All Things Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 59

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"you can save them, you can save all of them" jor-el
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it is the longer spot of the 15 second one and it was amazing!!!
I think there was a second in that new spot where there was slow-mo right at the end of the gun fire by the jet. One second of a bad*** explosion that is visually stunning! oil rig shot I think (new)
I wouldn't even know how!!! I have survivor recorded and am watching the new spot right now, (Revenge finale had the tv spot 4, once upon a time had tv spot 1) Man of Steel is everywhere!
I wouldn't even know how!!! I have survivor recorded and am watching the new spot right now, (Revenge finale had the tv spot 4, once upon a time had tv spot 1) Man of Steel is everywhere!

Cell phone and post to YouTube
Just saw TV spot #1 on Comedy Central and TV spot #3 on Nickelodeon right now as I was skimming through channels. MOS is everywhere indeed!
People on my Facebook who are not really into comic movie usually are starting to chat about the movie.
So wait, have there been three spots today?
People on my Facebook who are not really into comic movie usually are starting to chat about the movie.

Same. Kids I got to school with and follow on Facebook and Twitter are really starting to fall into the hype for this movie. The only other movies they're even talking about besides MOS are IM3 and Fast and Furious 6.
Hi. Just joined. I love Superman and Lois Lane. The trailers are great.
You gotta be kidding me!!! that last tv spot was amazing!
Survivor TV spot. Low quality
I will let someone else embed it here. cuz I don't know how, I will try to re-record it in better quality if it is not out yet.
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