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All Things DCEU News, Discussion, and Speculation - Part 4

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Posted this in the JL thread, but Dany Garcia (Henry Cavill's manager and one of the producers on Shazam) put this up on Twitter.


I am hoping this is an indication those rumors of Henry cameoing in Shazam are legit.

I hope so too!
I'm trying to figure out if he's in his Superman cape there or a Clark Kent trenchcoat. Anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: Nevermind. Played around with the image in photoshop and he's just wearing a suit.

So because you don’t personally think the films are spectacular, you’re going to attribute their success to the fact that they star minorities? Nonsense.
It's not nonsense. I have yet to actually meet anyone in person who agrees with the notion that these films were outstanding; that label has been applied by studios and critics because of reasons already stated.

Why, specifically, do you think either film was spectacular?
The other thing to consider is that WB might not have a good strategy in place for the Aquaman marketing right now. 3 years ago they would have been betting on JL to give them a leg up with marketing for AQM, now they are in a very precarious position where the wrong marketing campaign could hurt the film.

Indeed. There's been much said about the movie not even having a trailer yet, but James Wan's explanation about the CGI simply not being ready made sense. This movie is not gonna be given the benefit of the doubt. Look at how people have savaged the Venom trailer for not having Venom it because the CGI wasn't ready yet.

WB has to make a really good first impression with the Aquaman trailer, and thankfully, they seem to be taking their time to do just that.
It's not nonsense. I have yet to actually meet anyone in person who agrees with the notion that these films were outstanding; that label has been applied by studios and critics because of reasons already stated.

Why, specifically, do you think either film was spectacular?

And I’ve met plenty of people who feel the opposite. Anecdotal evidence is always useless in these discussions.

For all the reasons everyone else here thinks the films are spectacular. BP more so than WW.
Aquaman has a long road to hoe, no doubt about that. WB should declare victory if it's a modest BO and critical success. At least that would set up a sequel to do bigger and better things.
Let me know if I'm missing any:

In Production
Aquaman (James Wan)
Shazam! (David Sandberg)

In Pre-Production
Wonder Woman 2 (Patty Jenkins)

In Development (Directors Attached)
Deathstroke (Gareth Evans)
Gotham City Sirens (David Ayer)
Harley Quinn and The Joker (Glenn Ficarra and John Requa)
New Gods (Ava DuVernay)
Nightwing (Chris McKay)
Suicide Squad 2 (Gavin O'Connor)
The Batman (Matt Reeves)
The Flash (John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein)
The Joker (Todd Phillips)

In Development (No Directors Attached)
Black Adam
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League 2
Justice League Dark
Man of Steel 2
Let me know if I'm missing any:

In Production
Aquaman (James Wan)
Shazam! (David Sandberg)

In Pre-Production
Wonder Woman 2 (Patty Jenkins)

In Development (Directors Attached)
Deathstroke (Gareth Evans)
Gotham City Sirens (David Ayer)
Harley Quinn and The Joker (Glenn Ficarra and John Requa)
New Gods (Ava DuVernay)
Nightwing (Chris McKay)
Suicide Squad 2 (Gavin O'Connor)
The Batman (Matt Reeves)
The Flash (John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein)
The Joker (Todd Phillips)

In Development (No Directors Attached)
Black Adam
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League 2
Justice League Dark
Man of Steel 2

Sounds about right. And most of those would be great to see if wb could get their head on straight.
Let me know if I'm missing any:

In Production
Aquaman (James Wan)
Shazam! (David Sandberg)

In Pre-Production
Wonder Woman 2 (Patty Jenkins)

In Development (Directors Attached)
Deathstroke (Gareth Evans)
Gotham City Sirens (David Ayer)
Harley Quinn and The Joker (Glenn Ficarra and John Requa)
New Gods (Ava DuVernay)
Nightwing (Chris McKay)
Suicide Squad 2 (Gavin O'Connor)
The Batman (Matt Reeves)
The Flash (John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein)
The Joker (Todd Phillips)

In Development (No Directors Attached)
Black Adam
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League 2
Justice League Dark
Man of Steel 2

Metal Men was supposedly under development as well.
Excited about

New Gods
The Batman
Green Lantern Corps
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
And last but definitely not least...

