did you miss the part of my post where i state "i just consider it" or "i simple see"? i didn't my opinion as a fact, even though America HAS fallen from grace and is not as righteous as it once was. are you actually going to argue that American is NOT on it's last leg?um, but thats not his reasoning or intentions at all. you're completely misrepresenting the situation in order to reflect your own personal views.
I agree. I googled about it and people are already mad that Superman is renouncing the "superior American way".I find it funny that so many people complaining about this end up making some backhanded remark in the process of praising America. I saw one guy say "what other country could possibly produce a person like Superman?". And another said his slogan is now "truth, justice, and Sharia law". It's that attitude I hate. America is the chosen country, and if it's not America, it's communism and terrorism. And people wonder why this happened.
It seems that way although i'd love it if they dropped the "american way" part. Superman is a global hero in the comics. He should stand for what's right and oppose what's wrong. It doesnt have to do with America, Britain, Italy or Bel Air, it has to do with values.im conflicted about the idea of superman renouncing his american citizenship. he's certainly not renouncing america, which is how im sure the people freaking out are taking it. he's doing it so his actions in other countries arent taken by acts of america itself, inciting international incidents. there is legit reasoning behind it.
Agreed.but it also seems melodramatic and unnecessary to explore those aspects....even kinda boring.
The next logical step for Angie Meyer would be to call Superman a terrorist."Besides being riddled with a blatant lack of patriotism, and respect for our country, Superman's current creators are belittling the United States as a whole. By denouncing his citizenship, Superman becomes an eerie metaphor for the current economic and power status the country holds worldwide," Hollywood publicist and GOP activist Angie Meyer told FOX411's Pop Tarts column.
The National Security Adviser confronted him with several Marine snipers armed with Kryptonite bullets. They wanted to know why Superman attended a demonstration in Tehran to show his support. The National Security Advisor said Superman's actions made it seem like America itself was somehow involved because the media ran with it and overreacted (sound familiar!?What is he going to do?
did you miss the part of my post where i state "i just consider it" or "i simple see"? i didn't my opinion as a fact, even though America HAS fallen from grace and is not as righteous as it once was. are you actually going to argue that American is NOT on it's last leg?
i understand why Superman is renouncing his citizenship WITHIN THE STORY, he even explains why he's doing it. i'm just saying that i, personally, think the writer(s) are making Superman take this action because our country's leaders have taken actions to ensure our country stays in the toilet.
well, i feel i explained myself pretty clearly and i hope no one gets the wrong impression. i never said Superman is taking it upon himself to denounce his citizenship because of America's current state, but i DID say that artwork, regardless of the medium, always addresses the issues of it's time.if thats your opinion on why you would renounce your citizenship, thats cool. i just dont want other people reading that getting the wrong idea of superman's intentions.
well it IS open discussion. i can't be sure but as long as no one is causing a ruckus, then all topics are open to discussion.and i would debate that america is not on its last leg. thats quite an extreme view. its hardly healthy, but the country isnt going to collapse into disrepair. regardless, this isnt the place for that discussion.
Yes he is... That's what the shield is for.calm down it is'nt like cap is deflecting or anything
Just stupid.
I once heard Dennis O'Neil describe the editors of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman as "custodians of American folklore". This is the single greatest betrayal of that responsibility I have ever witnessed.
I don't care about the reasons listed in the story -- the story was contrived for the sole purpose of Superman renouncing his American citizenship. It was the climax and the sole consequence of the whole story. The reasons may make sense within the context of the story ... but the renunciation of American citizenship by an American superhero is simply unacceptable. The use of a commemorative 900th issue (the previous 899 being carried by American consumers) for Superman to denounce the country that made him (as a character, as a franchise, and DC as a whole) what he is, is a kick in the teeth to American fans.
As a matter of course, I don't boycott ... but I'm done until DC fixes this. If DC doesn't want Superman to be identified as American, then this American will send his money elsewhere. This is the functional equivalent of having James Bond defect. I'm out until Superman re-asserts his citizenship. If he never does, I've purchased my last Superman.
I don't begrude other cultures their folk/cultural heroes ... but leave ours alone.
It's something that should have been changed awhile ago. Now is a better time than ever.
He was born on krypton, not in america. I'm surprised most jingoists...I mean 'patriots' aren't demanding to see his birth certificate.
He was born on krypton, not in america. I'm surprised most jingoists...I mean 'patriots' aren't demanding to see his birth certificate.