-Man is something that I would watch multiple times at the theater.
drunk emo peter dancing down the street
From the archives, very timley

Could the bad guys win in comics if they banded? And would they stay alive for more than 1 hour after? I mean honestly, could villains thrust anyone after defeating the heroes if is even possible? I know they make a great number, but the heroes together and no holding back is nothing more than a big spank waiting to happen.

It looks like english, but I can't understand it. Someone should put it through babelfish if they can figure out wat language it is.

"could villains thrust anyone"? "a big spank waiting to happen"? Misc. Films Forum? :confused:




Crowds will line up for miles to see The Big Spank
Avengers 4: The Big Spank

"Dread it, run from it, the Spank arrives all the same."
Sounds like something from Fifty Shades of Grey.

And no one wants to see that.
The spank always arrives when I change the browser to incognito.
Yea, I'm a diehard fan of Snyder's DCEU films, yet have no problem saying I really enjoyed IW. It was like an ultra-saturday-morning cartoon joyride, but even way better. :funny: F***, it even made emotional I have to admit. :funny: And I have no problem saying I wanted to leave the cinema during Ragnarok because of how bored I was. :funny: Which reminds me how absolutely fantastic Thor was in IW.

Ok, my ticket for tomorrow screening is ready. :woot:

Lmao how was IW a Saturday morning cartoon joyride?? But okay, glad you liked it.

The fun factor with all that jumping and flying around was so off the charts it felt it should be illegal. :funny:

Agreed Consona. All these movies feel like cartoons with all the quips, meta references and sitcom humor. At least IW was an enjoyable cartoon.

It is cartoon, but it is good cartoon.

It feels like the episode that the league goes against lex+brainiac.

They're cartoons through and through. They even have that trope where a character talks in a language we can't understand and whoever's talking to them repeats what they just said so the audience knows.

That's some Spongebob talking to Gary the snail crap right there... :funny:

The thing is though, they only managed to entertain me by virtue of this being one giant third act finale with all the heroes. When they go back to regular entries I'll find them as tedious as ever.

Brainless, maybe. Inert? If anything it moves as break-neck pace. Coming from someone who likes both IW and TLJ.

My God do you have to be so dismissive of these films? Posts like that one and the above one are why people continuously make fun of DC fans. You have Suicide Squad avatar, I mean, the irony is overwhelming :funny:

I mean:
- 630 mil in one weekend
- 19 movies in 10 years
- people crying and giving standing ovation in cinemas, also laughing cheering etc.

How can someone dismiss that as a 'cartoon'. That is ridiculous. And frankly that is hugely offensive to people behind it whose accomplishment cannot be denied AND offensive to the fanbase. Then DC fans go 'oh people make fun of us' well act towards others like you want to be treated.

I have nitpicks about the film, some pretty huge, but I respect what they have done. To call it a cartoon is a bit much.

And I expect y'all to call Aquaman a cartoon too when Jason talks to the sea creatures.Unless there is a double standard, and only MCU makes cartoons. But surely no one here is this hypocritical.


I'm not even a DC fan. I just like what I like. I'm not even a DCEU fan if we're going by batting averages. I love BVS and SS but didn't care for MOS and WW. (JL never happened so as of right now it's 50/50).

Do you really feel so threatened by someone not liking something you like? Calm down. I like SS in the same way I liked IW. As an entertaining diversion that makes up for it's lack of depth and thoughtfulness by being full of cool characters and visuals. So unless Webster revised the definition of "irony", I'm fine.

Oh you aren't? I'm sorry I thought I saw you all over this place explaining how Snyder must be working on his cut etc. So at the very least you are a Snyder fan. In any case surely you aren't MCU fan. So you are a Snyder fan calling MCU films "cartoons".

I don't feel threatened I just find your posts incredibly annoying and a reason why people drag the whole fanbase. I am not even a big fan of IW. But holy God are these comparisons to cartoons pathetic.

And don't ever tell me to calm down.

Again, I'm not even a Snyder fan. I just love BVS and was eagerly anticipating his JL movie. I thought MOS was a misfire and thought Watchmen was weird and I didn't care for it that much. Why such a binary thinker?

