The Dark Knight Heath's Potential For an Oscar


Jan 25, 2006
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Don't know if this has been posted yet...

Just heard on the radio this morning from Mike Evans, a Hollywood/Celebrity Reporter that he heard from the VP of WB that Heath Ledger was SO good in TDK that he will be nominated for an Oscar (apparently they had discussed this with Heath, too). (I don't think he can guarantee anything more than a submission for nomination, but that's how much confidence they have.) If this is true, this is awesome. It's also bone-chilling--to me at least.

Now I was actually thinking about this right after I heard he had passed, but quickly dismissed it, cuz we all know that "comic book" movies never get nominated for anything outside of the technical categories.

I've been highly anticipating Heath's performance, but now 10 fold. I just can't wait.
Well of course of VP of WB would say that....

I dont have any doubt in my mind that Heath that he probably did turn in a good performance and it will probably be one of the more memorable runs on cinema next year. But you know the Academy isnt gonna give a man in a comic book movie his props. Heck, even the fact that he's passed away may play an averse role ( Will they think there being cliched if they nominate some who passed away for there last role?)

So I doubt it.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. It just feels good to hear something like that, and that they're not just saying that b/c he died.
Don't forget that Siguorney Weaver was nominated Best Actress for 'Aliens' AND 'Silence of the Lambs' WON Best Picture.

It's true that the Academy more often than not looks past the very genres that make going to the movies worthwhile, but they've obviously been known to acknowledge them when necessary.

And if Ledger's performance IS that good, then there's still least to some degree, that he'll be nominated.

Another thing: The movie aint coming out in Awards Season....its coming out much earlier.
Another thing: The movie aint coming out in Awards Season....its coming out much earlier.

One thing i would say to that is Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the black pearl came out in July too, and Johnny Depp got his best actor nomination.
I've said from the beginning that Heath would at least be nominated for Best Actor or Best Supporting Actor for the Joker..this just adds to my argument..I mean, we've only seen the trailer and I'm still blown away by Ledger's performance every time i see it. It is downright amazing, and not only should Heath be nominated but he should win the thing, not just because he died, but because he gave the most memorable performance in the history of comic-book movies, or dare i say cinema.

Ledger for Best Actor!
One thing i would say to that is Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the black pearl came out in July too, and Johnny Depp got his best actor nomination.

Even with that, POTC had such a traditional almost period piece story that has a wider appeal than something from the Comic book genre.
Have there been any dead people been nominated for Oscars? If so........


Have there been any dead people been nominated for Oscars? If so........


Peter Finch's wikipedia.

"At the time of his death, he was doing a promotional tour for the 1976 film Network in which he made an over-the-top portrayal of the crazed television anchor man Howard Beale. He was posthumously nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for his role, and went on to win the award, which was accepted by his widow. Although James Dean, Spencer Tracy, and Massimo Troisi had also been posthumously nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, Peter Finch was the first (and only) actor ever to win the award posthumously."
Peter Finch's wikipedia.

"At the time of his death, he was doing a promotional tour for the 1976 film Network in which he made an over-the-top portrayal of the crazed television anchor man Howard Beale. He was posthumously nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for his role, and went on to win the award, which was accepted by his widow. Although James Dean, Spencer Tracy, and Massimo Troisi had also been posthumously nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, Peter Finch was the first (and only) actor ever to win the award posthumously."

Really. Then it already belongs to Ledger.:hoboj:
Buttman - I looked that up earlier this week, the day of his death, and noticed some strange similarities.

Both of them were Australians, both were nominated for roles as homosexuals, and both of their last on-screen roles were crazies.

That said, I want Ledger to get a posthumous Oscar, too. :D
I think the whole industry is going off the deep end with his death. They, and the media, need to chill out a bit.
Yeah, but Donk, if his Joker ends up being as good as it could be, then maybe he'll deserve it.
Then he should win. Christ, watch the damned movie 1st then decide

Everyone's looking for a martyr
I've said from the beginning that Heath would at least be nominated for Best Actor or Best Supporting Actor for the Joker..this just adds to my argument..I mean, we've only seen the trailer and I'm still blown away by Ledger's performance every time i see it. It is downright amazing, and not only should Heath be nominated but he should win the thing, not just because he died, but because he gave the most memorable performance in the history of comic-book movies, or dare i say cinema.

