Avengers vs. X-Men: 2012 Event - Part 3

You know, I was really hoping that this event would be the one in which the X-Gene was restarted but part of me is now hoping marvel abandons ship and they don't restart the gene in this event. After all, they can restart it in the next event that isn't a complete mess and as fans we might be better off with that result and happier with the story.
Part of me hopes the time-hopping Original Five go back to their own time and cause the X-corner of the Marvel Universe to completely reboot. I was against it with Spider-Man, but I'll be dipped if I don't think the X-Men comics are in worse condition.
I wonder who is gonna helm the next event? Remender....? Aaron....? Gillen......? Hickman.....? They're on all the key books now, I can't see them f***ing it up as badly as we've seen in the past.
Part of me hopes the time-hopping Original Five go back to their own time and cause the X-corner of the Marvel Universe to completely reboot. I was against it with Spider-Man, but I'll be dipped if I don't think the X-Men comics are in worse condition.

I'd be all for it. We'd get a Cyclops who isn't psychopath, Beast who isn't a giant cat, Angel who isn't blue and has metallic wings at times, Ice Man who isn't an Omega mutant, and Jean Grey who isn't dead. :yay:
I like Bobby as an omega level mutant. Heck, I like that Aaron is startig to amp him up a bit.
The only problem with Iceman's Omega status is that they never did squat with it. Aaron is the first guy in forever to do something with the guy.
The last time I remember someone messing with it was Austen, who had him do some cool stuff.
Austen and cool don't belong in the same sentence.

Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

Set aside your hatred of the man's stories for a second. Austen did some cool stuff with Iceman's powers. He also did some stupid stuff, but there's some cool stuff in there too.
Set aside your hatred of the man's stories for a second. Austen did some cool stuff with Iceman's powers. He also did some stupid stuff, but there's some cool stuff in there too.

OK..................*looks at watch*....sorry, still hate him. :o:oldrazz:
I'd be all for it. We'd get a Cyclops who isn't psychopath, Beast who isn't a giant cat, Angel who isn't blue and has metallic wings at times, Ice Man who isn't an Omega mutant, and Jean Grey who isn't dead. :yay:

It would be nice to see Jean Grey get another chance to escape the typecasting of simply being either the Phoenix and/or "that girl Cyclops and Wolverine fight over" but that would require a writing staff that actually likes her and wants her to evolve, and I doubt that there are any at Marvel at this time.
The only problem with Iceman's Omega status is that they never did squat with it. Aaron is the first guy in forever to do something with the guy.

Gage has been doing good stuff with him as well
I don't think X-Men need rebooting they can salvage the line. Marvel needs to stop with the constant unnecessary big event game changer thing every 2 minutes.
Set aside your hatred of the man's stories for a second. Austen did some cool stuff with Iceman's powers. He also did some stupid stuff, but there's some cool stuff in there too.

His pulling the water from a lake to amp himself huge was cool. While gross, the idea that he cool survive as a head and suck the moister from another person to regrow his body was cool, too.
I don't think they need to reboot at all, in fact all this reboot talk is silly. There's plenty of other ways to take care of things other than reboots or deaths. Those are cheap tactics that any Joe-schmo comic book writer can do. I want my comics to be written by people more creative than that. You guys are willing to settle for anything thrown at you.
His pulling the water from a lake to amp himself huge was cool. While gross, the idea that he cool survive as a head and suck the moister from another person to regrow his body was cool, too.
He was the first to have Bobby explore creating controllable animated Icemen, which seems like a precursor to what Aaron did with him using a small army in battle.
Heh, don't quite recall that one in Austen's run. When did that happen?
I don't think X-Men need rebooting they can salvage the line. Marvel needs to stop with the constant unnecessary big event game changer thing every 2 minutes.

Agreed, any substantial reboot that only affects one corner of the MU will complicate things even more. I think things can be fixed if Marvel as a whole slows the hell down with all these events and two BRING BACK THE X- gene! Seriously, I thought it would have been back at least two or so events ago, but nothing. It's killing the X-books and it's such a limiting editorial mandate...blah.
Heh, don't quite recall that one in Austen's run. When did that happen?
I want to say the first issue of the Dominant Species arc. Nightcrawler walks in on an ice filled room with Bobby controlling these two minature ice creatures and he explains how he is exploring this new application of his power
Set aside your hatred of the man's stories for a second. Austen did some cool stuff with Iceman's powers. He also did some stupid stuff, but there's some cool stuff in there too.

I think it was Austen who had Iceman reconstituting himself from any moisture nearby. I recall Havok holding his iced up head and having to pee Iceman a new body lol.
Agreed, any substantial reboot that only affects one corner of the MU will complicate things even more. I think things can be fixed if Marvel as a whole slows the hell down with all these events and two BRING BACK THE X- gene! Seriously, I thought it would have been back at least two or so events ago, but nothing. It's killing the X-books and it's such a limiting editorial mandate...blah.

The events are what's keeping sales up unfortunately. I doubt they're going anywhere. Especially after the hype from the relaunch dies.

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