Also you are just plain rude. There are regulars in this thread who very much like MCU movies. We have a member who saw IW 5 times already. But by all means, diminish the value of what they like, post after post after post.

a) You're the one who called my opinions pathetic. Which one of us is the rude one?

b) I really shouldn't have my freedom to express opinions stifled because people who might take offense to them exist. That's silly.

These movies are cartoonish to me. In the sense that they don't present a world that is realistic or naturalistic. Aliens are just people with pink skin and funny clothes. Humans see a talking racoon and aren't even taken aback or surprised by it. Stan Lee in a silly space suit is seen talking to the Watchers on a rock in the middle of nowhere as a visual gag. I could go on. Ragnarok alone is more cartoonish than certain cartoons. The whole "cartoon" comparison is me commenting on the realism or lack thereof. In terms of the world presented to us, the way the characters behave and interact, the story contrivances ect.

That's just my opinion though. Is it presented as a negative? I guess so because I really dislike the fact that they can't all be like Iron man or The Winter Soldier who feel fully realistic and naturalistic. It's not just me being dismissive though, it's mainly me commenting on the lack of realism and most of all it's an opinion. It's also presented in a pretty benign way. I've seen you absolutely dragging things you don't like without considering that there might be fans of those things taking offense. So your objections don't make any sense to me. Are there Chris Pratt or Matt Damon fans in this thread? Probably. So I guess you ought to apologize to them all for insulting them? See how it makes no sense?

I'm calling your persistent comparison pathetic. I doubt this is really your opinion. Because calling something like this 'a cartoon' is hyperbole of highest measure.

Go ahead, express them. But be prepared to be called out on them.

You are comparing taking offense with animal abuse and attacking and undermining the suffering and the words of victims of sexual abuse to taking offense with someone comparing MCU to 'cartoons'?

Welcome to my ignore list.

Well you didn't consider the merit of my "dismissive remarks". You just condemned me for them on the basis of them being offensive to the fans. So it really doesn't matter if they're legitimate, based on your own line of reasoning.

Btw isn't Pratt just a guy who likes to hunt? But sure put me on ignore. I really don't care. And no, it's really not hyperbole. I just described some scenarios from those movies and if you think they aren't cartoonish, then you live in your own reality. (which would explain a few things actually)

Lol, Marko is here, prepare to get TiVoed. :funny:

Some people in this thread have been calling MCU films 'cartoons' for a while now and they absolutely do not mean that as an compliment. They mean it as a dig. Given the amount of MCU fans who post in the Lounge and given how cool of a week MCU is having bringing up this comparison now is imho like going to someone's birthday party and throwing a dynamite in the toilet.

To use a colorful comparison

Kalvin, that was mere annoyance with the **** I have to deal with practically daily. May you never be on the receiving end of my wrath.

Honestly, "cartoonish" could be a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask. I grew up reading and waching Naruto and DBZ and if those were transposed into live action, I would hate to see them set in a realistic world. I wouldn't even want them to attempt that approach. In Naruto, there's Giant toads who wield Katanas, wear clothes, smoke pipes and talk. So your mileage may vary. I personally think the source material could have easily lent itself to a whole set of movies all set in a world with the same sensibilities as Iron man and The Winter Soldier. If it had been engineered that way, it would blow my mind and make me the biggest MCU fan that ever lived.

Guys....I'd like to throw this in here.....I generally try to stay out of the lounges....but I've been getting reports about some things in here.

First of all be civil with your fellow posters. Do not insult or belittle others. It does not make you point or opinion better or makes your point to be coming from someone who is insulting, bullying, or just plain mean. And that generally makes the person you insult not listen to your point (even if it was right) and just start retaliating with more insults.

Second....even though this is a DC forum....that does not mean you have the right to attack Marvel fans because you are in it. I have received many reports in the past about Marvel fans saying bad thing about DC movies in their forums, and I have stopped it with deletions, warnings, infractions, and bannings. So here is the warning for here. You can say you don't like something without insulting the fans of that thing.

Keep it civil. We are all superhero fans in here.

Glad I didn't stoop to the same level of the people calling my opinion pathetic and trying to silence me just because they didn't agree with my take.

You blew it. You should have posted "Make Sense Krypton."

Hang your head in shame.
Nobody really knew about New Orleans until American Horror Story.

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