Man of Steel 2
The one's I'm interested in:

Wonder Woman 2
New Gods
The Batman
The Flash
The Joker
Man of Steel 2
Green Lantern Corps
Most to least interested:

Gotham City Sirens
Justice League Dark
The Batman
Suicide Squad 2
Wonder Woman 2 (I just don't care about Cheetah)
Man of Steel 2
The Joker

And then some stuff I'm not too interested in. Black Adam and Justice League 2 are especially off my radar.
Has anyone else ever seen this? Absolutely hysterical. LOLOL


I've been laughing at this for the last hour.

The disgusted looks on the crowd's face LOLOL and when he starts mumbling the lyrics. Aaaaaaaamazing. Something about that song in the middle of that massive terrorist attack is just damn funny.
Last edited:
Let me know if I'm missing any:

In Production
Aquaman (James Wan)
Shazam! (David Sandberg)

In Pre-Production
Wonder Woman 2 (Patty Jenkins)

In Development (Directors Attached)
Deathstroke (Gareth Evans)
Gotham City Sirens (David Ayer)
Harley Quinn and The Joker (Glenn Ficarra and John Requa)
New Gods (Ava DuVernay)
Nightwing (Chris McKay)
Suicide Squad 2 (Gavin O'Connor)
The Batman (Matt Reeves)
The Flash (John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein)
The Joker (Todd Phillips)

In Development (No Directors Attached)
Black Adam
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League 2
Justice League Dark
Man of Steel 2

Hoping we get some definitive announcements from San Diego...
I find it interesting that J.A. Bayona has nothing on his plate after JW:FK, especially since Colin Trevorrow is returning to direct the third JW film.

Considering that Bayona is a Superman fan, would WB approach him to do one or give him a pick of smaller characters a la James Wan and Daley & Goldstein? I found it interesting that he had tweeted a positive Ready Player One reaction a week or two ago when he wasn't connected to the studio previously.
If superman is still up for a sequel and the next Jurassic movie is successful then I have. No doubt he'll at least be getting some face time with WB.
Why is something in development with no director? And how many years has it been for Black Adam until now?

The same reason(s) anything by any studio is in development with no director, until they actually get made or discarded. Maybe there are writers doing a treatment. Maybe it's as simple as a name thumb tacked to a board and absolutely nothing else.
Only interested in:

Wonder Woman 2
Gotham City Sirens
Suicide Squad 2
The Batman
The Flash
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold (only if Jaime Reyes is included; otherwise kill it with fire!)
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League Dark
Long post, but here's my thoughts on all of the movies in the works

Aquaman (James Wan) - I have doubts about Momoa's ability to lead this movie. He and Mera were both unimpressive in Justice League. I really look forward to seeing what Wan does with the deep sea creatures. I hope he is able to bring some of his horror sensibilities to this movie and he isn't neutered by the studio. Seeing Black Manta and Orm onscreen is going to be pretty exciting though. I think this has a great chance of being good. I've liked all of Wan's work so far.

Shazam! (David Sandberg) Annabelle: Creation was fantastic but it isn't exactly a sign that this movie will be good. The concept and source material is there, but we'll wait and see. I think I would've been more hyped if Black Adam was the villain.

Wonder Woman 2 (Patty Jenkins) - The first movie was solid. I rank it about as high as your average MCU movie. It's no Civil War, but it's better than Ant-Man. Kristen Wiig as Cheetah is such an exciting casting decision, I look forward to seeing how she does. Seeing Cheetah in live action will be exciting, I just hope they do a better job with her than they did with Ares. The Cold War setting will be interesting, I like that they're sticking with period pieces for this franchise. It keeps things fresh.

Deathstroke (Gareth Evans) - This just doesn't need to be made at all. Very unnecessary. Deathstroke is cool, but just stick him in a Titans movie or on the Injustice League. That's where he belongs. I'll see it if it's made, and I guess if anyone's to direct a Deathstroke movie (unnecessary as it is), Gareth Evans is the guy.

Gotham City Sirens (David Ayer) - David Ayer had his chance. I don't hate the guy. His ideas were just so dumb. I don't like his take on DC characters. I highly doubt this movie will ever happen though. A Gotham City Sirens movie from someone else would be welcome though.

