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BvS Zach Snyder plans to speak with Frank Miller for MoS Sequel

Man the hyperbole, assumptions, and inferences in this thread is just...

Frank Miller is not going to change the fact that Snyder thinks Superman > Batman (lol Goyer saying the opposite in his AMA is certainly going to be hilarious to see).

Enough said.
Man the hyperbole, assumptions, and inferences in this thread is just...

Frank Miller is not going to change the fact that Snyder thinks Superman > Batman (lol Goyer saying the opposite in his AMA is certainly going to be hilarious to see).

Enough said.

Hyperbole? Yeah, there is some of that. But to the Superman faithful Miller has about as much standing as Schumacher does to Bat fans. (To my Marvel purist brothers and sisters, you know what it's like when you bring up Hulk/Thor fights with your average Thor fan? Multiply that by 1,000.) Miller's work and his general public persona grate the average Superman fan the wrong way. That we would be a smidge on edge about him having any direct influence is more than understandable. I will agree that at this very early stage we have very little to go on to make any absolute conclusions.
So, I was excited for this movie. Then I read they want a fight like TDKR and that Frank Miller is being consulted. Yeah, I don't think I am excited anymore.

Come on man out of all the people here, at least you should remain reasonable.

It's fine to be concerned because yes, going to Frank Miller is pretty specific, especially after the mentioning of TDKR, but at the end of the day, none of us have have a single idea of what Snyder is asking Miller about. At all. People are acting as if Snyder is going to sit there and nod his head and agree to every single thing that Miller will say to him and end up using it.
Hyperbole? Yeah, there is some of that. But to the Superman faithful Miller has about as much standing as Schumacher does to Bat fans. (To my Marvel purist brothers and sisters, you know what it's like when you bring up Hulk/Thor fights with your average Thor fan? Multiply that by 1,000.) Miller's work and his general public persona grate the average Superman fan the wrong way. That we would be a smidge on edge about him having any direct influence is more than understandable. I will agree that at this very early stage we have very little to go on to make any absolute conclusions.

I understand that Miller is pretty much despised by Superman fans no thanks to his TDKR graphic novel (and the fact that he's gone downhill as a comic book writer). But we're getting immensely ahead of ourselves if we think Miller is going to write the script and say "lol Batman punches Superman to death for GG." We still have Snyder overseeing the script, who is obviously a fanboy of Superman...he's not going to make Superman look like an idiot, especially after trying to make him epic in MOS (but at the same time, you have Goyer, who obviously doesn't want Batman to be a pushover either...which is going to be very interesting to see).
Come on man out of all the people here, at least you should remain reasonable.

It's fine to be concerned because yes, going to Frank Miller is pretty specific, especially after the mentioning of TDKR, but at the end of the day, none of us have have a single idea of what Snyder is asking Miller about. At all. People are acting as if Snyder is going to sit there and nod his head and agree to every single thing that Miller will say to him and end up using it.

Like I said, fan's reactions might be a tad over the top in some areas (I'm lookin' at you herolee :woot:) but that there would be some kind of reaction to hearing about Miller being consulted was a given. I take solace in the fact that CBM film makers always say they are going to consult with comic book creative talent. 9 times out of 10 what advice, if any do they usually take? None.
The fact that Snyder may have talked to Miller DOES NOT mean that he will punk out Superman. He spent four years making MOS and will spend three more on WF. People are REALLY overreacting on this one.
3yrs to make batman vs superman? that's too long especially when it's supposed to come out in 2 years.
And if his suggestions do suck, Snyder could simply ignore them.

Exactly. People freaking out over this reflects more of a distrust of Snyder than a distaste for Miller.

If Snyder can't think independently and filter out things if they're bad ideas, then he has no business directing a movie of this magnitude.

He's going to chat with the guy, not surrender himself over to him.

The problem is the very fact that Snyder turned to Miller. No, he's not a slave and yes, he can say no to Miller's suggestion, but why go to him in the first place? It's the general mentality of Zack that bothers me.
The problem is the very fact that Snyder turned to Miller. No, he's not a slave and yes, he can say no to Miller's suggestion, but why go to him in the first place? It's the general mentality of Zack that bothers me.

The person who created a revolutionary work and created a "real world Batman" that fans can get behind for a consultation on Batman?

The trouble is, he did it 25 years too late.
It's a cartoon dude but MOS was "realistic" :cwink: all jokes aside though would have been nice for them to briefly address the issue of collateral damage and how the world dealt with it. I mean the aftermath of Zod Vs Superman was worst than 9/11, there would be protests about the government reigning Superman in he wouldn't be viewed as a hero but an menace and people would be **** scared of him.

David Goyer said that in the sequel at the SDCC Superman panel that they are indeed following up on events transpired in MOS. To what capacity we don't know.

On another note, when I heard the rumors that they want to bring an older established Batman and Superman's this young up and coming hero who I assume is trying to be the people's champion and hero, it's got me thinking this. What if they want to switch the positions of both Superman & Batman? So in TDKReturns, Batman's the hero saving the day and trying to do the right thing while Superman is the people's response(kind of like the town sheriff) to Batman's actions and tells him to shut down what he's doing and get out of town. What if it's the other way around for MOS 2, but of course at the end they make up and become friends stopping Luthor etc?
David Goyer said that in the sequel at the SDCC Superman panel that they are indeed following up on events transpired in MOS. To what capacity we don't know.

