Mentok said:
ProjectPat2280 said:Just like those friend counts, the 360 will win the "next-gen war" over the PS3 beacuse the PS3 is too expensive and itll win over the Wii because, well the Wii isnt even next-gen.
The Carver said:You keep telling yourself that.
ProjectPat2280 said:The Wii is by FAR the weakest of all 3 systems and will quickly fall behind. The PS3 could be good but its going to be costly.
The Carver said:Being the weakest system certainly didn't stop the PS2, why would that be any different for a superior system such as the Wii?
ProjectPat2280 said:Because the Wii is FAR, FAR weaker than the Ps3 and 360. The graphics barely look better than the GC.
The only thing it makes him sound like is "right". As someone who's practically already purchased a Wii, it is far, FAR weaker than the other two consoles. It's not even 1/3rd as powerful.The Carver said:I'll give you that the margin is much bigger than the PS2 to GCN was, but saying FAR, FAR weaker not only makes you sound like Thwip, but also like you're exaggerating it.
Even with this margin, the control scheme is really what the Wii is about anyways, not looking pretty.
On par with the Xbox!? What the **** are you guys looking at? Wii Sports!?BatFitz said:Actually the Wii looks on par with Xbox, and a little better...but not quite next gen...but what the Wii is all about is playability and just plain fun...not graphics
You should be molested for saying that.Fenrir said:Wii looks wii-gen.
Don't even spew me that bull****. Not even a 1/3 as powerful? Give me a ****ing break. He doesn't sound right at all, he's making a prediction, and exagerrating the margin of graphical power, just like you are. Someone who's already practically purchased a Wii - you flatter me. You appear to be a complete *****ebag with this statement - The Wii is at least 1.5 times more powerful than the GCN, not to mention the ****ing controller. Let me guess, you're about as ill-informed as the asshats running USA Today, right? They didn't even ****ing mention that the Wii had motion sensing capabilites which is it's selling feature, and they also think it's slightly more powerful than the GCN.Shodan said:The only thing it makes him sound like is "right". As someone who's practically already purchased a Wii, it is far, FAR weaker than the other two consoles. It's not even 1/3rd as powerful.
Is that like Norwegian?Fenrir said:Wii looks wii-gen.
WhatsHisFace said:Is that like Norwegian?
Wii graphics look terrible compared to the other systems. You can commend the controller all you want, but games won't be 10/10 just because of the controller. The Wii will have a lot of crappy games. Believe me.
WhatsHisFace said:One of the 360's friends is PlayStation.
The Carver said:Now you're crossing the line.