Breaking Bad - Part 3

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Couldn't help myself and had to look it up. :wow: If true
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Damn...welp I guess I'll stop coming in here then. I know eventually someone will come in here and spoil it for the rest of us.
Oh god. Dare I go back to the last thread? :[
No point anyone leaving the thread. I would never reveal what it was.
Man I have no self control whatsoever. I'm like an addict when it comes to spoilers. I get even a whiff of them and I need a hit.
Yeah, its a major spoiler. But I won't say anything. I doubt its true the more I think about it though.
Oh **** off! Somebody change the subject! I'm a spoiler addict as well and I spoiled Gus' death last year when the photo of his half blown off face leaked. Ain't happening again though!
Changing the subject. Hm... Haven't seen Jesse's yellow jacket in a while!
If one of you spoils BB :cmad:

I hate to be that guy, but can someone PM me how to find the spoiler please.
Why would anyone want to know spoilers? Like seriously, whats the point?
Why would anyone want to know spoilers? Like seriously, whats the point?

I don't want to know's just whenever I hear about spoilers I NEED to know them. Spoilers are like my cocaine.
Why would anyone want to know spoilers? Like seriously, whats the point?

For me personally, I like reading spoilers because I get to satisfy my curiosity and also because spoilers have never really affected my enjoyment of whatever I spoiled for myself. And also, like Floppity, it's not that I want to know the spoilers necessarily, but I need to know.
Theres a store in New Mexico selling rock candy made to look like Walter's meth.
Peace out, b****es. Spoiling anything from Breaking Bad for me would ruin my whole damn week. It's the show I most look forward to every week and I want Vince Gilligan to let me know what he thinks I should know when he thinks I should know it. So in honor of almighty Vince, I'm out of here.
For me personally, I like reading spoilers because I get to satisfy my curiosity and also because spoilers have never really affected my enjoyment of whatever I spoiled for myself. And also, like Floppity, it's not that I want to know the spoilers necessarily, but I need to know.
Different strokes I guess. If I knew a huge twist like the plane crash beforehand then that wouldn't have had near the same effect on me. Don't you just kind of want to see how it plays out? Instead of reading about it on a computer screen. Just doesn't make sense to me.
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