Breaking Bad - Part 4

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One of my fav quotes
"ding......ding.....ding....ding...ding..ding.ding dingdingding"
-Uncle Tio


This got lost in "Eklypze"'s unnecessary barrage of short posts

Anybody think this new Burger King commercial is a sublte reference to Breaking Bad? :D

Lmao 3 posts within a couple minutes is an "unnecessary barrage?" That doesn't make much sense man, how does it have anything to do with anything though considering the time in between our posts? Am I not allowed to express my thoughts as they occur to me like every single other poster on here is? Lmfao you're silly
Im not the only one that thinks that lol

You posted 6 posts within minutes of each other, each one only consisting of about 1 or 2 lines that could have just been put into one post.
Lmao and? I'm not here to worry about what other people think. As for the posts, I wouldn't doubt it but I didn't post 6 times in a row in the previous BB thread just a bit ago. There was only 3 posts. I still fail to see the point though, I come here to express my thoughts and feelings about the shows I watch and I'm gonna do just that. If I'm doing something offensive or disrespectful then I apologize but I don't think I am and I don't think I'm doing anything that would warrant any kinda of ban or anything so... Ok then lol
Oh I see where you are meaning. Yea, I had just woken up and had an energy drink in me so it sometimes puts my ADHD into over drive and I tend to express myself disjointedly at times. I am aware of it lol
It's cool, wasnt trying to say you should be banned or punished at all. Just try to consider other posters, when you post multiple posts one after another other member's posts get lost. Then your next post puts up a new page lol

I just wanted to see if anyone else saw the subtle BB reference in that BK ad :(
I can't watch it on my phone, what kinda reference do they make?
It shows a shot of a woman sitting at a table with around 6-7 different sauces open, she then proceeds to pick up a chicken nugget and dunk it into each sauce and eats it.

Its just that its such an odd shot and nobody eats chicken nuggets that way, it HAS to be a subtle reference to BB :)
Im not the only one that thinks that lol .

This is just a hostile statement right here though man. Like seriously? I'm the subject of private conversation around here or something? I dunno, sounds just like people being just like how they are in real life. I never get on here and worry about how other people speak or it what ways they express themselves but of course there are always people that just worry about everybody else but themselves. I dunno, I don't really do that whole gossipy thing. I don't do much human interaction anyways just cuz of **** like this, people make conversating and being a part of their world more trouble than it's worth
There's no "private conversation". Go back and look at the previous thread, see the people posting an image of the 'edit' button? that's directed at you. Editing your post to add more information instead of making several consecutive ones is much better forum etiquette.
Watched all of this series on one sitting. What can I say? Routinely excellent!

If I have one teensy, tiny quibble, it'd be that there could have been at least one more 'future Walter' flashforward, maybe at the very end to balance things out. Like bookends.
Haha, after the train heist sequence I sort of had to!
There's no "private conversation". Go back and look at the previous thread, see the people posting an image of the 'edit' button? that's directed at you. Editing your post to add more information instead of making several consecutive ones is much better forum etiquette.

Well see! When somebody actually takes the time to explain then ok I get it. I didn't have a clue what that **** was about for real. No clue whatsoever it was directed at me lmao. Thanx. Now I know

Am I the only guy that still likes Walt? He did everything for his family and then went to an epic proportion then he "quit". I don't know maybe I'm just an ahole
I don't dislike him so much as I fine him supper annoying with all the cockiness. He has gotten super creepy though for me, I just can't hate on his power trip.... yet.
Well see! When somebody actually takes the time to explain then ok I get it. I didn't have a clue what that **** was about for real. No clue whatsoever it was directed at me lmao. Thanx. Now I know

and knowing is half the battle :awesome: lol anyways.... on topic

Wesley Dodds said:
Watched all of this series on one sitting. What can I say? Routinely excellent!

If I have one teensy, tiny quibble, it'd be that there could have been at least one more 'future Walter' flashforward, maybe at the very end to balance things out. Like bookends.
the whole thing in one sitting?

Yeah I think another future Walter scene would have been a nice bookend for it. But I've got a feeling we're going to get plenty of that in 5.2
Breaking Bad - Empire Business

An awesome somewhat recap of season 5.1. :up:
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