2012: A Monster Year? (box office predictions) - Part 3

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Both MiB and Snow White under performed, but Madagascar, Brave, and Prometheus will make good money.
Had Sony been able to keep Mib's budget under control it would have made a very nice profit, instead of the light one it has now.
Men in Black only made a profit because of overseas success. It still underperformed domestically.
Superhero films have their fair share of under performers as do animated features. Last year had this in spades.

If Avengers hadn't dropped this summer, I think many more would be seeing this summer for what it really is, not doing to well...so far.
I think I'm thinking opening weekend only, where it was predicted to do $65 million+ but only did $55 million (which I called :woot:).
No basically every film that receives garbage reviews and poor word of mouth will be deemed what it's deemed. Not since summer 2008 have I personally seen a summer perform in such a way.

As for prometheus, as "good" as it's doing, I can only imagine would "good" it would be doing if it was received any better. I admittedly haven't been following film as closely as I usually do(I'm busy this year) but it does seem as though Prometheus is the butt many a joke post release.

I suppose Mad is doing well. Gotta give it up for that market, they treat their own well.

But seriously, if it's not DarkShadows one week, it's Battleship the next, or Men in Black or Snow White...even Lincoln is "under performing"

In terms of quality, I think this summer has been better than the last few, mainly because other than some surprise comedies (The Hangover in 2009 and Bridesmaids in 2011), most of the blockbusters have been horrible. Harry Potter is Harry Potter and 2010 had Inception. But it's really been mostly Transformers and superheroes for the last three summers and only a few of them have been really good (Avengers and XFC for me).

I just think the continuing weak, if still growing, economy is making people a lot choosier about their summer entertainment. If a movie doesn't look great from the marketing or has poor WOM, they're staying away. Hollywood is shocked because quality has never been so important.
^last year was great with surprises

since first class,real steel,and rise of the apes surprised alot of people
I just think the continuing weak, if still growing, economy is making people a lot choosier about their summer entertainment. If a movie doesn't look great from the marketing or has poor WOM, they're staying away. Hollywood is shocked because quality has never been so important.

I agree

That's what I personally do. I know a lot of people flip out and say reviews mean nothing, but for me RT is like a bible. Not whether I'll see a film at all but whether I'll see it in theaters. For example, Snow WHite and the HUntsman I was looking forward to but it got mediocre reviews. Now I'm gonna see it but Im gonna say some money by not seeing in the theaters. So I'll see it, but I'll see it for cheap and if it's a good film it's a win-win. I save money and I saw a good movie

Although, I don't know about quality and Hollywood being shocked on how much it matters.
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Eh... that still depends. People don't seem to pay too much attention to RT when the TF films came out. If we're talking of economy, last year's TF was no exception.
Yeah i know it still depends I was talking about what I personally do it changes with people
^last year was great with surprises

since first class,real steel,and rise of the apes surprised alot of people

The only summer movies I liked last year were XFC and Bridesmaids. Didn't care for ROTPOTA and never saw Real Steel of that list.
If the rumored extended cut of the Avengers does indeed come out, how much more will it help the Avengers make? Closing the gap between it and Titanic's domestic totals?

Gosh. This cut might definitively make the Avengers the best superhero film ever.
I have heard no such plans of a release. Even Joss has said that it won't be included as a directors cut but rather just deleted scenes on the Blu-ray enless that plan changed.
They will re-release it in theaters...I would guess right before Avengers 2 comes out.
Honestly, there weren't really any parts in Avengers that really felt like they were cut short or needed additional scenes.

It wasn't like say, Prometheus, where it was obvious entire subplots were truncated.
If the rumored extended cut of the Avengers does indeed come out, how much more will it help the Avengers make? Closing the gap between it and Titanic's domestic totals?

Gosh. This cut might definitively make the Avengers the best superhero film ever.

I just looked into this re-release rumor, and I doubt it'll be released in 2012. Or if ever, for that matter. Whedon hasn't expressed interest in releasing a Director's Cut either.
Honestly, there weren't really any parts in Avengers that really felt like they were cut short or needed additional scenes.

It wasn't like say, Prometheus, where it was obvious entire subplots were truncated.

I know of only one part of the Avengers that was cut short that comes to mind and that's the part with Banner when he first sees the SHIELD guard.

And Prometheus was very obvious that many scenes that got, and for Ridley Scott, once again a director's cut will probably most likely be released.
Banner and the security guard. I mean all of a sudden he decides to just show up in battle.
they should of released films like vampire hunter and dark shadows around Halloween time
I had figured it was a Deus Ex Machina scene just like Thor's arrival to Earth.

That's a pretty big leap though. There had to be something to change the character motivation. Which is why there was a deleted of him being convinced by the security guard to go fight.
That's a pretty big leap though. There had to be something to change the character motivation. Which is why there was a deleted of him being convinced by the security guard to go fight.

But even that can be a bit of a leap as well. Why would the guard's words hold so much weight or influence into convincing Banner to find the squad and fight?
But even that can be a bit of a leap as well. Why would the guard's words hold so much weight or influence into convincing Banner to find the squad and fight?

Maybe its one of those things where the wise old man spouts off some philosophical line and everything falls into place. Its like tangerine story in TDK.
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