All Things Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 25

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Well it's nice to know that we were able to squeeze in some new pictures a bit of new info before it came to a close.

Given that we don't have a Superbowl spot going on for us, i wonder what avenue will be the next one used by Warner Bros. to release more new material...
I hope more viral the deep space thing and some Daily Planet stuff would be cool. A Daily Planet website would also be nice to have...
Well it's nice to know that we were able to squeeze in some new pictures a bit of new info before it came to a close.

Given that we don't have a Superbowl spot going on for us, i wonder what avenue will be the next one used by Warner Bros. to release more new material...

Don't give up hope yet! We won't know for sure until Sunday or unless WB issue a release stating they have no intention of airing anything which last year they did but this year they've been kind of quiet...

Websites posting ad spots details don't have the complete list and WB's parent company has taken some ad time but all we know so far is that they're airing a Walking Dead promo.
I'm counting on you guys to post the Super-Bowl spot (if there is one) :D
They could put the next trailer in front of WB's 'The Great Gatsby' with Leo Di... Yah think?

It could be attached to it but I highly doubt it will premiere with it. If its not coming in March or April then with IM3 definitely.
Deadline makes it sound like Warner Bros. isn't putting anything out there for MOS during the Superbowl. Not sure how smart that is for them, but whatever...
And if that's too close to the release, maybe WB's Bullet To The Head with Sly

Deadline makes it sound like Warner Bros. isn't putting anything out there for MOS during the Superbowl. Not sure how smart that is for them, but whatever...

Just read that. Bloody shame and as we've been discussing it for the last couple of weeks an absolute mind-boggler. Regardless of no Super Bowl spot, again the big NY Toy Fair is 5 days later with a ton of MoS merchandise and figures expected there and there'll be plenty of coverage.

I honestly expect to see the first MoS TV commercial in March, let alone a trailer.
The only reason why I think they might be avoiding a spot at the Superbowl is cause they feel it's too soon for an action trailer. An action trailer might show too much and wouldn't work with their marketing strategy of of slowing trickling out info. I'm sure they want to release everything based on their schedule and not be rushed. However they are really losing a chance to connect with a lot of people. And when you are rebuilding a brand like Superman, you gotta dig deep and not hold back.
That Nic Cage suit isn't as terrible as I imagined.

The thing is, I'm 90% sure Nic Cage's performance as Superman/Clark Kent would've been awesome. It's just that he doesn't look or sound like Superman.
Here's the thing, WB's got a lot riding on this one film, or rather it's success...
It's cool that they think themselves about the superbowl(honestly a few trailers in the months prior and all is forgotten).

However it just doesn't seem like the type of decision you make when you got a lot riding on a film.
I still remember the wonders the Superbowl did for Transformers 3 and Captain America. not so much thor though. The spots themselves have to be on point.
That Nic Cage suit isn't as terrible as I imagined.

The thing is, I'm 90% sure Nic Cage's performance as Superman/Clark Kent would've been awesome. It's just that he doesn't look or sound like Superman.

The underpants on the Nic Cage suit are hilarious. And Nic Cage has those Italian traits that many people's old favorite here, Mangianello, also has. Totally wrong for Superman.

That said, it's like seeing the B89 suit modified for Cage. Fine for Batman, so damn wrong for Superman. I would've loved it if Superman Lives was like Batman and Robin in tone, but I gather those guys were going for an actually serious movie. Poor sods.
Somebody should manip that nic cage superman pic to have nipples, it's so close to that point already lol
The underpants on the Nic Cage suit are hilarious.


And Nic Cage has those Italian traits that many people's old favorite here, Mangianello, also has. Totally wrong for Superman.

Yup. But I can't help feeling like he would've given the performance of his life in the role. Which is kinda sad because being passionate about the character, while commendable, can only take you so far, you know?

That said, it's like seeing the B89 suit modified for Cage. Fine for Batman, so damn wrong for Superman. I would've loved it if Superman Lives was like Batman and Robin in tone, but I gather those guys were going for an actually serious movie. Poor sods.

It definitely looks like it fits Burton's Batman universe though.
Yup. But I can't help feeling like he would've given the performance of his life in the role. Which is kinda sad because being passionate about the character, while commendable, can only take you so far, you know?

Exactly what you said. Good on him for his passion, but that's all he had going for the part. Absolutely nothing else.

It definitely looks like it fits Burton's Batman universe though.

Yeah. And for me that's a very bad thing.
Yeah. And for me that's a very bad thing.

Seeing that new Burton Superman pic makes me wanna see Burton-ized JL characters just out of sheer curiosity.:ninja:

Martian Manhunter would probably look wickedly creepy.
Aquaman would be naked, with algae coming out of his butt.
I must be a very greedy person since I already want more pictures and info!lol
so funny in the magazine there isa front shot of the body around his hips. but there is text so we dont see it. come on WB show us how the suit looks without the trunks.
Another note is that it seems we've finally gotten a confirmation supposedly on what the budget for the film is; which seems to be 225 million according to Empire.

Color me surprised since after the disappointment in SR, which only cost about 204 million to make, I would have assumed that Warner Bros. would be somewhat hesitant to dish out just as much, or even more money onto the character at this stage.
Well they are pretty much putting all their chips on this movie. If it succeeds, it determines the future of all DC franchises... no pressure...

So it's not surprising to me that they'd be willing to invest a bit of money into what could be their last attempt (if it fails miserably).
Well they are pretty much putting all their chips on this movie. If it succeeds, it determines the future of all DC franchises... no pressure...

So it's not surprising to me that they'd be willing to invest a bit of money into what could be their last attempt (if it fails miserably).

indeed; though it's interesting to know that they're supposedly putting more money into this film than Marvel Studios did for "The Avengers", since I think it was said that the TA had a production budget of about 220 million.

On another note, I'm glad that for this story, that it seems like it'll be a story that takes place or really starts at the root of Krypton's last days with both its destruction and the battles fought between Jor-el and Zod. It definitely gives this whole story a larger than life feeling in terms of scope, knowing that Superman is pretty much concluding, in a sense, the tragedy that began with Zod's insurrection, etc.
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