On another note, when I heard the rumors that they want to bring an older established Batman and Superman's this young up and coming hero who I assume is trying to be the people's champion and hero, it's got me thinking this. What if they want to switch the positions of both Superman & Batman? So in TDKReturns, Batman's the hero saving the day and trying to do the right thing while Superman is the people's response(kind of like the town sheriff) to Batman's actions and tells him to shut down what he's doing and get out of town. What if it's the other way around for MOS 2, but of course at the end they make up and become friends stopping Luthor etc?

this would be kind of ideal at this point.
The person who created a revolutionary work and created a "real world Batman" that fans can get behind for a consultation on Batman?

The trouble is, he did it 25 years too late.

David Goyer said that in the sequel at the SDCC Superman panel that they are indeed following up on events transpired in MOS. To what capacity we don't know.

On another note, when I heard the rumors that they want to bring an older established Batman and Superman's this young up and coming hero who I assume is trying to be the people's champion and hero, it's got me thinking this. What if they want to switch the positions of both Superman & Batman? So in TDKReturns, Batman's the hero saving the day and trying to do the right thing while Superman is the people's response(kind of like the town sheriff) to Batman's actions and tells him to shut down what he's doing and get out of town. What if it's the other way around for MOS 2, but of course at the end they make up and become friends stopping Luthor etc?

Exactly. If Snyder said he was trying to do TDKReturns BACKWARDS for MOS, what would be the logical extreme of that?

Batman should be the one to try to confront superman on behalf of Metropolis-and the world. His paranoia should fuel him. It should blind him so much that he doesn't see the fact that he's being used to advance Luthor's plan.

I must be the only one against Superman and Batman teaming up near the end of MOS2. I'd be alright for it to be implied that Batman was conducting an investigation against Luthor. I'd totally want Batman to say that he'll be there for Superman's behalf, and Supes to try to do the same, and have him do the "vanishing act." But I don't want them to join up together on film and save the day.

That would be conventional, "save" and less meaningful, IMHO, then showing that Batman is useless against the threats that Superman faces, but would still want to help any way he could. Then MOS2 could be MOS2 and TEASE the World's Finest, rather than MOS2 being a fullblown WF film.
So, Batman goes out of retirement to fight Superman, sounds interesting, let's see what they can do with the concept.
No, Batman goes OUT of Gotham to fight Superman, not knowing that he's set up by Luthor. That's how I would do it.

EDIT: You could be right. The film isn't out yet ;)
The reason I don't like the Frank Miller rumor is that Snyder can simply read his comic books and take whatever influence he needs. That's what they did last time. They didn't consult with Waid or Morrison. They simply took a few inspirations here and there. By talking with Miller it feels like you're consulting with him and you can't trust Miller for ideas anymore.
WB's problem is that it doesn't trust its characters nor its filmmakers while Marvel does take chances by hiring pretty much unknown directors to helm important projects.

To be honest Marvel is hiring unknown filmakers because it's much easier to control them. Everybody wants to have a big successful movie in his filmography so they're like "Yeah, Ok. I'm fine.".
The reason I don't like the Frank Miller rumor is that Snyder can simply read his comic books and take whatever influence he needs. That's what they did last time. They didn't consult with Waid or Morrison. They simply took a few inspirations here and there. By talking with Miller it feels like you're consulting with him and you can't trust Miller for ideas anymore.

So the solution should be to CONSULT Waid and Morrison! :woot:

I think there might be nuggets of truth about Batman from Miller. But it would take someone with a STRONG internal filter to sort it all out.
Well, we know what Waid and Morrison would have said about Superman killing Zod.
^ Yep. While a part of me thinks that was a highlight of the film, another part feels like it's "too soon." Like something that should happen in a trilogy finale or something.
To be honest Marvel is hiring unknown filmakers because it's much easier to control them. Everybody wants to have a big successful movie in his filmography so they're like "Yeah, Ok. I'm fine.".
That's true to a certain level. It's not like the directors are just standing there doing nothing while the executives are making the films. They are still delivering their vision of the films and Captain America proved that. The director aimed for Indiana Jones/James Bond vibe and that's what we got, granted he isn't a completetly unknown but directing wise he wasn't A list, more like D list. Most people knew his movies but now him.

Even with the control issue it's still a risk and Marvel is willing to take it. Hell they took the biggest risk with the very first movie, Iron Man. Who would have thought that John Favreau could do such an amazing job with it.
That's true to a certain level. It's not like the directors are just standing there doing nothing while the executives are making the films. They are still delivering their vision of the films and Captain America proved that. The director aimed for Indiana Jones/James Bond vibe and that's what we got, granted he isn't a completetly unknown but directing wise he wasn't A list, more like D list. Most people knew his movies but now him.

Even with the control issue it's still a risk and Marvel is willing to take it. Hell they took the biggest risk with the very first movie, Iron Man. Who would have thought that John Favreau could do such an amazing job with it.

Exactly. Marvel takes controlled risks while WB throws stuff at the wall and hope it sticks.

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