Zak Penn and The Live Action Avengers Movie Threads Merged

Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
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I've been hounding Zak on XVerse to give me hints on his next project for MVL and he led me to believe it was one of the Paramount pics. That turned out to be Avengers! So that will come after Hulk 2. Good news for Hulk 2 fans is that he already has a treatement for it!

So that wraps up his 3 projects.

1) X-Men spin-off
2) Hulk 2
3) Ultimate Avengers

Note: I am Blades_Shades.
Advanced Dark said:
I've been hounding Zak on XVerse to give me hints on his next project for MVL and he led me to believe it was one of the Paramount pics. That turned out to be Avengers! So that will come after Hulk 2. Good news for Hulk 2 fans is that he already has a treatement for it!

So that wraps up his 3 projects.

1) X-Men spin-off
2) Hulk 2
3) Ultimate Avengers

Note: I am Blades_Shades.
is his 1996 script anywhere online?
Whhhhaaaaaaaaat!Awesome stuff Blades!!!
"HULK WANT FREDDIE PRINZE, JR.!!!" has to be in the film, or it'll suck!!
Advanced Dark said:
I've been hounding Zak on XVerse to give me hints on his next project for MVL and he led me to believe it was one of the Paramount pics. That turned out to be Avengers! So that will come after Hulk 2. Good news for Hulk 2 fans is that he already has a treatement for it!

So that wraps up his 3 projects.

1) X-Men spin-off
2) Hulk 2
3) Ultimate Avengers

Note: I am Blades_Shades.

After Elektra I'm not thrilled with this guy as a solo writer.
I was reading this before making my new account, and got totally excited. I enjoyed the UA animated film, so I hope a live action one can be just as good. I believe it will, if it's taken seriously and written well. I also hope they can include Ultimate Hawkeye!

Thanks for this.
I'll say only one thing: it BETTER be an improvement upon the cartoon, cause that sucked ass...
is it going to be the same though??? he said rounding up the remaining marvel characters....will they be able to use them all i.e iron man???
They can use any character that Marvel owns the movie rights to, so Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Hawkeye are all ok. I'm not sure about Thor though, but I'd prefer his universe be kept seperate anyway.
I doubt that the Avengers movie will be based on the Ultimates.
Bad Idea.
I dont like the sound of an Avengers movie.
Team-up movies just dont cut it for me, unless at least Thor and Iron Man have their own movie.
That's funny. When I read the following the first thing I thought was it sounds like they're setting up to do an Avengers flic!:

Aggressively pursuing its strategy to develop and produce a new slate of feature films, Marvel Studios - a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. - has engaged director/actor/writer Jon Favreau to direct the highly anticipated big screen adaptation of Iron Man. Additionally, the studio has tapped several screenwriters to pen scripts based on some of its marquee superhero franchises. The projects to which screenwriters are now attached and have officially begun development include Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Ant Man, Captain America, Nick Fury and Thor. The announcement was made today by Avi Arad, Chairman of Marvel Studios.

For the legendary superhero Iron Man, Jon Favreau will direct the film and develop the script with the writing team of Arthur Marcum and Matt Holloway (Convoy). Favreau's directing credits include "Elf" and "Zathura: A Space Adventure."

Zak Penn, who previously collaborated with Marvel on X2, Fantastic Four, and the upcoming X-Men: The Last Stand, will write a new Incredible Hulk film, inspired by the larger-than-life green giant. Under Marvel's arrangement with Universal, Marvel will develop and produce the Incredible Hulk as a major theatrical release, with Universal retaining various distribution rights.

Writer/director Edgar Wright ("Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz") will direct, and co-write with writing partner Joe Cornish, the feature film based on cult-favorite Ant Man. Edgar will also co-produce with his Big Talk Productions partner Nira Park.

David Self has been tapped to write Captain America, inspired by Marvel's venerable all-American super soldier. Self's credits include "Thirteen Days" and Road to Perdition, in addition to numerous rewrites on various studio films. He also worked with Marvel on two other projects: Namor, the Sub-Mariner for Universal, and Deathlok for Paramount.

Marvel's superhero with military roots, the iconic super spy Nick Fury, will be brought to life by action/adventure screenwriter Andrew Marlowe. Marlowe's credits include "Air Force One," "End of Days," and "Hollow Man."

The legendary Norse Thunder deity, Thor, will hammer his way to the big screen with the help of screenwriter Mark Protosevich. Protosevich wrote one of this summer's highly-anticipated films, "Poseidon." His credits also include "The Cell."

"We are incredibly excited to be able to attract some of Hollywood's top talent to help Marvel launch the first wave of our independently-produced film slate. These screenwriters and directors are at the top of their game, and each brings a unique passion for the individual characters and projects they will be working on. Our goal is to combine great characters with exciting action, and we've assembled a team who will do just that," said Mr. Arad. "In fact, some of these writers have already helped us create major Hollywood blockbuster franchises like 'Fantastic Four' and 'X-Men.' With our independent slate, we look forward to delivering to movie-goers the same type of high-action, gripping entertainment they have grown accustomed to with the Marvel brand."