Harley Quinn and The Joker (Glenn Ficarra and John Requa) - F this. Robbie is great, it's really too bad that's she's so closely associated with arguably the worst depiction of The Joker that we've ever seen. I love Margot Robbie, but is she the only person that can play Harley? I don't think so. If Margot and Leto are a package deal, then scrap them both. It's not worth us having to endure Leto again.

New Gods (Ava DuVernay) - It's strange that she was selected for this right after A Wrinkle In Time flopped, but I really do think that she has what it takes to nail this. She's one of the best directors working right now, and I think it's great that she might be getting another chance at a big budget movie. I sincerely hope this happens, I have a really good feeling about this one. This will be the breath of fresh air that the DCEU needs.

Nightwing (Chris McKay) - I should be more excited for this than I am. Dick Grayson is my favorite character. They should really wait to do this until they get Batman under control though. Titans on DC's streaming service is said to be covering Robin's transition into Nightwing. If Titans is quality, it will be hard to get pumped for this one. It'll feel like a rehash. One live action portrayal of Robin will be enough for me.

Suicide Squad 2 (Gavin O'Connor) - Why? I guess this is an opportunity to right their wrongs, but this just doesn't need to happen. I can't see myself getting excited for this. It'll be cool to see live action depictions of some other DC villains though.

The Batman (Matt Reeves) - I don't care if Reeves stays or leaves. Other people can direct this just as good as he could. I hope he stays on though, just to provide some stability. I hope Gyllenhaal gets cast too. If they go with some villains we haven't seen before, I'll be over the moon.

The Flash (John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein) - It's hard to get too pumped for this one. I highly doubt it will be better than The Flash Season 1. I thought Ezra was HORRIBLE in Justice League. And the novelty of seeing live action versions of Flash and his villains was taken away by the solid (at least the first season) tv series. I feel pretty meh about this one. Especially after the reports that have said this won't be Flashpoint at all, but more a straightforward Flash story.

The Joker (Todd Phillips) - This might be the movie I'm most excited for. I love that this is going to be an out of continuity story. Everything I've heard about this so far sounds amazing. Joaquin Phoenix is genius casting. Get Jonah Hill as Penguin in there too and they're set.

Batgirl - I think this can work. Get a female director in there and let her run wild. It could be a gamechanger. It's just tricky to develop this when we don't even have a Batman movie. It will be a nice way to see some Batman villains without having to use them in the mainline Batman series.

Black Adam - Horrible idea. This needs to be consolidated into a Shazam sequel. No one wants this to happen except for The Rock and greedy execs...

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold
Cyborg - I get that this could be good for diversity, but the story just isn't there. Cyborg has never worked as a solo character. I'm just not seeing it. I'm all for more diversity on film, I support that movement 100%, but I can't really get hyped for this unless it's basically a Titans movie. Grid is Cyborg's main villain, and I don't really have any interest in seeing that character. Ray Fisher was fine in the role, I just don't see people clamoring for this one. John Stewart and Static are two black heroes that are far better suited for solo films than Cyborg.

Green Lantern Corps - This could be huge if done right. The Last Jedi just about killed the Star Wars franchise, so maybe this can be the next big science fantasy series. So much potential there with Geoff Johns' saga. A good visual director is a must. This was pitched as Lethal Weapon in space, and I really like that idea. This is one of my most anticipated DC movies for sure.

Justice League 2 - They need to just wait a good while for this. The timing just isn't right. If New Gods is a success, then maybe after that. Just focus on solo characters for now.

Justice League Dark - This could turn the tide for DC. It would be a unique movie that could set them apart. DC needs to tap into their mystical side. If this is done right, this can set up a few franchises for DC. Swamp Thing and Constantine are the main reasons I want this to happen. It would be so cool to see their friendship onscreen.

Lobo - I really hope this one happens. It would feel really fresh and change the game a bit. It could be DC's Deadpool. Get Terry Crews in there and let him loose.

Man of Steel 2 - This one is so weird. Who knows if this will ever happen. I kind of doubt it. We need to see Brainiac already. Supergirl too. I love Superman, I'm just not the biggest fan of DCEU Superman. I'd rather see something more optimistic and more colorful. Matt Vaughn could nail it. I hope this happens, I just don't see it being a big success. Maybe Superman in Shazam will get Superman back in the general audience's good graces again, and the time will be right for another Superman movie.

Deadshot - Just like Black Adam, it's only in the works because it's Will Smith. A solo Deadshot movie is laughable.
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