Ions said:
Depends, if you want a remake... it'll probably a remake. If you want a sequel... it'll probably be a sequel. It's all so vague people can argue either way(as I and CJ often end up doing).
Ions shoots Cracker Jack a thumbs up]
At thins point no one knows what Avi is thinking or saying. It could be a whole lot of bunk as well. Given Avi's history and all. Here's some of the things he's said since June 20, 2003
"Even if Universal doesnt do it , well take it somewhere else. Theres no studio that hasnt called us"
"We are just waiting for a script," Arad said. "We are going to make another Hulk, absolutely."
Gale Anne Hurd, producer of The Hulk movie, said plans are moving forward for the sequel.
"We're all really proud of the film we made," Hurd said Sunday in Tampa, Fla., on the set of The Punisher, which she is also producing. "It was an origin story. And I think now that we've got the origin, I think we can have a lot more fun with the sequels."
Marvels vice president
"The Hulk 2, which just got an undisclosed writer, he said "It is set up at Universal again. We talk to Universal almost on a daily basis about 'Hulk 2'. Hulk is a great franchise with a lot of life left in it."
Hulk 2 is in development for an 06 release. Arad reported that 6.5 million DVDs shipped for the release, and 3.5 sold within seven days.
"Hulk had an incredible story for us," Arad said. "What we're very proud of {is that} we made an Ang Lee drama. If we made it probably sillier or happier, maybe it would have done better. The point is that for our brand, Hulk was extremely successful in taking our franchise and lifting it out of sort-of-known to an incredibly important franchise that performed beautifully for us. And the DVD is performing very, very well for us and Universal, and obviously there will be a sequel. We'll call it Hulk-Lite to make it easier for people to deal with the psychological depth," Arad joked.
Comics Continuum spoke to Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige who says that they will have a meeting shortly with a writer for The Hulk 2, which he says will likely be made at Universal.
"We've got a meeting in the next week or two with a very talented writer who's come up with a version that is interesting. We're anxious about it, and think there are amazing stories to come with Bruce Banner."
While a director has not been determined yet, Feige says you can expect more action in the second film.
"We want to continue to take it very seriously and continue to follow his inner psyche, but at the same time allow us in the audience to have a little more fun, a little more action, a little more of the 'Hulk smash.'"
The Hulk 2 will be much different than the first film. Arad referred to the sequel as the "light" version with it not being as heavy, or dramatic.
Q: Let's talk about coming Marvel movies. In the "Hulk" sequel, will the green guy at least say "Hulk smash!" this time?
A: Of course. I think at the end of the first movie you see this commitment: "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
And he's coming to terms with who he is. "I've got this curse and I'm going to use it when I need to protect innocent people." And I think in [the sequel] you'll see a man who understands his problem, is trying to solve it, coming to terms with the Bruce side of it, still trying to reject the Hulk, finding a way to reject it, and there are consequences to that, of course. And who knows? Green turns to gray and all hell breaks out.
Expect a major announcement from Avi Arad soon about who the new director for Hulk 2 will be. And it looks like they have called Michael France in again to write a draft script for the second movie that will feature the Hulk in a more superhero role.
France also co-wrote the first film, which was directed by Ang Lee and criticized by many as being too dramatic. We'll have to wait and see if there's any truth to the above rumor.
The Hulk 2, Universal Pictures - Development, Slated for 2007
Hulk 2 Plans: "Hulk 2 is something that is very high on the list and we are starting to figure out who will write it and how to go about it. Thats a must-do. We loved Hulk 1 and we cannot wait to get into the next one."
I could post more but i have work to do . But I'm sure you get the point.
Cracker Jack waves at Ions