With screenwriters and directors on board, Marvel is commencing discussions with other talent and visual effects houses as it gears up for full-scale production on the new slate, with the first release anticipated in 2008. These projects are expected to be financed with Marvel's $525 million revolving film financing facility and distributed under Marvel's overall distribution arrangement with Paramount, except for Incredible Hulk which will be distributed by Universal.

President/COO Michael Helfant will oversee the company's growth to accommodate this newly expanded production activity. The projects will be shepherded and produced by Kevin Feige, President of Production, and Ari Arad, Executive Vice President of Production.
exactly...... seems like theyre doin origin films for the principle members of an Avengers movie first then theyll do the sed Avengers movie
It can't be exactly like Ultimate Avengers though because Thor isn't a schizophrenic dude in the regular Marvel universe. Well I don't know if he is in the Ultimate universe yet actually but still they can't have that same plotline where they accuse him of being nuts, because if the audience already knows going in that he's not then there's no point. Also they can't have Black Widow betray the Avengers since they're making a movie about her too. The origin might end up being from the Ultimates and the bad guy might too, but the story itself probably won't be similar at all.
^ I'm sure Zak will straighten it out sooner or later. He's got a few priorities now mainly Hulk 2 or The Incredible Hulk whatever they call it.
Way I see it, they have to make each volume into a movie. Only way it'd work. ANd the book's so damned cinimatic already, it's be perfect. Like I've been saying for a while, this is how Marvel should handle it's movies:

Start with four films. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, And Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. Each film will set up each character, and their early exploits. Captain America would be Tom Clancy style espionoge set in WWII with super soldiers and assasins in red skull helmets and all that kickassery. Iron Man would be James Bond meets the Six Million Dollar Man, with industrialist Tony Stark facing off against Chinese crime lord, the Mandarin. Thor would be Highlander on the scale of Lord of the Rings. A trauma surgion discovers that he is Thor reincarnate, begins preaching of a better way of life to people, and gets confronted by Loki and his brood. Nick Fury is over the top spy action with a leading man who would shove Bond's martini up his ass and proceed to bang the bond girl.

Then, they make "The Avengers," which serves as a sequel to all four of these films, plus The Hulk. Nick Fury, at the behest of the U.S. government and the U.N., puts together a tactical unit designed to deal with extra normal threats. Tony Stark is brought on as a financer, weapons designer, and feild agent. We're introduced to Giant Man and The Wasp. Bruce Banner, who's been dopping himself with his cure for his condition like crazy is brought on as a genetics expert, and works with Giant Man and Wasp. Betty Ross, who has since split with Bruce (again), is also brought on as a scientist and helps with the team's P.R. (along with biology, she studied jopurnolism in college). They try to recruit Thor, who at the time refuses, and the thaw out Cap. The movie progresses as the book did from there.
The Question said:
Way I see it, they have to make each volume into a movie. Only way it'd work. ANd the book's so damned cinimatic already, it's be perfect. Like I've been saying for a while, this is how Marvel should handle it's movies:

Start with four films. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, And Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. Each film will set up each character, and their early exploits. Captain America would be Tom Clancy style espionoge set in WWII with super soldiers and assasins in red skull helmets and all that kickassery. Iron Man would be James Bond meets the Six Million Dollar Man, with industrialist Tony Stark facing off against Chinese crime lord, the Mandarin. Thor would be Highlander on the scale of Lord of the Rings. A trauma surgion discovers that he is Thor reincarnate, begins preaching of a better way of life to people, and gets confronted by Loki and his brood. Nick Fury is over the top spy action with a leading man who would shove Bond's martini up his ass and proceed to bang the bond girl.

Then, they make "The Avengers," which serves as a sequel to all four of these films, plus The Hulk. Nick Fury, at the behest of the U.S. government and the U.N., puts together a tactical unit designed to deal with extra normal threats. Tony Stark is brought on as a financer, weapons designer, and feild agent. We're introduced to Giant Man and The Wasp. Bruce Banner, who's been dopping himself with his cure for his condition like crazy is brought on as a genetics expert, and works with Giant Man and Wasp. Betty Ross, who has since split with Bruce (again), is also brought on as a scientist and helps with the team's P.R. (along with biology, she studied jopurnolism in college). They try to recruit Thor, who at the time refuses, and the thaw out Cap. The movie progresses as the book did from there.

.......What about Hawkeye? :(
He'd be in the second half of the first Avengers movie, as he was in the second arc of the first volume of Ultimates.
The Question said:
He'd be in the second half of the first Avengers movie, as he was in the second arc of the first volume of Ultimates.

That's a great idea, who would you cast him as? Just wondering, also, your ideas a really awesome man. :up:
The Question said:
I have no idea, really. And thanks.

No problemo.

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