Ledger for Best Actor!

You have not seen the film but you're already calling it the most memorable performance in the history of comic book movies and all of cinema?

Some of you are being irrational.

As someone else pointed out, unfortunately, because of Ledger's death, people are no longer going to judge the performance itself, instead because it is his last, we're all really just going to call it the greatest performance ever no matter how good or bad it actually is...
Not necessarily, if Gilliam gets his film finished, that will be his last.

I heard few website said the movie will be canned. They didn't film a lot & Ledger is suppose to be a major character in it. It wasn't like The Crow, which was almost finish before Brandon Lee was shot.
I heard few website said the movie will be canned. They didn't film a lot & Ledger is suppose to be a major character in it. It wasn't like The Crow, which was almost finish before Brandon Lee was shot.

last I read, they were trying to get Johnny Depp, who is available at the moment, to take over (part of) Heaths role. They have filmed his scenes up to a point where his character falls through a magic mirror which takes him to a fantasy-land, which is where he would transform into Depp.
You have not seen the film but you're already calling it the most memorable performance in the history of comic book movies and all of cinema?

Some of you are being irrational.

As someone else pointed out, unfortunately, because of Ledger's death, people are no longer going to judge the performance itself, instead because it is his last, we're all really just going to call it the greatest performance ever no matter how good or bad it actually is...

i getcha Socko..i guess some clarification is in order so here goes:

as i said, though we've only seen the trailer, the one thing that stands out above everything is Heath's performance as the Joker. that and from what we've heard from Michael Caine, Christian Bale, Chris Nolan, and Eric Roberts (among others), the way Heath portrays the Joker is shaping up to be the most memorable performances in cinema history, like Jack Nicholson's portrayal of Joker in '89.

sorry if i sounded irrational before, Socko..i'm just very optimistic about Ledger as Joker
Yeah, I'm going to agree with Socko here, this optimistic calling for a best actor nom/win is a little irrational. Heath's performance looks promising, for damn sure, and it could be the best performance of the genre, but an Academy recognition of that is very nil. Even with his nomination for BBM, he's not completely a part of the specific crowd the Oscars attribute themselves with, and a nomination for a role and film the Oscars generally ignore is unlikely, a win even more unlikely.
Of course, with floundering ratings and interest, there is still a chance but it's slim.
The last few years the Oscars have had little tributes to the actors who have died during the year, and that's probably all Heath will get. Though he may not even get that as it seems that, depressingly, there's not going to be a show this year.
Yeah, I'm going to agree with Socko here, this optimistic calling for a best actor nom/win is a little irrational. Heath's performance looks promising, for damn sure, and it could be the best performance of the genre, but an Academy recognition of that is very nil. Even with his nomination for BBM, he's not completely a part of the specific crowd the Oscars attribute themselves with, and a nomination for a role and film the Oscars generally ignore is unlikely, a win even more unlikely.
Of course, with floundering ratings and interest, there is still a chance but it's slim.
The last few years the Oscars have had little tributes to the actors who have died during the year, and that's probably all Heath will get. Though he may not even get that as it seems that, depressingly, there's not going to be a show this year.
there will be a show. i think they have some tricks up their sleeve. there's crazy rumors about all the stuff they have in store. but the producer of the show assures there will be an oscar ceremony this year. but we'll see.
Fox 13 in Salt Lake City just ran a news story that Ledger's performance in TDK is so good he may be awarded a post humous Academy Award for his troubles. Then they played the latest trailer, but the weird thing is they did a crap editing job. They essentially played two minutes of the trailer with all the parts out of order, and the music attested to it. Anyway they quoted Chris Nolan and the recent LA Times article. This movie's getting a lot of free hype.... and still no hulk trailer.... :clown:

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