Doctor Who - Regeneration 9 - Part 9

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I actually think the fun of the Moffat era, which should appeal to kids, is that it is so ridiculously convoluted and fast-paced that when the answers come, they are so simple and easy to digest that it makes it all the more fun.

Also, most kids do not spend hours on the Internet speculating and critiquing the plot to infinity. So, they are less likely to be disappointed when Moffat chooses a completely different solution than fans become precious about. That I think contributes to a lot of the dislike to his simple, if elegant, twists on this show.
Eccleston was the previous thread. We're on Tennant.

Hurt will probably come after the Smith thread. Or after the Cushing thread. Hell, until we know who or what he is exactly, he might come after the Atkinson, REGrant, Broadbent, HGrant, and Lumley threads.
The Lumley thread will be full or raw sexuality...

Whose our resident woman? Is it Hawkingbird?
Oh, wow. I guess the tenth thread was the only one we didn't ring in with this debate.
all these timelines and threads confuse me, LOL...
Let's map out all the possible alternate Doctors we're gonna have to retitle these threads between the exhaustion of this one and Matt Smith leaving the show:

-John Hurt
-Dream Lord
-Jackson Lake
-Doctor Donna
-Peter Cushing aka Dr. Who ("Dr." always abbreviated, Who is his actual name)
-"Curse of the Fatal Death" Doctors 9-13:
--Rowan Atkinson
--Richard E. Grant
--Jim Broadbent
--Hugh Grant
--Joanna Lumley
Ah, just stick to the official canon one's. Should be on Regeneration 10. The true Doctor has regenerated 10 times...though it maybe 11 after the special...

If we count all the others I think its what? 22 with all the alternates/non canon, 2 fakes and & clone?

I actually think the fun of the Moffat era, which should appeal to kids, is that it is so ridiculously convoluted and fast-paced that when the answers come, they are so simple and easy to digest that it makes it all the more fun.

Also, most kids do not spend hours on the Internet speculating and critiquing the plot to infinity. So, they are less likely to be disappointed when Moffat chooses a completely different solution than fans become precious about. That I think contributes to a lot of the dislike to his simple, if elegant, twists on this show.

I don't mind the simple solutions, my own dislike only comes in when he doesn't explain something big...Like who the hell really blew the Tardis up and why? That's just been left well alone since BB2.

The smaller holes he leaves behind don't bother me too much (I've come to expect them), and I can certainly see why kids wouldn't be bothered about them at all. Like I said before, as long he gives the 'big picture' answer it works for them.

Certainly some of the theories I've seen over at GB to explain everything are so complicated and convoluted I don't get how those guys could ever think they are on the right track. They can be hard enough for an adult to get to grips with, let alone a kid.
It's kind of funny looking back at all the previous Doctors, how different each incarnation looked from one to the next in the old days, Baker looking very different from Pertwee, Davison looking very different from Baker, etc. and having a very different style of wardrobe from one to the next. But then you get to the modern series and, while not being able to pass for twins, Tennant and Smith are sort of similar looking guys that aren't exactly polar opposites in terms of wardrobe. I just find it funny.
You guys know Smith is coming back for the next season right? So he's not regenerating just yet.

What if Smith is the 12th Doctor?
My musings:

Hurt was a real, legit Doctor. Not 'The Next Doctor' all over again, where a regular person developed Time Lord memories.

I like the theory Hurt Doctor was covered over/replaced. His behaviour being deemed not 'Doctory', thus this incarnation being backtracked. Meaning he is not officially counted in the tally of 1 to 11. But he was at one point.

Perhaps 8 was killed in the time war. He regenerated into Hurt, who then ends the conflict big time. A neccesary act, but there becomes a sense of shame.

I know The Doctor has said once he changes he can't change back. But perhaps somehow things do go back shortly before a McGann regeneration (something to do with the time lock?) to instead morph into Chris' 9th Doctor. With all that went before with Hurt still having happened.

So when The Doctor says "fear me, I killed them all", he's technically still telling the truth.

My two cents.
I like the theory that Hurt comes from an aborted timeline. Like McGann turns into Hurt, time rewinds in some way so we're back to McGann, and McGann turns into Eccleston.
I hope the Master comes back. Has it been confirmed that Hurt is coming back next season or was it just a once off?
I like the theory that Hurt comes from an aborted timeline. Like McGann turns into Hurt, time rewinds in some way so we're back to McGann, and McGann turns into Eccleston.
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